Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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To put that in comparison to the flu vaccine...because various strains of the flu mutate and change year by year (which I have a feeling the 'Rona will continue to do as well) a flu vaccine, on average is effective 40% of the time, meaning it has prevented the illness 40% of the time. Health officials only started tracking the effectiveness in 2003 and in 2004-05 it was only 10% effective. That highest it has ever been was 60%. With a flu shot you also help to avoid getting a severe case which means less patients in the hospitals and if hospitalization is required less time in the intensive care unit.
I don't believe, at least right now we want a vaccination that will completely eradicate COVID-20 like the measles. Down the line absolutely but that will take time. We should be focusing on helping those that are the most at risk for this disease and then fanning out from there so we can try and SAFELY resume life. (Think mask mandates and social distancing until everyone can get a shot) We want a vaccine that has a high rate of complete prevention or less severe symptoms.
That's great news about the vaccine. I feel like Lloyd Christmas when he finds out we landed on the moon.

It's of course preliminary but efficacy in the 80-90% range is much better than most were expecting. To put it into perspective: if the efficacy is 40-50%, which is what most were hoping for and expecting, we'd have to immunize nearly 100% of the population to reach herd immunity (the point at which the virus would eventually be eradicated). With 90% efficacy, we'd only have to immunize ~50% of the population.

Either way, if this holds up, it'll make a big impact even with just the first 10% of the population who get vaccinated. It would be targeted to those at highest risk and who have a lot of contacts (hospital workers, first responders, etc). Essentially removing those nodes from transmission chains would make a significant impact on the spread of the virus. Coupled with adherence to masking and social distancing and the orange turd being out of office, we would finally have the upper hand on covid.
Biden getting the biggest medical alleyoop. Trump must be boiling at this point. It’s 2 months away from potentially releasing too. Perfect timing
pfizer waiting until the election is called is one of my top 10 moments of 2020 :lol:

I don't know if that's the case, but if you're going to play politics with the pandemic and the vaccine while also insulting the medical community and belittling victims of the virus and public health efforts, this is more than justified.
You should change that from a probably.

You can still be contagious. You need to find out if you have or had it, I'm sure they have drive thru places in your area

Mr Dink Mr Dink I'm glad you're doing ok but there's a high chance you had covid so please self-isolate for a bit more and get a test if you can.
took my kids to the zoo and a big sunflower field over the weekend and it was nice seeing all the people maintain distance while masked up. then i jumped in the car to take my kids to watch the sunset and the beach nearby was a madhouse. big groups, no masks, bbq, volleyball, no parking at all lol. at least it was all outdoors but i’m guessing we might never see the next reopening tier until next year.
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