Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I don’t even bother with them anymore. Will cut off anyone from my family and our lives, have already told family members that they are not ever welcome around me or my family again. Most of these people are just dumb, but want so bad to prove that they aren’t. then you get the occasional maga that may have a brain but is just a greedy pig.

I’ve been deleting more and more people off Facebook. I need to just deactivate my account for awhile.

The first girl who first commented is someone I haven’t spoken to since high school and came out of nowhere. It was basically a post I shared of a tweet and said “The same party that says they are pro life and that all lives matter, how hypocritical.” It’s comical how offended they get for calling out their hypocrisy.

She started her first response with “I’m sick of the left side accusing the right of being these horrible, hateful people.” Elle oh elle 😭
I’ve been deleting more and more people off Facebook. I need to just deactivate my account for awhile.

The first girl who first commented is someone I haven’t spoken to since high school and came out of nowhere. It was basically a post I shared of a tweet and said “The same party that says they are pro life and that all lives matter, how hypocritical.” It’s comical how offended they get for calling out their hypocrisy.

She started her first response with “I’m sick of the left side accusing the right of being these horrible, hateful people.” Elle oh elle 😭
Yeah I got rid of Facebook prior to the 2016 election. It was a great decision and honestly it improved my quality of life. The only good thing about fb is that it exposed everyone who is a maga idiot, so I knew who to avoid. :lol:


Some experts have said New York didn’t move quickly enough early on. New York City's massive public school system closed March 16, and a statewide stay-at-home order took effect March 22.

If such measures had been implemented by March 8, Columbia University researchers estimate about 17,500 lives could have been saved.
They shipped some COVID19+ patients from San Diego to up here in the Bay cause they're getting overwhelmed.

I always thought that all of those “we don’t need masks” comments from the cdc and fauci early on were because trump ordered them to say it. Now he’s using it against them to throw blame. :smh::smh::smh:

This is heartbreaking.

I had been projecting out the next few weeks with conservative estimates (cases doubled, so deaths will double from 500/day to 1000/day).

But this looks worse. Cases have tripled. Hospitalizations have nearly doubled already. Deaths will get back up to 1500/day by the end of the month.

Worse yet, we're not even to the plateau yet. And there's some indication the average age of infection is creeping back up. It's conceivable we see 100k cases per day and eventually 2500 deaths per day. This isn't some doomsday scenario. This seems like the most likely scenario. 75000 people dying in August.

The minute these states saw things going in this direction (~2 weeks ago), they should have shut everything down for 2 weeks. But they are instead issuing mandatory masking (something they should have done months ago). Even if they get the R0 (transmission numbers) down below 1, it'll be close to 1, which means a long and painful plateau with a lot of cases and deaths per day. They need to take extreme measure to get R0 under 0.7 (that's what NYC did in April).

This is bad.

And disney is ******* open?
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