Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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^ When you get the legitimate, scientific, fact-based data from that study please let the thread know. Until then we’ll just continue to dismiss the the good doctor as a bat**** crazy, evangelical quack. And we’ll continue to wonder why no other legitimate medical professional or scientist is backing up her claims.

people need to realize you can't make claims without scientific data. we shouldn't even be entertaining stuff like this in this thread till it's been proven by and agreed upon by the scientific community. this is why people are so misinformed now. everyone gets their information from instagram and facebook. if anything, that should be a strong indicator that it's not true.
otherwise, you will have cats in here spreading false claims like 5g gives you coronavirus.
people need to realize you can't make claims without scientific data. we shouldn't even be entertaining stuff like this in this thread till it's been proven by and agreed upon by the scientific community. this is why people are so misinformed now. everyone gets their information from instagram and facebook. if anything, that should be a strong indicator that it's not true.
otherwise, you will have cats in here spreading false claims like 5g gives you coronavirus.
It’s a continuation of the trump era all sides are the same argument. Of course, suddenly we need to hear out what the neo-nazis think about racism. Same thing here, non medical people (and medical scammers) now claim their thoughts on the virus are just as valid. This kind of mindset will drive society back to the Stone Age.

Nowadays, on the internet, you actually have people demanding proof that the earth isn’t flat and that vaccines don’t cause autism. Not every voice needs a loudspeaker. Unfortunately, social media will help magnify such ignorance.
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It’s a continuation of the trump era all sides are the same argument. Of course, suddenly we need to hear out what the neo-nazis think about racism. Same thing here, non medical people (and medical scammers) now claim their thoughts on the virus are just as valid. This kind of mindset will drive society back to the Stone Age.
Asimov hit the nail on the head when he wrote "There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."
Marlins' coronavirus outbreak may have been caused by players hitting the town, MLB insider suggests

Lemon pepper wings at the clubs in ATL must be really that good. All the Ballers know. Wild.

When I drove through Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Wisconsin, South Dakota for a road trip a few weeks ago, nobody wore masks. People even looked at me funny for wearing one.
When I drove through Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Wisconsin, South Dakota for a road trip a few weeks ago, nobody wore masks. People even looked at me funny for wearing one.

How was the trip? I wanted to take a similar road trip but I had concerns about the soaring covid9 cases.
How was the trip? I wanted to take a similar road trip but I had concerns about the soaring covid9 cases.
There were big trucks with Trump bumper stickers and Trump flags outside houses in the aforementioned states everywhere. The only time I stopped other than to get gas and food was at Mount Rushmore and if you were to go, you would've never thought a pandemic was happening. Place was crowded with nobody wearing masks.

Driving through those states were fun, though. Speed limit was 80 with no cops around and the scenery was beautiful.
Trump today: "Many doctors think it’s extremely successful, the hydroxychloroquine, coupled with the Zinc and the perhaps the azithromycin."

Like I said in April, when it comes to medical advice, do the exact opposite of whatever Trump recommends.
-It appears that the White Coat Doctors doubled down with a Second Presser on the steps of the Supreme Court.
-My first thought is "I figured they would have banned or prevented them from doing that".....
-I'm getting used to Censorship I guess if my first thought was that they WOULD be prevented from staging another "event"
-We all see the Platforms from Twitter/Facebook/NIKETALK ETC that Censor and remove posts/videos daily in the name of Protecting the People from the spread of dangerous Information but I forget PUBLIC PROTESTS and Speeches haven't hit that level, yet.
Obviously I see the difference between Private Owned Forums ability or RIGHT to Censor vs FREEDOM of SPEECH but I'm a little worried about myself that I'm so used to Censorship that my first thought was "I can't believe they allowed them to do this for a 2nd day"
- I get the notion that Spreading Certain Information can be dangerous and a detriment, point is that it's up to me to decide which information I have access to.
-Limits and Censoring of information in any form is not good and far more dangerous than the damage that could come from spreading said info.
The lack of confidence in Society's ability to digest certain information prevents my right to it.....and I don't like getting used to that.

"The only valid censorship is the peoples right not to listen"

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