Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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That's what's known as a lose-lose proposition, IMHO. I'll play the cards I was dealt.

lol i don't think you get what i'm trying to say. living in a country like the US allows us the privilege to think for ourselves but the downfall of that is that we get the idiots you originally mentioned about. the alternative would be living in those countries I mentioned, which would be much worse imo.
My people shall finally rise to the top

My boy had to travel to Cali from NY for personal reasons and is on the way back today and told me they didn't even mention anything on the flight about quarantine for 14 days when you get to NY. No guidelines or anything at the airport. They just got people out here on the honor system hoping they give a **** enough to actually follow the quarantine rules
My boy had to travel to Cali from NY for personal reasons and is on the way back today and told me they didn't even mention anything on the flight about quarantine for 14 days when you get to NY. No guidelines or anything at the airport. They just got people out here on the honor system hoping they give a **** enough to actually follow the quarantine rules
Lol honor system.

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My people shall finally rise to the top


Doesn’t make sense to me. I’m 6’5, I figured if a shorter person has droplets coming out of their mouth, and my mouth (where I breath) is above the droplets, I should be better off.... guess not lmao.

but the increase in cases doesn't matter because the deaths are low 🤡

but younger people are getting infected so the deaths won't increase 🤡

but people only died in NYC because it was nursing homes and they didn't know what they were doing 🤡

but we're just testing more 🤡

but what about that doctor who claimed hydroxychloroquine is the cure 🤡

but it's ok to have a birthday party 🤡

but let's at least send kids back to school 🤡

Now that we've seen more data, it looks like roughly a 3-week lag from cases to deaths. Cases peaked a week ago, so expect deaths to peak in mid-August. Deaths are at 968 (7-day average). It's hard to say how much they'll increase in 2 weeks since testing has been going up too (although not as fast as the number of cases, which increased almost twice as fast), but I'd guess deaths will max out at around 1250 per day.

The question is how fast will that come down. In the past week, cases have come down about 4%. That means deaths from August 15 to August 22 would go down to about 1200.

In the last 2 weeks of April, NYC came down fast (50% in 2 weeks) due to fairly strict stay-at-home. With mandatory masks and other restrictions, they've been pretty flat lately, but at a low number (~700 cases per day). For comparison, Arizona has gone down 33%.... in 3 weeks. And most other states have barely ticked down or are still increasing.
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