Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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This is heartbreaking.

I had been projecting out the next few weeks with conservative estimates (cases doubled, so deaths will double from 500/day to 1000/day).

But this looks worse. Cases have tripled. Hospitalizations have nearly doubled already. Deaths will get back up to 1500/day by the end of the month.

Worse yet, we're not even to the plateau yet. And there's some indication the average age of infection is creeping back up. It's conceivable we see 100k cases per day and eventually 2500 deaths per day. This isn't some doomsday scenario. This seems like the most likely scenario. 75000 people dying in August.

The minute these states saw things going in this direction (~2 weeks ago), they should have shut everything down for 2 weeks. But they are instead issuing mandatory masking (something they should have done months ago). Even if they get the R0 (transmission numbers) down below 1, it'll be close to 1, which means a long and painful plateau with a lot of cases and deaths per day. They need to take extreme measure to get R0 under 0.7 (that's what NYC did in April).

This is bad.

And disney is ****ing open?

We are going full speed ahead with a survival of the fittest mentality. No country has tried this, not even the most brutal dictatorships. Unfortunately, our leadership thinks this will work.
We are going full speed ahead with a survival of the fittest mentality. No country has tried this, not even the most brutal dictatorships. Unfortunately, our leadership thinks this will work.
They're hoping we get fatigued and just learn to live with the disaster. It's a brutal miscalculation.

This isn't slow internet or higher taxes or more traffic. No, this is something that will touch everyone. Everyone will have seen a loved one in the ICU or worse by the time this is over.

This virus has gone viral.
worst mask that i’ve seen so far. this was at sams club about 15 minutes ago :smh:
this country's a sinking ship
the psyche of this nation has been altered tremendously.

Yep. The damage from this Trump era will take years to repair, if it can ever be repaired. I have my doubts.

And not that we were some bastion of amazing pre-Trump. Make no mistake about it—the same people spouting off about freedom from tyranny over MFing masks, all lives matter, etc., have always been idiots. And they’ve always been here. They’re just extra emboldened now and it’ll be impossible to put that genie back in the bottle, even when their god-king is out of office.
this post might not make any sense but i just had to put it up with how the coronavirus is accelerating around the country

global citizens from china and europe spread this disease unknowingly at least the europeans did without knowing
the chinese they knew early on they had the coronavirus carrying it the around the world and USA idiots just escalated it with fast openings and saying masks were talking away their rights

this whole country is screwed from the clown in the white house who said the coronavirus will go away

even some liberal mayors early on took us to the edge and now the whole country can't grab the ledge

and trump thought this was a hoax

and thats where the USA is in july 12 2020
hell let's not even look to 2021 where will the US be with this virus next month ?
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