Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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If Trump wanted to win the day (which he won't), he would've gone hard on the rapid tests and pressured the CDC to streamline their approval and Congress to fund them and manufacturers to produce them.

We don't know when we'll get a vaccine, but rapid testing technology already exists and can be mass-produced. It's a no-brainer. Which means Trump won't push for it.

speak of the devil.

NBA doing what the government should've done.

there's now multiple of these rapid tests out there. hopefully they can start being sold at a decent price in high quantities.

the battle rages on, however:

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fb loves all that garbage. All the political BS and russian troll farms using them to sway the election. zuckerberg is a punk. fb doing too much. Should’ve stayed as just a place to meet people in college.

yep. I deaded mine when the Pandemic first dropped. Too much misinformation and conspiracy theories being spread.

Used to be a way to keep in touch with the homies, chat with girls, find out about parties etc.

now it’s just a cesspool of boomers, the dumbest kids you went to high school with, Karens and their antivaxxer nonsense, and pyramid schemers.
yep. I deaded mine when the Pandemic first dropped. Too much misinformation and conspiracy theories being spread.

Used to be a way to keep in touch with the homies, chat with girls, find out about parties etc.

now it’s just a cesspool of boomers, the dumbest kids you went to high school with, Karens and their antivaxxer nonsense, and pyramid schemers.

I still have mine to keep in touch with folks/spy into their lives lol but my friends list is limited to family and friends. No acquaintances or randoms and at any sign of dumbassery they get the boot.
yep. I deaded mine when the Pandemic first dropped. Too much misinformation and conspiracy theories being spread.

Used to be a way to keep in touch with the homies, chat with girls, find out about parties etc.

now it’s just a cesspool of boomers, the dumbest kids you went to high school with, Karens and their antivaxxer nonsense, and pyramid schemers.
These are the exact reasons I enjoy FB. So much *******. :lol:
Srs question and totally off subject.

What can fb do as far as keeping in touch that text/email cant?

Pretty much literally that, most folk from my observation are too lazy to do the typical "call via phone" or do a "casual email" for communication anymore.

Especially with Facebook's messenger app, it literally has voice call built-in to the app itself..........you don't even need a friend's phone number when making a voice call on FB Messenger, you just both need to be on each's other's friends list on Facebook.

So in other words, I'm pretty much advocating for Facebook Messenger more than actual Facebook itself...........but Facebook is the necessary evil you need to make Facebook Messenger work.
Pretty much literally that, most folk from my observation are too lazy to do the typical "call via phone" or do a "casual email" for communication anymore.

Especially with Facebook's messenger app, it literally has voice call built-in to the app itself..........you don't even need a friend's phone number when making a voice call on FB Messenger, you just both need to be on each's other's friends list on Facebook.

So in other words, I'm pretty much advocating for Facebook Messenger more than actual Facebook itself...........but Facebook is the necessary evil you need to make Facebook Messenger work.

to add, older folks don't really check their e-mails that often from what I've seen. But they definitely know to check their FB every two hours lol
fb loves all that garbage. All the political BS and russian troll farms using them to sway the election. zuckerberg is a punk. fb doing too much. Should’ve stayed as just a place to meet people in college.
If the movie was accurate, it was mainly Sean Parker's doing and mark idolized him.
You can see what people are up to and see how they are doing without actually talking to them, its a wonderful thing. :lol:
exactly. like, I know you pretty close and I'm interested in your life but I don't want to physically talk to you or have a drawn out awkward text conversation with you either :lol:

So pretty much cliffnotes for real life? :lol:
Fb has turned into a cesspool of ignorance. I had to deactivate. I really miss the old days of 05-06 fb.

did the same thing a couple months ago. Felt so much better getting off FB and not seeing the stupidity or negativity from friends and family. Deactivating FB was one of best decisions I’ve made in 2020.

At this point, people have made their decision in regards to masks and social distancing so there’s no point in trying to persuade them to wear one for their own safety as well as others. Gotta look out for myself and my Family cuz that’s priority #1
man, how are the teacher holding up?

Its gotta be rough on them. Imagine being on zoom calls for 5+hours a day, with young kids. They must be spent by dinner time. And the teachers who have kids who basically have to go to their 2nd job (as a parent)? I cant even imagine.

Hopefully we can all let our teachers know how good of a job they are doing. They need some encouragement. I definitely donating way more than usual for the end of the year teacher gift.

When my 5 yr old son started distance learning in March due to the lockdown, it was an adjustment. Took about a week to getting everything going smoothly and that’s largely in part to the teachers and staff.

I thanked his kindergarten teachers several times throughout the year for what they are doing to help my child as well as his classmates. At the end of the year, his school did an end of the year drive by to see his teachers. My wife got his teachers some good gifts and we bought the whole school staff Nothing Bundt Cakes to thank them for their hard work and dedication. It’s hard for both teachers and kids. Especially younger kids who need that socialization.
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