Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Bruh. This is real too. “75% capacity due to corona”.

People are really dumb af.
Guarantee 100% capacity.

The ROC did well with this disaster.
Proud the Home Island protected themselves.
Received N95 masks from relatives faster than getting ripped off here Stateside. Can’t trust the Commie made versions.
Another method they did well was travel restrictions & quarantine. Good article with brief summaries of other countries that stepped up to the plate:

First time in my life that I actually want to leave this country if I could.

getting the **** out to taiwan has been on the back of my mind if they ever start letting foreign nationals in, or extended family or something. or i might have to bump up my dual citizenship.
I think we all coming to the reality that America is done till a vaccine comes, no discipline or self
Control here.

only thing i do in Chicago now is Bike and i see so many groups of people doing picnics, chilling in the park drinking, no masks, no distance,

all these bars/restaurants not following any capacity rules as they packed

in Cleveland where im org from, these clubs are packed as if it was pre pandemic.

it’s a wrap b, till Vaccine comes, nothing stopping this sadly, i almost wanna give up myself since majority are not taking it serious anymore
I think we all coming to the reality that America is done till a vaccine comes, no discipline or self
Control here.

only thing i do in Chicago now is Bike and i see so many groups of people doing picnics, chilling in the park drinking, no masks, no distance,

all these bars/restaurants not following any capacity rules as they packed

in Cleveland where im org from, these clubs are packed as if it was pre pandemic.

it’s a wrap b, till Vaccine comes, nothing stopping this sadly, i almost wanna give up myself since majority are not taking it serious anymore

lol what makes you think an effective vaccine will cum
I'm just really curious about how this election is going to go. On the surface it looks like Trump doesn't have a shot in hell. But then you realize that this is 'Murica.
First time in my life that I actually want to leave this country if I could.

The wife and I have toyed with the idea for years, but this COVID disaster by the U.S. has helped make it a concrete goal of ours. So much so that we’ve actually been looking at properties, jobs, getting paperwork affairs in order, etc.

Honestly, this country has always been suspect to me. But all this just solidified it. I want out ASAP.
I saw the girl that had covid in my complex today. She was walking to her car and I 100% avoided her. Idk if she's still contagious.
My boy just went to Vegas, which was not smart imo. I'm still laying low and playing it safe. Most I'll do is hang out with a handful of friends.
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