Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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Case average now over 110k per day. Deaths over 950 per day. For reference, data from last Monday versus today (7-day averages for cases and deaths):

cases: 83k -> 112k (35% increase)
hospitalizations: 48k -> 59k (23% increase)
deaths: 824 -> 953 (16% increase)

And there is nothing to indicate that any of this is slowing down.

I won't be surprised if we start getting 200k cases per day and 2k deaths/per day in the near future.
First monoclonal antibody treatment has been granted emergency use authorization by FDA to treat recently diagnosed, mild to moderate COVID-19 in high-risk patients. As previously discussed, it is not effective in hospitalized patients where the viral load is already too high and the damage has been done.


So..pfizer has a 90% effective vaccine? For real?

So then 2021 is saved.


Maybe half of 2021 is saved. This won't be available until Spring/Summer.

Yea maybe the vaccine gets FDA approval and deploys before end of year. Even then, distribution is the real challenge.

I don't see how the U.S. possibly distributes enough of it to make a dent in spread before next summer, maybe even early fall.

Following regional public health protocols still gonna be our best offense and defense for the foreseeable future.
Case average now over 110k per day. Deaths over 950 per day. For reference, data from last Monday versus today (7-day averages for cases and deaths):

cases: 83k -> 112k (35% increase)
hospitalizations: 48k -> 59k (23% increase)
deaths: 824 -> 953 (16% increase)

And there is nothing to indicate that any of this is slowing down.

I won't be surprised if we start getting 200k cases per day and 2k deaths/per day in the near future.

That's where we're going.
Check this out:
Local news just had one of the vaccine volunteer guinea pigs on.
The man said he doesn’t know anything more than what was announced in the news. Pfizer told him nothing about how long the vaccine is supposed to last for, if he’s immune or not, if it can still spread it asymptomaticaly.
He still wears a mask in public and washes hands frequently.
That’s pretty standard for blinded randomized clinical trials in terms of knowing results, we won’t really know all the data until all the analysis is done

And participants really won’t know what they got until the study is finished
Local news just had one of the vaccine volunteer guinea pigs on.
The man said he doesn’t know anything more than what was announced in the news. Pfizer told him nothing about how long the vaccine is supposed to last for, if he’s immune or not, if it can still spread it asymptomaticaly.
He still wears a mask in public and washes hands frequently.

That sounds about right. He’s not even supposed to know if he received the actual vaccine or placebo. The trial is ongoing and what was released yesterday was preliminary data from a press release. Pfizer intends to follow all subjects for at least 2 months after their second injection before applying for emergency use authorization, which won’t be until late November. IIRC, the initial “goal” was also to wait until at least ~160 trial participants became infected with COVID-19 and assess the results at that time. So far, only 10% of those who have caught the virus were in the vaccine group, meaning it’s 90% effective. That’s my basic understanding at least.
Regarding placebo and such with the vaccine test, shouldn’t some reckless folks be given this to see if they are still okay after massive and extended exposure? Trump folks maybe?
^^It's hard to tell whether people are really that uninformed, ignorant, or trolling (or all the above). FWIW, Biden could have done a better job explaining why mask wearing (even when you feel healthy) is important but the levels of willful ignorance never fail to surprise me.
^^It's hard to tell whether people are really that uninformed, ignorant, or trolling (or all the above). FWIW, Biden could have done a better job explaining why mask wearing (even when you feel healthy) is important but the levels of willful ignorance never fail to surprise me.
How better does it need to be explained? How many times does it need to be explained?
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