Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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Can we all come to the agreement that people and government simply don't give a damn anymore about this whole situation? I feel sorry for the first responder and healthcare workers right now. The worst is not yet coming, but soon. Humanity is tested at its best right now. This is 21st century of Noah Ark.
Can we all come to the agreement that people and government simply don't give a damn anymore about this whole situation? I feel sorry for the first responder and healthcare workers right now. The worst is not yet coming, but soon. Humanity is tested at its best right now. This is 21st century of Noah Ark.

In the United States yes.

Bruh. This is real too. “75% capacity due to corona”.

People are really dumb af.
Anyone else have COVID dreams?
Last night I had one I was at work, nobody had a mask and everybody was speaking to me super closely. It was a nightmare.

And twice I’ve had one that I was at an extremely crowded restaurant aware of COVID, and became super freaked out when I found myself there in my dream.
out here in LA most people are starting to turn heel and not really care i feel like.

its weird, but im still scared i aint trying to be sick

it’s the same here in the Bay Area. I think most people going on with their life with precautions for whatever they want to do. I’m comfortable doing stuff outdoors and wearing a mask. Just have to be aware of your surrounding. I don’t think I’ll be doing anything indoors that requires removal of the mask.
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