Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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His message is delivered very poorly, but sadly the sentiment is real and growing louder by the day. I don't know who he is or whether he is a business owner who has been affected by being shut down, but I do feel bad for the many companies that are unable to operate and will likely not make it. The worst part is that state and local governments have to force interventions on people who are unwilling to take measures to protect themselves. If citizens acted responsibly, wore masks, and maintained proper social distancing we might actually be able to keep the virus from getting out of control AND keep businesses open. People like him who deny science and resist the things that actually work to protect us tend to be the loudest voices and the most likely to act irresponsibly, leading to more disease and death, which will keep businesses/schools closed even longer.
Birx agrees with the prevailing recommendation from epidemiologists that college campuses (and other schools) need to have a huge testing capacity to hope to open safely. Entrance screening is not enough:

Most college and universities don't have any real testing plan in place to handle a high load of ongoing, frequent testing of their student bodies.
Today's updates - deaths lingering around a 7-day average of 1000/day. Earlier I thought it may get closer to 1500 but looks like cases have come down in most states in the past couple weeks, so this number of deaths is not surprising.

I have no good explanation for why cases went up nearly everywhere in the country in July and then came down everywhere in August other than some magical collective consciousness, which is actually fairly reasonable. I remember my friends saying the dating apps suddenly dried up a few weeks ago, and this happened to foretell the drop in numbers. Nobody thinks it's going to happen to them until it happens to them (or somebody they know), and that's when people start staying home, wearing masks, etc.

New York continues to do well:

New Zealand is doing ok (at least no big explosion in case numbers) with this latest outbreak. Adding 5-10 cases per day. We'll see if this really goes away again in week or two:

Today's updates - deaths lingering around a 7-day average of 1000/day. Earlier I thought it may get closer to 1500 but looks like cases have come down in most states in the past couple weeks, so this number of deaths is not surprising.

I have no good explanation for why cases went up nearly everywhere in the country in July and then came down everywhere in August other than some magical collective consciousness, which is actually fairly reasonable. I remember my friends saying the dating apps suddenly dried up a few weeks ago, and this happened to foretell the drop in numbers. Nobody thinks it's going to happen to them until it happens to them (or somebody they know), and that's when people start staying home, wearing masks, etc.

New York continues to do well:

New Zealand is doing ok (at least no big explosion in case numbers) with this latest outbreak. Adding 5-10 cases per day. We'll see if this really goes away again in week or two:

Does the drop in numbers have anything to do with the white supremacist administration collecting all the data first?
Does the drop in numbers have anything to do with the white supremacist administration collecting all the data first?
That's exactly the reason why and if you think otherwise you are bugging. There are no indications that Americans are taking more precautions between July and August. In fact, it appears we are going deeper in the hole with schools.

The one thing that has changed? Trump administration taking all Covid information before providing it to the public.
Usually wait till Oct to get flu shot. Going to bump up to Sept. Still have serious questions on any fast tracked covid vaccine. Thinking mask, distance and sanitizer will continue help against both. Sure as heck don’t want both.

Starting to see news on getting early flu shot: Sept-Oct best. Need 2-4 weeks to kick in for season that runs about Nov to Jan/Feb.

Does the drop in numbers have anything to do with the white supremacist administration collecting all the data first?
That's exactly the reason why and if you think otherwise you are bugging. There are no indications that Americans are taking more precautions between July and August. In fact, it appears we are going deeper in the hole with schools.

The one thing that has changed? Trump administration taking all Covid information before providing it to the public.
I may be wrong, but I think the states collect their testing data and can release it directly. So I would trust the testing numbers from a state that isn't licking Trump's boots (i.e. not Florida or Texas).

What I think changed is that hospitalization data was taken over by this admin, so those numbers cannot be trusted at all. But I haven't kept up enough to say anything with confidence.
Usually wait till Oct to get flu shot. Going to bump up to Sept. Still have serious questions on any fast tracked covid vaccine. Thinking mask, distance and sanitizer will continue help against both. Sure as heck don’t want both.

Starting to see news on getting early flu shot: Sept-Oct best. Need 2-4 weeks to kick in for season that runs about Nov to Jan/Feb.

The more people who get the flu shot, the better. It's not 100% effective, but it can blunt the spread of influenza, which can make all the difference.

As for the covid vaccine, let's see how these phase 3 trials play out. They're still all going through the full rigorous screening that any other vaccines would have to go through, as far as I know. But we need to be wary of some obvious interference, like if Trump magically announces a vaccine on November 2.
I may be wrong, but I think the states collect their testing data and can release it directly. So I would trust the testing numbers from a state that isn't licking Trump's boots (i.e. not Florida or Texas).

What I think changed is that hospitalization data was taken over by this admin, so those numbers cannot be trusted at all. But I haven't kept up enough to say anything with confidence.
It wasn’t a loaded question as I have no idea but I know that’s the rumblings I’m hearing
I will say our census at our hospital has gone down too
we had to revert to some pretty tough restrictions again. some of the highlights:
• if you go to the beach, you have to be in the water. no hanging out on the sand.
• no social gatherings in your home.
• no singing in church.
and a bunch of others.
Had my secretary out the past 2 weeks quarantining because her son tested positive with minimal (described as an allergy-like stuffy nose and loss of smell for a few days) symptoms. She and her 2 daughters never caught it, thankfully. It all started from a drive by birthday party she threw for her daughter where she let a handful of family members come inside at the end and sing happy birthday and eat cake for ~1 hour without masks. 5 ended up testing positive, with only my secretary and her daughters never catching it AFAIK. Case zero was a family member who came from out of town and brought a real special gift with her...

Off topic, but are all of you guys getting email notifications of replies to watched threads? I think there’s something going on with NT that’s produced a noticeable decline in activity in this thread (and likely others). I was recently completely locked out of my NT account and finally got everything working correctly with an assist from whywesteppin whywesteppin but now I still don’t get reply notification emails. I’ve noticed some regular posters are absent, like shibadekobe shibadekobe and 160jordansdeep 160jordansdeep but maybe others as well?
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