Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

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This is dumb as ****. I’m sorry

Don't be sorry. I'm speaking from experience dealing with people like this IRL and have found that it works best to convince them with facts and scenarios that relate to their real lives. For example, I have employees who did not understand why we made masks mandatory back in March. I heard the typical, "I'm not sick, I shouldn't have to wear one" or "It's too hard to breathe" or "It will be hard for customers to understand me on the phone". Rather than just say "do it because I said so" I led with the fact that even though you might feel fine, you can be shedding the virus and not know it and even if you aren't worried about yourself getting infected, we have older employees, one with COPD and one who recently had a kidney transplant who might not be able to fight off the virus if they caught it. If everyone wears a mask, we all reduce our chances of getting sick and we show others that we care about their health and wellbeing. To this day, we still get pushback from employees who say they don't know anyone who has gotten very sick, or anyone who has died, so it's probably not as bad as the media says. I tell them they DO know plenty of people who have gotten very sick and died, they just might not know them by name. It might be the guy who bags their groceries, the lady who works the front desk at their doctors office, or the person who picked the fruit/vegetables they ate for dinner last night. I've alerted them to the fact that we have had employees test positive for the virus, and while each of them has made a full recovery, one lady also infected her mother who lives with her and sadly she died from the virus. I tell them we are all connected and our actions directly impact the lives of others. It would be a lot easier to just say "wear a mask" and fire them if they don't but that's not going to convince anyone they're doing the right thing.
Saw Dr Gottlieb mention the other day that the ~100k is actually closer to 500k with the asymptotic and mild cases not being diagnosed. Winter is about to be insane. Trust nobody who tells you they’ve just got a little cold or allergies because it’s more likely to be COVID. I honestly just assume everyone has it and every surface and door handle is contaminated.
2 of my roommates are recovering from colds/coughs and neither got tested. I've been nowhere in past 10 days and can't wait for saturday to hit. Last weekend was brutal being quarantined with the last of the nice weather :smh:
A girl who I can't stand at work just got back from vacationing in Florida, didn't follow the self-quarantine guidelines, and now comes to work with a moist cough talking about "don't worry guys, it's just a cold" despite never getting swabbed.

We work in critical care at a hospital and she has been a nurse for almost 10 years now.
At least my room mates kept their sneezy sniffly wet cough having asses at home. I was also in Miami so I would have quarantined even if they weren't sick.
Wife daughter & myself all on self quarantine now because a selfish employee didnt want to take their *** home when they had a cough for a whole week and their sig other had symptoms. :angry: Oh and that office is now closed and all 6 families having to self quarantine (well theyre supposed to but idk if they all are)

Since friday symptoms for us have slowly developed, daughter appears fine thankfully. Told her she should slap tf outta them on sight
Don't be sorry. I'm speaking from experience dealing with people like this IRL and have found that it works best to convince them with facts and scenarios that relate to their real lives. For example, I have employees who did not understand why we made masks mandatory back in March. I heard the typical, "I'm not sick, I shouldn't have to wear one" or "It's too hard to breathe" or "It will be hard for customers to understand me on the phone". Rather than just say "do it because I said so" I led with the fact that even though you might feel fine, you can be shedding the virus and not know it and even if you aren't worried about yourself getting infected, we have older employees, one with COPD and one who recently had a kidney transplant who might not be able to fight off the virus if they caught it. If everyone wears a mask, we all reduce our chances of getting sick and we show others that we care about their health and wellbeing. To this day, we still get pushback from employees who say they don't know anyone who has gotten very sick, or anyone who has died, so it's probably not as bad as the media says. I tell them they DO know plenty of people who have gotten very sick and died, they just might not know them by name. It might be the guy who bags their groceries, the lady who works the front desk at their doctors office, or the person who picked the fruit/vegetables they ate for dinner last night. I've alerted them to the fact that we have had employees test positive for the virus, and while each of them has made a full recovery, one lady also infected her mother who lives with her and sadly she died from the virus. I tell them we are all connected and our actions directly impact the lives of others. It would be a lot easier to just say "wear a mask" and fire them if they don't but that's not going to convince anyone they're doing the right thing.

Wife daughter & myself all on self quarantine now because a selfish employee didnt want to take their *** home when they had a cough for a whole week and their sig other had symptoms. :angry:

Since friday symptoms for us have slowly developed, daughter appears fine thankfully. Told her she should slap tf outta them on sight

I hope you guys make a full and speedy recovery. What kind of symptoms have you been experiencing?
I hope you guys make a full and speedy recovery. What kind of symptoms have you been experiencing?

At this point we both feeling the same things im just a couple days behind her, which im more concerned now cuz im feeling the same s*** and didnt start til cpl days later.

Anyways, last night both had a fever(high temps) for cpl hours, body ache, cough, chills and then hot, she cant smell anything.
This article is several days old, but I just read it and it certainly sounds promising:

I also read recently that the antihistamine nasal spray (Azelastine) I use morning and night has been shown to protect against COVID-19 in lab experiments, but it needs to be proven in humans. I'm definitely gonna keep refilling my prescription in the meantime!
I'm officially cutting off a long time friend (about 20 years) after this buffoon of a human told me "Masks don't work. That's misinformation." :smh: People like him is why this pandemic is dragging on. Him & his family should walk through a covid unit without a mask.
San Diego back to purple tier now :smh:

I'm afraid all counties will be there soon enough. I don't know what kind of games Fresno has been playing with the numbers, but according to my calculations we should have been back in purple weeks ago.
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