Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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How u made a negative out of what I said is beyond me, but uncool. Also b/c u annoyed me twice now, I hope your toilet stops up & u have a nightmare, so "boo *** hoo" to u too.

You have bad night.
Youre corny. You came in trying to be funny, as usual, and as usual, you flopped. Take the L, then take a walk.

Yeah we're not going to normal anytime soon. I'm gonna be bored, more ppl are gonna die, I might die, etc. Despite all of this ppl will continue to deny this situation.

I was out in rural territory yesterday & more than not ppl weren't wearing mask in stores. Mind u that this is in a state where mask were mandated. There's a large section of ppl that are genuinely like "**** that" when it's comes to this whole pandemic.

Forget chilling w/ ppl (not really, kinda), I'm more annoyed about not being able about to just read in a Barnes n' Noble somewhere. I want this thing to go away. It's trash :lol:
just one day of my son’s schedule. not tooo much screen time but it’s spread out over the whole damn day. it’s gonna be crazy rough on my wife who is working from home all day and while watching our 1-year old baby. we’re gonna buy him some blue light glasses, we upped our bandwidth so they can both do their **** without lags, and we tried to set up his desk to be efficient.

Not a bad idea but :lol: at the upcharge. Should be down closer to $20.
Not saying the real price is 500, but the real price probably isn't 20 either. 20 is probably with insurance covering the rest. I'm not an expert in medical costs so I can't say anything more than that and be a hundred percent sure

The $500 was luxury tax for attending a party in the Hamptons :lol:
another sad thing about the school year starting is that they issued face shields, masks, and a mat they have to use at lunch to make sure they’re properly distanced. i got my kid some small kn95s though....he likes that it doesn’t touch his mouth as much. the earliest in-person classes could start is the end of september.
How u made a negative out of what I said is beyond me, but uncool.

You didn’t say anything negative per se but you highlighted how you annoyed because it’s been the most boring year of your life and you can’t read in Barnes & Noble. I think your overall sentiment meant well but it comes off as insensitive when you combine it with complaints about things that are essentially first-world problems and inconveniences that are trivial in the grand scheme of things.
You didn’t say anything negative per se but you highlighted how you annoyed because it’s been the most boring year of your life and you can’t read in Barnes & Noble. I think your overall sentiment meant well but it comes off as insensitive when you combine it with complaints about things that are essentially first-world problems and inconveniences that are trivial in the grand scheme of things.
Understand what u said, but as I've stated throughout this thread this whole occurrence was & is preventable at least to the degree it is now. Me being bored is the minutiae gripe I have w/ this pandemic. That rooster up there strawmaned a post of appreciation towards ppl helping me be more knowledgeable & altruistic about this situation.

Instances like this is due to ignorance, arrogance, & or selfishness:

A minority happenings such as the one above negatively effects the majority:

great movie, i wish to get 28 months later.

Mad ppl w/ non-essential jobs can't work & aren't getting stimulus checks, so they're stressed as hell rn. and that's just in a 1st world country. I went in Walmart the other day & I was the oddball for wearing a stupid mask where I'm supposed (mandated) to wear a mask. They're inconveniencing myself & everyone else. The guy that repairs my electronics when I can't figure out going was able to visit his sick mother in another country on in East just in time b4 the U.S. citizen ban. So yes I wish this didn't exist or would go away. :lol:
just one day of my son’s schedule. not tooo much screen time but it’s spread out over the whole damn day. it’s gonna be crazy rough on my wife who is working from home all day and while watching our 1-year old baby. we’re gonna buy him some blue light glasses, we upped our bandwidth so they can both do their **** without lags, and we tried to set up his desk to be efficient.

Do they give you a full on lesson plan with materials? Or just like, basic outline of what needs to be done. I'm really curious what P.E. is :nerd: lol. Like, 1 on 1 dodgeball?
Do they give you a full on lesson plan with materials? Or just like, basic outline of what needs to be done. I'm really curious what P.E. is :nerd: lol. Like, 1 on 1 dodgeball?
yeah there’s a packet of worksheets and stuff that i also picked up plus his ipad was remotely reset with the newest apps for this year. last year for PE, they did **** like calisthenics and movements but it’s gonna be different this year i think. class is through zoom and assignments are through apps or worksheets that the kids complete, take a pic, and upload. pretty crazy for little kids if you ask me.
another sad thing about the school year starting is that they issued face shields, masks, and a mat they have to use at lunch to make sure they’re properly distanced. i got my kid some small kn95s though....he likes that it doesn’t touch his mouth as much. the earliest in-person classes could start is the end of september.

What brand is that? Looking to get my 3 yr old and face mask
Finally after almost 2 months my mom is out of the hospital. She still has a few complications but they have gotten them under control. Her lungs are back to normal and and she just needs to do rehab for her lower body since she's been in the hospital for so long.

Thank you for all of the positive vibes and prayers from you guys. It's meant a lot to me and my mom :nthat:

Add ECU to the list of shutdowns. My guess is by September is done all major schools in the state will be all online. They’re giving anyone on campus until the 30th of August to get their stuff and move out.

We've already reached the point where people don't care anymore.

I see friends and acquaintances out having fun and doing them. People are tired of it all.

Winter is going to be a blessing and curse. Logically speaking there'll be less getting together because it's too cold to do anything. So there should be less spreading. We'd be close to a year with this around. You would think we'd be able to manage better...until someone actually gets sick. Then you add the yearly cases of the flu to that.

Gonna be real different.
Hmm. 175k Americans died so far and that's with, maybe 60 - 70 percent of ppl (am I being too optimistic of the percentage here?) giving a crap, keeping their guard up, social distancing, mask wearing, hand hygiene, not choosing to go out and congregate when it's unnecessary.

What I'm trying to say is now's not the time to let down your guard, not when the fall is coming.

Be safe.
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