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Dr. Fauci Confirms "No Reason We Can't Have In-Person Voting"

Without knowing the whole story, I feel like that's just a catchy headline and he must have finished the thought with something like, "...assuming we continue to see infections decline to levels that are manageable and the disease is at relatively low levels in communities across America."
Without knowing the whole story, I feel like that's just a catchy headline and he must have finished the thought with something like, "...assuming we continue to see infections decline to levels that are manageable and the disease is at relatively low levels in communities across America."

You can google the 8/8/2020 video interview...tried to upload but error'ed
Fauci said in person voting is safe and no different than going to the market.
You can google the 8/8/2020 video interview...tried to upload but error'ed
Fauci said in person voting is safe and no different than going to the market.
But why take the risk
to vote one old man out and put another old man in ?

mail in voting if you want to vote is the best and safest way
You can google the 8/8/2020 video interview...tried to upload but error'ed
Fauci said in person voting is safe and no different than going to the market.

I have always voted by mail, but it's my understanding that most polling places have you go into a "booth" of some sort with shared touch surfaces, right? No thanks.

LA City is huge on its own... LA County is like 3x the size of the city

to add, most of the cities in LA county fall under LA city control but there are a handful of cities within the county that have their own government system and autonomy from the Mayors office. Like Compton, Santa Monica, Pasadena, Long Beach
we hit another new record here today. it spread through the prison - more tests still pending - and honolulu hale (big city and county office where the mayor and city council works).

i was talking to an inspector from the department of health yesterday and she said we are probably about to close dine in for restaurants very soon...depending on hospital capacity.

it’s ******* crazy that we were having so many single digit or zero days and now this. i know a bunch of businesses that were holding out hope that we would be receiving way more tourists again soon but that **** is out the window now. a ton of places are shutting down permanently.

I'm watching the situation in New Zealand / Auckland. After 100 days with no cases, they found a family of 4 was positive. The next day, they found another 13 who were contacts of the original 4. Auckland is back on lockdown.

This is a test of the suppression strategy. Can they effectively stamp out this mini-outbreak in the next couple weeks? And where did this infection come from to begin with?

It's also worth remembering when the USA had just 5 cases. Imagine if we had been on top of things then. Could we have stamped out covid in March with almost no lives lost?
Managing COVID takes a village.

I just think, that COVID is constantly moving though asymptomatic carriers, so it's almost impossible to stamp it out completely. If you got a good mayor and willing villagers, you can manage the cases and if the cases are low enough, the mortality rate quickly drops to zero. But the closer people are and the less careful, the easier it is for the virus to build an army and reach vulnerable targets.

The best we can do, is to accept this new lifestyle of increased hygiene and interpersonal distancing. COVID will still jump from person to person, but we have to keep the viral bridges between us, our circles and strangers as wide as possible, so we can make a dent in the R naught.

That's ideally.

And even ideally that's asking a lot of people. I'm not a very sociable person, but these last six months, COVID has activated extrovert centers in my brain, I never knew existed. Man... these days, all I'm thinking about, is having a drink and going to the movies.

Could we have stamped out covid in March with almost no lives lost?
I wish, but is China not only dropped the ball, they probably also hid it. That meant, we had very little reaction time and it required a lot of political courage. Some national leaders stepped up and stopped the clock, but even in the places, that initially got control of the situation, this is something that requires continued management both on a global, national, local and personal level.
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Managing COVID takes a village.

I just think, that COVID is constantly moving though asymptomatic carriers, so it's almost impossible to stamp it out completely. If you got a good mayor and willing villagers, you can manage the cases and if the cases are low enough, the mortality rate quickly drops to zero. But the closer people are and the less careful, the easier it is for the virus to build an army and reach vulnerable targets.

The best we can do, is to adopt this accept a lifestyle of increased hygiene and interpersonal distancing. COVID will still jump from person to person, but we have to keep the viral bridges between us, our circles and strangers as wide as possible, so we can make a dent in the R naught.

That's ideally.

And even ideally that's asking a lot of people. I'm not a very sociable person, but these last six months, COVID has activated extrovert centers in my brain, I never knew existed. Man... these days, all I'm thinking about, is having a drink and going to the movies.

I wish, but is China not only dropped the ball, they probably also hid it. That meant, we had very little reaction time and it required a lot of political courage. Some national leaders stepped up and stopped the clock, but even in the places, that initially got control of the situation, this is something that requires continued management both on a global, national, local and personal level.
I agree with all of this.

I just keep thinking that, with the testing capacity we have now, if we improved the turnaround time and added in some rapid testing, we could really get this under control. But it would also help if we were starting with 1k cases per day, not 100k, and if people maintained these smaller circles like you're saying.

If we got to that point, then grabbing a drink with a couple friends or going to the movies would become relatively low risk.
Strange, always thought compton was an LA neighborhood.

Compton is a city, its elected officials are exclusively black and brown. If the people of Compton disagree with the measures being taken to protect the city's residents, they have means of recourse. But it only seems to be people outside of Compton who have an issue with the fine structure.
smart man vote by mail or don’t vote at all it’s not worth risking your life
Hard disagree there.

If you have the means to vote by mail, then by all means exploit it. If you're not as lucky, please mask up, glove up, and maintain social distancing.

You "risk your life" every single day you get inside a car, and your odds of bodily damage are actually much higher. COVID is undoubtedly dangerous, but we at least have the ability to prepare and protect ourselves from the risk. We're talking about an opportunity to balance the scales and elect someone that has some semblance of a plan and is willing to listen to the experts. Is really the moment you want to start talking about "risk"?

I'd rather individuals research proper donning and doffing techniques and exercise their rights than opt out at a time where change is needed.
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