Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Fake news. Trumpy said number are down everywhere.

Of course he says the numbers are down. He's saying that now since the data is going to the white house instead of the CDC! It's called "cooking the books". It's blatantly obvious that the figures he says have gone down just happened to be after the WH started to get the totals. Total cover-up!
My employer made me test because my sister caught it even though I don’t live with her. She was staying at my parents house quarantining which I visited but she was isolated away from everybody. The fact that they were caring for her and that I had contact with my parents they didn’t want to take any chances which I understand. I tested negative so I’m good. My parents and sister are negative as well.
My employer made me test because my sister caught it even though I don’t live with her. She was staying at my parents house quarantining which I visited but she was isolated away from everybody. The fact that they were caring for her and that I had contact with my parents they didn’t want to take any chances which I understand. I tested negative so I’m good. My parents and sister are negative as well.

this is one of the better personal stories i have read in this post on niketalkers affected by the coronavirus

i hope you and your family stays safe and i also hope your sister fully recovers
this is one of the better personal stories i have read in this post on niketalkers affected by the coronavirus

i hope you and your family stays safe and i also hope your sister fully recovers

Appreciate the love bruh! My sister was feeling fine other than the loss of taste. Her and my mom work together and take breaks together sometimes so I was surprised my mom didn’t catch anything. Now I look at everybody who hasn’t tested with the side eye now that I’m the clear ahah jk. Be safe out there everybody!
3 months hardcore lockdown and (reports say) the situation improved enough for people to peek outside.

I think it´s a bit too soon to crank it all the way back up, but a general timeframe is encouraging.

we sacrifice a summer and keep our shiny chrome future with some socioeconomic upgrades.

fair trade...assuming King President Man pulls his ears out of his culo at some point this spring.

lol remember back in March when mfs used to say bubblehead **** like this...talkin about ¨A summer,¨ fym?

such a sad story :sick:

i remember posting this story or i might have read about it awhile back

it's terrible that there is going to be hundreds of thousands of stories like this across this country for years to come
if this damn plague didn't infect the world all the people lost would be living today

i can't imagine losing a family member to this virus that came from across the globe to the United States and the world
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