Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Well, I’ve been seeing Johns Hopkins being touted as the best source of information on COVID data by professionals I trust since March. Here’s more info on how to subscribe to their newsletter.


"How do Republican elected officials feel about this authoritarian act? "

Dont be ginuea pigs man. Do online classes for now.

My personal opinion is that you have to do what will help you sleep better at night knowing you're making the best decision for your family. If you'll be more stressed having your child in school than wherever else he/she would be if they weren't in class (home with parent, at daycare, with grandma, etc), then keep your child home. If that means having to put your economic security (potentially being evicted or starving) at risk, then unfortunately you have to send your child to school, get a night job, etc. The worst are the stay at home soccer moms who just want to send their kids back to school so they can have some "me time" again. These types have been messaging my wife asking what we're doing saying they want to send their kids back, but just wondering what others are doing. Nosey B's.

Coming from someone who has a 14 and 9 year old, keep your kid at home. He/she aint learning too much in 1st grade. They will be fine.

Yeah we made the decision that he's not going...its crazy that the in school learning is even an option when everyday texas numbers are breaking records. My wife and I pretty much called 2020 a wrap...it sucks because he has a learning disability and he was doing so well in kindergarten. We gotta step it up for him though.
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