Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Man these schools got the kids sitting in front of their computer for 8hrs a day w/ a 45 minute lunch break.

They have lost their ****ing minds. It should be 5 hrs at most.

That **** ain’t natural, reasonable, or beneficial.

My kids only have 2-3 hours of screen/zoom time and the rest is supposed to be independent work and reading. It's been very well done so far, IMO.
My kids only have 2-3 hours of screen/zoom time and the rest is supposed to be independent work and reading. It's been very well done so far, IMO.
It might be an age thing or something. My sister is in middle school, so it's multiple classes as well. Are your children in private school?
Had my secretary out the past 2 weeks quarantining because her son tested positive with minimal (described as an allergy-like stuffy nose and loss of smell for a few days) symptoms. She and her 2 daughters never caught it, thankfully. It all started from a drive by birthday party she threw for her daughter where she let a handful of family members come inside at the end and sing happy birthday and eat cake for ~1 hour without masks. 5 ended up testing positive, with only my secretary and her daughters never catching it AFAIK. Case zero was a family member who came from out of town and brought a real special gift with her...

Off topic, but are all of you guys getting email notifications of replies to watched threads? I think there’s something going on with NT that’s produced a noticeable decline in activity in this thread (and likely others). I was recently completely locked out of my NT account and finally got everything working correctly with an assist from whywesteppin whywesteppin but now I still don’t get reply notification emails. I’ve noticed some regular posters are absent, like @shibadekobe and 160jordansdeep 160jordansdeep but maybe others as well?
Had this problem a few weeks ago. Waking up to 50 email notifications. I tried to unwatch and re-watch the threads. I can't remember, what fixed it, but it was a PITA for a couple of days. I had to reinstall windows for other reasons and did a fully cookie clean. I haven't had any problems since.

Hope your family and secretary is going better.
It might be an age thing or something. My sister is in middle school, so it's multiple classes as well. Are your children in private school?

Yes, private school. The administration has really been pushing for in-person classes since summer and thankfully been shot down at every turn. My wife is dealing with distance learning like a G, but it helps that she's been a substitute teacher for over a decade and knows the curriculum. The biggest problem she has is sitting back and letting the kids figure it out. Her instinct is to get involved and offer help, but I tell her it's really doing the opposite and making them reliant on her. My 9 y/o son actually asked her to do one of his assignments so he could work on something else!:rofl:
Interesting stuff about Spain. Apparently number of cases spreading super fast but hospital treatment and intensive care has remained low.
Off topic, but are all of you guys getting email notifications of replies to watched threads? I think there’s something going on with NT that’s produced a noticeable decline in activity in this thread (and likely others). I was recently completely locked out of my NT account and finally got everything working correctly with an assist from whywesteppin whywesteppin whywesteppin whywesteppin but now I still don’t get reply notification emails. I’ve noticed some regular posters are absent, like [IMG alt="shibadekobe"]https://niketalk.com/data/avatars/s/117/117654.jpg?1500216160[/IMG] shibadekobe and 160jordansdeep 160jordansdeep 160jordansdeep 160jordansdeep but maybe others as well?
I started getting email notification a day after I turned them on. Then I got hundreds and turned it back off.

It seemed to be working but there was some lag between when you turn them on until you start getting notifications.
Yes, private school. The administration has really been pushing for in-person classes since summer and thankfully been shot down at every turn. My wife is dealing with distance learning like a G, but it helps that she's been a substitute teacher for over a decade and knows the curriculum. The biggest problem she has is sitting back and letting the kids figure it out. Her instinct is to get involved and offer help, but I tell her it's really doing the opposite and making them reliant on her. My 9 y/o son actually asked her to do one of his assignments so he could work on something else!:rofl:
Yeah figured, public schools don't really care about kids. A few of my old went to those friends academics throughout ny & they couldn't wrap their heads around my public school stories. Made me look at things a lot different :lol:
i had a weeks ban for defending myself from some niketalkers

but in this time i have found some very interesting reading on the possible origins of the coronavirus

"We propose that, when frozen samples derived from the miners were eventually opened in the Wuhan lab they were already highly adapted to humans to an extent possibly not anticipated by the researchers. One small mistake or mechanical breakdown could have led directly to the first human infection in late 2019.

Thus, one of the miners, most likely patient 3, or patient 4 (whose thymus was removed), was effectively patient zero of the COVID-19 epidemic. In this scenario, COVID-19 is not an engineered virus; but, equally, if it had not been taken to Wuhan and no further molecular research had been performed or planned for it then the virus would have died out from natural causes, rather than escaped to initiate the COVID-19 pandemic."
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the only positive for real new yorkers not gentrifiers or the wealthy

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If we're in the year 2022 and people are still working from home, then yea NYC prices are gonna be crazy cheap.

from your lips to god's ears

i can deal with the crime and the bums if nyc becomes affordable again

uncle joes right about this
uncle joe.jpg

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