Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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For any of you who have time to listen to an hour long podcast at work or in the car, this is a fantastic discussion that covers where we've been, where we are, and where we may be going...

c'mon, that's just crazy.

the best analysis I saw has 1918 pandemic at 5x as deadly as covid-19. and the age distribution is different, with the flu pandemic disproportionately killing younger people.

worth considering though how those numbers would've been cut down with modern medicine.
Hope this a turnaround, hope this means, we know how to handle spikes.

Because this goes from 0 to 60 real fast.

I'm watching the situation in New Zealand / Auckland. After 100 days with no cases, they found a family of 4 was positive. The next day, they found another 13 who were contacts of the original 4. Auckland is back on lockdown.

This is a test of the suppression strategy. Can they effectively stamp out this mini-outbreak in the next couple weeks? And where did this infection come from to begin with?

It's also worth remembering when the USA had just 5 cases. Imagine if we had been on top of things then. Could we have stamped out covid in March with almost no lives lost?
My aunt is throwing a going away party for her daughter (my cousin)
But my cousin told me she has a cough/sore throat, but she's scared to tell her strict mom
And she asked me not to tell anyone
Auntie already sent out invites to the family

When is snitching appropriate?
My aunt is throwing a going away party for her daughter (my cousin)
But my cousin told me she has a cough/sore throat, but she's scared to tell her strict mom
And she asked me not to tell anyone
Auntie already sent out invites to the family

When is snitching appropriate?
When it has the potential to save people's lives.

Can you live with yourself if someone gets covid and dies, all because you didn't "snitch"
My aunt is throwing a going away party for her daughter (my cousin)
But my cousin told me she has a cough/sore throat, but she's scared to tell her strict mom
And she asked me not to tell anyone
Auntie already sent out invites to the family

When is snitching appropriate?
How long until her party?

I assume there will be older people at the party?

What is the prevalence of COVID in your county?

Any other symptoms?

Is the party outdoors with masks and distancing? Is it a low number of people?

I'm asking this because, if your cousin has been staying safe, if covid is low in your community, if her symptoms are mild and she feels better tomorrow, and if the people attending the party are on the younger side, then you could make an argument that it's unlikely she is infected and the risk is low.

If not, though, then I think you gotta rat her out. Or at least help her get a test if there's enough time before the party.

To put it another way, tell her she doesn't want this on her conscience, and she's not going to be able to enjoy her party anyway if she's going to feel guilty the whole time about spreading the virus.
How long until her party?

I assume there will be older people at the party?

What is the prevalence of COVID in your county?

Any other symptoms?

I'm asking this because, if your cousin has been staying safe, if covid is low in your community, if her symptoms are mild and she feels better tomorrow, and if the people attending the party are on the younger side, then you could make an argument that it's unlikely she is infected.

If not, though, then I think you gotta rat her out. Or at least help her get a test if there's enough time before the party.

To put it another way, tell her she doesn't want this on her conscience, and she's not going to be able to enjoy her party anyway if she's going to feel guilty the whole time about spreading the virus.

1) Party is this Saturday indoor <15 people
2) Just a cough that she says is already gone, some throat soreness
3) She was supposed to go on her own to get tested today, but had no car
4) Party will be mostly older parents - my dad and her dad are the most vulnerable
I'm watching the situation in New Zealand / Auckland. After 100 days with no cases, they found a family of 4 was positive. The next day, they found another 13 who were contacts of the original 4. Auckland is back on lockdown.

This is a test of the suppression strategy. Can they effectively stamp out this mini-outbreak in the next couple weeks? And where did this infection come from to begin with?

It's also worth remembering when the USA had just 5 cases. Imagine if we had been on top of things then. Could we have stamped out covid in March with almost no lives lost?

I've read that the father of the family of 4 who originally came down with the virus works in a cold storage/distribution facility where they are investigating whether imported goods in cold storage may have contained the virus, which was potentially kept alive and infectious by being frozen. Again, this is what I read and have not been able to confirm so far.

And regarding suppression, IMO it is not a long term strategy that will eradicate the virus. If one person in the world has it, the entire population remains vulnerable and it WILL spread eventually. Suppression is a short term strategy to buy time in order to prepare. This point is lost on many people, IMHO.
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1) Party is this Saturday
2) Just a cough that she says is already gone, some throat soreness
3) She was supposed to go on her own to get tested today, but had no car
4) Party will be mostly older parents - my dad and her dad are the most vulnerable

Better question is why anyone thinks now is a good time to hold a gathering of people from outside their own household? This has clearly been shown to be the primary driver of infection, especially when held indoors without face coverings. My extended family has been getting together regularly (mostly outdoors, not strict mask wearing) and I have completely avoided it. My dad questioned me about why we don't attend and I told him I thought it was irresponsible and would not subject my family to it. Sorry, not sorry.
1) Party is this Saturday indoor <15 people
2) Just a cough that she says is already gone, some throat soreness
3) She was supposed to go on her own to get tested today, but had no car
4) Party will be mostly older parents - my dad and her dad are the most vulnerable

my cough/sore throat lasted for a day.. lost my smell 3-4 days later. tell them now.
I know they had some restructuring after some scandals recently, but Compton is its own city in LA County just like Inglewood, Santa Monica, Culver City, etc.
wait, wait, wait. if those are cities then, then what is los angeles, or is that & la county not the same thing?
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