Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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as I said on here Before and told people I know off the internet
our life before February 2020 is just a dream it Was a long playing movie

Whoever passed last year got away easy by getting hit by car or by killing themselves natural causes or passing away from old age

I just found out about two people that I knew that committed suicide last year
as bad as this sounds they’re lucky they don’t have to deal with this

dying from this disease it’s like waiting for the angel of death to come swoop you away but you don’t know when

this virus will be with us until each And everyone one of us individually dead
this virus will be with us for all of our lifetimes
it’s a horrible time to bring a child into the world

I personally don’t think that a vaccine will be found or a vaccine will work

I remember when I first started posting in this thread someone Posted a message telling me this won’t be as bad as the black plague or the Spanish flu they where much worst

this is worse then World war one and two The holocaust
terrorism Any crime against humanity that you can think of
The world trade center bomining in 2003 and plane crashing into the buildings In 2001

this disease is the ultimate crime
all the terrorism acts that were done in Europe in the past 6 years and around the world
Nothing can compete in our lifetime with what happened in the six months of this year with the coronavirus

the people who died unnecessarily in these Incidents got off easy They don’t have to share the pain of the coronavirus with everyone who’s living today

Dying from the coronavirus lonely in a hospital is a painful way to go
Even if you’re lucky enough to come out of the hospital from the coronavirus you are never the same From the damage your body goes through

6 months down the line it’s a lot worst and only getting out of control Across the globe

Quite honestly we are never going back to normal
i would love to be wrong about everything I just said but I believe I’m correct
Neel Kashkari is for big business he was big part of the bailouts in 2008 that enriched the uber wealthy and did almost nothing for the average family.
But i do agree with him on the shutdowns across the country for a period of time

If you knew Kashkari and what he represents...it's hilarious.
I know who he is, I am a professional economist.

You can shoot the messenger, but the general bullet points of lockdowns, test and trace, and deficit spending have been suggested by reputable economist all over the political spectrum. It is sound economic advice.

This is the same advice numerous economists were saying since March. America is wasting time half assing this whole thing and making the economic situation worse than it needs to be.

Here is the interview he had, feel free to point out to me where he is off base though...

Perhaps the joke is so next level it is going over my head. I dunno.
as I said on here Before and told people I know off the internet
our life before February 2020 is just a dream it Was a long playing movie

Whoever passed last year got away easy by getting hit by car or by killing themselves natural causes or passing away from old age

I just found out about two people that I knew that committed suicide last year
as bad as this sounds they’re lucky they don’t have to deal with this

dying from this disease it’s like waiting for the angel of death to come swoop you away but you don’t know when

this virus will be with us until each And everyone one of us individually dead
this virus will be with us for all of our lifetimes
it’s a horrible time to bring a child into the world

I personally don’t think that a vaccine will be found or a vaccine will work

I remember when I first started posting in this thread someone Posted a message telling me this won’t be as bad as the black plague or the Spanish flu they where much worst

this is worse then World war one and two The holocaust
terrorism Any crime against humanity that you can think of
The world trade center bomining in 2003 and plane crashing into the buildings In 2001

this disease is the ultimate crime
all the terrorism acts that were done in Europe in the past 6 years and around the world
Nothing can compete in our lifetime with what happened in the six months of this year with the coronavirus

the people who died unnecessarily in these Incidents got off easy They don’t have to share the pain of the coronavirus with everyone who’s living today

Dying from the coronavirus lonely in a hospital is a painful way to go
Even if you’re lucky enough to come out of the hospital from the coronavirus you are never the same From the damage your body goes through

6 months down the line it’s a lot worst and only getting out of control Across the globe

Quite honestly we are never going back to normal
i would love to be wrong about everything I just said but I believe I’m correct

Sometimes you be posting while you're loosey goosey gone off the sherm for real.

Bruh sees the world differently.
I know who he is, I am a professional economist.

You can shoot the messenger, but the general bullet points of lockdowns, test and trace, and deficit spending have been suggested by reputable economist all over the political spectrum. It is sound economic advice.

This is the same advice numerous economists were saying since March. America is wasting time half assing this whole thing and making the economic situation worse than it needs to be.

Here is the interview he had, feel free to point out to me where he is off base though...

Perhaps the joke is so next level it is going over my head. I dunno.

tenor (23).gif
The general advice to lessen the long term economic damage is:

-Hard lockdowns early to suppress the growth of infections protect the hospital system, get medical equipment allocated properly, and set up a massive test and trace infrastructure

-Use the test and trace program to allow for more of the economy to open up. During the lockdown, we hopefully identify some treatment methods

-Then you use test and trace system with traditional methods until you can identity from effective treatments, and develop quicker testing methods. Hopefully something that can be administered before a school or work

-Then you this system until you get your first viable vaccine and build infrastructure to manufacturer hundreds of millions of doses.

-You distribute the vaccine to everyone, and you keep us the sanitizing, mask wearing, and some social distancing to get new infections down as close as zero as possible.

-A year or two later better vaccines (and more effective therapeutics) are on the market and things can go back to normal

To subsidize affected workers and business during this time because the US government can borrow at historically low rates.

Just think of how severely the US is ******* this up, and how much more it will along the way.
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I know who he is, I am a professional economist.

You can shoot the messenger, but the general bullet points of lockdowns, test and trace, and deficit spending have been suggested by reputable economist all over the political spectrum. It is sound economic advice.

I'm anti-Greenspan, Yellen, Bernake, Powell, Kuroda, Lagarde, Triche... It's good for the Wealthy for not for the middle class. My Portfolios have never been higher (triple digit growth), my homes are at ATH's...but have never seen this level of wealth disparity ever. Imho, caused by the FED. I like the GS Kashkari better. He will most likely takeover JPow's spot.

For the country to shutdown again and rely on Congress to support the people is a farce. How are they doing thus far? Another 4-6 week shutdown will be devastating to an already sick economy.

But, if Congress, Senate, Whitehouse, Dems, Reps are on the same page and can guarantee to provide for its people, especially the poor and middle class, then I'm for a 8week shutdown. Hopium.




I'm anti-Greenspan, Yellen, Bernake, Powell, Kuroda, Lagarde, Triche... It's good for the Wealthy for not for the middle class. My Portfolios have never been higher (triple digit growth), my homes are at ATH's...but have never seen this level of wealth disparity ever. Imho, caused by the FED. I like the GS Kashkari better. He will most likely takeover JPow's spot.

For the country to shutdown again and rely on Congress to support the people is a farce. How are they doing thus far? Another 4-6 week shutdown will be devastating to an already sick economy.

But, if Congress, Senate, Whitehouse, Dems, Reps are on the same page and can guarantee to provide for its people, especially the poor and middle class, then I'm for a 8week shutdown. Hopium.
At this point, a 4-8 week shutdown is the only reasonable approach. But it's not practical given that people will cry about it.

The strategy (which some states are doing) is that if a county passes some threshold of cases or test positivity, you automatically impose restrictions for 2 weeks. Depending on how bad it is, you impose more restrictions. Not only does it provide an adaptive response to the virus, it also incentivizes the population to avoid risky situations.

Also, just to say it over and over (not for you but in general): there can be no recovery of the economy while the virus is out of control.
I'm anti-Greenspan, Yellen, Bernake, Powell, Kuroda, Lagarde, Triche... It's good for the Wealthy for not for the middle class. My Portfolios have never been higher (triple digit growth), my homes are at ATH's...but have never seen this level of wealth disparity ever. Imho, caused by the FED. I like the GS Kashkari better. He will most likely takeover JPow's spot.

For the country to shutdown again and rely on Congress to support the people is a farce. How are they doing thus far? Another 4-6 week shutdown will be devastating to an already sick economy.

But, if Congress, Senate, Whitehouse, Dems, Reps are on the same page and can guarantee to provide for its people, especially the poor and middle class, then I'm for a 8week shutdown. Hopium.
I don't like the Fed's anti-inflation that has been in place since the early 1980s, and would prefer if the FED would engage in expansionary monetary policy to get us to full employment. The wealth disparity is partially caused by our monetary policy, but not all of it, not even close. There are so many economic systems and structures that have caused it. All things considered, America's fiscal policy and regulatory policy has been worse and has contributed more to income and wealth disparities.

But dude didn't say shut down and let people be, he said the opposite of that. He said the US government should borrow, not worry about the debt, and support middle class workers.

So if this is your stance, I am still perplexed as to why you find ole boy's comments hilarious, when you essentially agree with his advice.

All I am getting is that you don't like dude. Which is fine I guess
I don't like the Fed's anti-inflation that has been in place since the early 1980s, and would prefer if the FED would engage in expansionary monetary policy to get us to full employment. The wealth disparity is partially caused by our monetary policy, but not all of it, not even close. There are so many economic systems and structures that have caused it. All things considered, America's fiscal policy and regulatory policy has been worse and has contributed more to income and wealth disparities.

But dude didn't say shut down and let people be, he said the opposite of that. He said the US government should borrow, not worry about the debt, and support middle class workers.

So if this is your stance, I am still perplexed as to why you find ole boy's comments hilarious, when you essentially agree with his advice.

All I am getting is that you don't like dude. Which is fine I guess

Because Kashkari

Because Kashkari

Famb, before I commit to read that, please tell me that is not just some blog post those punchline is Kashhari is a bad guy? :lol:

Does it have anything to do with the economic guidance he gave in regards to covid-19?
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Man being couped up is getting to me and seeing so many ppl not caring got me ready to say whatever too.

i know 8-9 people that had It. 6 of them were ages 27-35 and all said they felt fine after 5 days, when smell and taste cameback. My 30 year old cousin felt fine after few days but taste and smell did
Not come back for 2 months. My homies mom is 50 and was hospitialzed for 11 days but fully recovered.

not sure what everyone long term impacts are or if they get it again, but seeing them
Living their normal life has me jealous a bit. 2021 seems so far away and with how many ppl don’t care in America, it seems like no end in sight
Famb, before I commit to read that, please tell me that is not just some blog post those punchline is Kashhari is a bad guy?

Does it have anything to do with the economic guidance he gave in regards to covid-19?

Bad...nah...Opportunist, yes.

With his history, him giving econ guidance in this c19 economy is hilarious to me.
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