Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Well then the Magas been covered with those maga shades. Wonder if they stop now.

Great interview with some wonderful talking points, but I HATE how he says he made no mistakes and is defending his initial comments on mask wearing and asymptomatic transmission. How is it that WE all knew and he didn't?! He touched on the fact that it was partly because they didn't want people going out and buying up masks that the medical professionals needed, but when the interviewer rightfully pointed out that he could have said that instead of saying that masks weren't effective, Fauci doubled down and said it wasn't yet known. It's ok to admit you were wrong!
Great interview with some wonderful talking points, but I HATE how he says he made no mistakes and is defending his initial comments on mask wearing and asymptomatic transmission. How is it that WE all knew and he didn't?! He touched on the fact that it was partly because they didn't want people going out and buying up masks that the medical professionals needed, but when the interviewer rightfully pointed out that he could have said that instead of saying that masks weren't effective, Fauci doubled down and said it wasn't yet known. It's ok to admit you were wrong!

When it comes to the coronavirus they’re all chiefs and no Indians

Seems to me no matter who it is everybody’s right and no one is wrong and when you bring up that someone is wrong everyone’s offended

I like Fauci but he’s no different than everybody else
I wear glasses anyway so not a big deal. Feel like during dentist appointment when they ask you to wear their safety glasses during procedure or leave glasses on. But he’s just mentioning this now?!?!

First says no masks needed, save for professionals. Which always infuriated me cause institutions will eventually get supply while general public is screwed. Then says masks needed. Now says eye protection needed.

Politicians and Bureaucrats. Come on.
there's a lot of unknown about corona virus. We're learning about it as we go. So I don't blame him too much for now hopping on this wave

The mask opinion was odd though. I think any logical person knew masks could help.

"The trouble is Mark, it'll be a soundbyte, if I say I support and don't."

Maybe it's a problem, that Fauci thinks, that a 153k body count isn't an astounding soundbyte in itself and in order to have the deaf President's ear, he needs his messaging to be as toothless as possible. Buddy needs to preach Hellfire and Brimstone soundbits, instead of tippy-toeing around with this he said she said attitude. Needs to come out saying: "Florida not only did you **** yourself, you ****** us all. And you Mr. President, you murdered Herman Cain with your stupidity, pettiness and greed. F U, respectfully."
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