Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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A large fraction of the population have been saying that this is a hoax, that it's ok if young people get sick, and that they don't need to take precautions. And they are still doing that. It shifted from "this can't spread that fast" in March to "lockdowns don't work" in April to "masks are oppressive" in May to "but people aren't dying" in June.

When someone's own ignorance and selfishness leads to the spread of the virus to others, it's heartbreaking and disgusting.

When it leads to their own illness or death, well, I need a moment to muster some empathy.

That said, it's important to maintain our humanity and compassion, and I don't want to see anybody get sick or die. I just wish everybody felt the same way. Clearly that large fraction of the population do not, but we have to be the bigger men and women and still care about them.

i was never one to care about most people and to some extent i still dont but with this virus you have to care even if you dont want to

you have to care about the people you pass in the street in the supermarket in the bank the person whos homeless because if you want to live you need to care for that stranger

because if that person is stick and you or they don't care about anyone
you have care to wear a mask because you're only killing yourself
and if you don't care for strangers at least care for yourself so caring for strangers is caring for yourself

My city. :smokin

Hope it stays like this.

i hope its gets alot better
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Center for Donny's Control

"I don't think we should go overboard in trying to develop a system that doesn't recognize the reality that this virus really is relatively benign to those of us that are under the age of 20," Redfield said. He added that there is a need to "protect the vulnerable," such as children with underlying conditions, as well as teachers, but did not go into detail on how to do that.

:stoneface: :stoneface: :stoneface:

Also talked about mental well-being etc....straight up regurgitating the idiot's talking points :stoneface:

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