Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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this place has enough capital that I’m not going to worry if they go belly up

They sold the air rights a couple of years ago I guess hindsight nobody knew this virus was ever going to attack world the way that it did.
But the owner in the video should have kept the air right and do a break through and added up stars out door seating or better yet use the parking lot if it was possible. That possibly would’ve been a model for other restaurants in New York City
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as I said on here Before and told people I know off the internet
our life before February 2020 is just a dream it Was a long playing movie

Whoever passed last year got away easy by getting hit by car or by killing themselves natural causes or passing away from old age

I just found out about two people that committed suicide last year
as bad as this sounds they’re lucky they don’t have to deal with this

dying from this disease it’s like waiting for the angel of death to come swoop you away but you don’t know when

this virus will be with us until each And everyone one of us individually dead
this virus will be with us for all of our lifetimes
it’s a horrible time to bring a child into the world

I personally don’t think that a vaccine will be found or a vaccine work

I remember when I first started posting in this thread someone Posted a message telling me this won’t be as bad as the black plague or the Spanish flu they where much worst

this is worse then World war one and two The holocaust
terrorism Any crime against humanity that you can think of
The world trade center bomining in 2003 and plane crashing into the buildings In 2001

this disease is the ultimate crime
all the terrorism acts that were done in Europe in the past 6 years and around the world
Nothing can compete in our lifetime with what happened in the six months of this year with the coronavirus

the people who died unnecessarily in these Incidents got off easy They don’t have to share the pain of the coronavirus with everyone who’s living today

Dying from the coronavirus lonely in a hospital is a painful way to go
Even if you’re lucky enough to come out of the hospital from the coronavirus you are never the same From the damage your body goes through

6 months down the line it’s a lot worst and only getting out of control Across the globe

Quite honestly we are never going back to normal
i would love to be wrong about everything I just said but I believe I’m correct

No disrespect, but this is written like the epilogue of a horror/scifi novel and shows catastrophizing/doom and gloom at its peak.

Diseases come and go. Humanity survived the bubonic plague without anything in the same stratosphere of the modern medicine of today. People legit living in the streets among copious amounts of trash and rats. COVID’s not approaching that level of destruction. Of course that’s just my irrelevant lay-person opinion, but still. Comparing it to the Holocaust, world wars, and other tragedies is also pretty flagrant. Over 100 million people died between the two world wars and the holocaust which all spanned about 30 years.

I’m really not trying to be an ***, but you might wanna chill on COVID info for a while. Give your mind a break and enjoy something. We all need to disconnect from the world more than every once in a while.
No disrespect, but this is written like the epilogue of a horror/scifi novel and shows catastrophizing/doom and gloom at its peak.

Diseases come and go. Humanity survived the bubonic plague without anything in the same stratosphere of the modern medicine of today. People legit living in the streets among copious amounts of trash and rats. COVID’s not approaching that level of destruction. Of course that’s just my irrelevant lay-person opinion, but still. Comparing it to the Holocaust, world wars, and other tragedies is also pretty flagrant. Over 100 million people died between the two world wars and the holocaust which all spanned about 30 years.

I’m really not trying to be an ***, but you might wanna chill on COVID info for a while. Give your mind a break and enjoy something. We all need to disconnect from the world more than every once in a while.

I would love for you to be right and I’m wrong but I don’t think mankind or at least the US is going to survive this

This country can’t even get into a regiment of wearing masks and social distancing or closing down the country once again for a longer period of time since were all worried about the economy Right ?
Or our rights being taken away which is Complete complete nonsense if people can’t look out for other people or at least stay shut for the health of the country but that’s not gonna happen again
Me personally I’m off for the country shutting down again

do you really think we’re gonna survive the coronavirus I hope Like I said you’re right and I’m wrong

No reason to sugarcoat the truth because that’s what people don’t want to hear

This is nothing like the world has seen this is not like any other plague before Because health wise at one time or another this is going to affect me you and everybody else on this earth

I cant enjoy the things I used to when I have to walk around with a mask on my face for probably the rest of my life but for my health and my loved ones I’m willing to do it

I say this with No disrespect to you also
I want everyone to stay safe and healthy even people that don’t agree with me
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Bruh the Bubonic Plague was knocking people off for fun back in day, killed anywhere from 75 to 200 million people. You gotta relax.

What do you think this is doing and it’s only in the first six months of this year wait we got a long time this will catch up to the bubonic plague I’m almost sure of it

You got to remember when people come out of the hospital once they catch the coronavirus there health is never the same

The media just now is starting to report that

very few people will Survive this with little to no problems to their health

A lot more will live with Health problems for the rest of their lives and People who would have been alive will die
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When things were normal, there were lines out the door nearly wrapping around the block. Good to see they're doing outdoor dining. I haven't been in the lower east side for a while but I'm feeling hungry for their sandwiches now lol

The lines are mostly tourist if You was a regular or a local you would just walk right in
What do you think this is doing and it’s only in the first six months of this year wait we got a long time this will catch up to the bubonic plague I’m almost sure of it

You got to remember when people come out of the hospital once they catch the coronavirus there health is never the same

The media just now is starting to report that
The coronavirus has patients is will be worse then what mankind has seen

very few people will Survive this with little to no problems to their health

A lot more will live with Health problems for the rest of their lives and People who would have been alive will die
This is no where near the Bubonic plague or The Plague of Justinian. The death rate for those two were astronomically higher with death rate ranging from 10% to 50% of total ppopulations. To put this into perspective, we're the hardest hit country and our in infect rate is over 4.5 million. Of those 4.5 million infected, 157,000 people have died. Our country has a population of 328,000,000 million and of that population, only 4.5 million is infected, of that number only 157,000 people died(Around 3-4% death rate) which ultimate makes the total deaths tiny compared to both of those pandemic's(25,000,000-100,000,000 for the Justinian Plague and 25,000,000 which were a third to a half of their total populations in those time periods.) What we're going through at this moment is miniscule compared to what they faced in the past, with the biggest difference is us being capable of slowing the spread and properly treating the infected versus them not knowing jack **** about general hygiene.

In other words, the only way it will get as bad as those two is we completely abandoned modern medicine and (as a whole, I mean basically EVERYONE) took no precautions as far as safe distancing, wearing masks, using sanitizers, etc...
can't wait to see that death number drop to 0 and that hospitalization number less than 100
That would be the day.

Like i said numerous times...lets enjoy the summer in NY before the second wave starts up again. NJ was already seeing cases going up and thats too close to here :smh:

I'm expecting things to get crazier in NY in the fall especially with this talk of schools opening up.
can't wait to see that death number drop to 0 and that hospitalization number less than 100

I hope you’re right but we need to see better numbers across the country if we’re going to beat this

nyc is doing good let’s hope it says that way
but pr0phecy718 pr0phecy718 is correct opening up schools Opening up that’s a danger and since NJ is next door that’s also a problem for ny

this is why I have such a bleak prediction About the coronavirus

dont listen to me listen to the doctor
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This is no where near the Bubonic plague or The Plague of Justinian. The death rate for those two were astronomically higher with death rate ranging from 10% to 50% of total ppopulations. To put this into perspective, we're the hardest hit country and our in infect rate is over 4.5 million. Of those 4.5 million infected, 157,000 people have died. Our country has a population of 328,000,000 million and of that population, only 4.5 million is infected, of that number only 157,000 people died(Around 3-4% death rate) which ultimate makes the total deaths tiny compared to both of those pandemic's(25,000,000-100,000,000 for the Justinian Plague and 25,000,000 which were a third to a half of their total populations in those time periods.) What we're going through at this moment is miniscule compared to what they faced in the past, with the biggest difference is us being capable of slowing the spread and properly treating the infected versus them not knowing jack **** about general hygiene.

In other words, the only way it will get as bad as those two is we completely abandoned modern medicine and (as a whole, I mean basically EVERYONE) took no precautions as far as safe distancing, wearing masks, using sanitizers, etc...

As I said before and and I’ll say it again
I want to be wrong and I want you guys to be right about everything you’re saying
As I said before and and I’ll say it again
I want to be wrong and I want you guys to be right about everything you’re saying
It's healthy to think cautiously, but it's good to put things into perspective too. In modern society, this **** is out of control and we more than bungled our containment. But historically, this is insignificant compared to plagues of the past.
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I'm watching basketball right now and there's a polar bear in the virtual audience. :lol:
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