Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I'm just baffled that these dummies thought "yes, let's wait three months, Covid will be gone, it will forget humans exist, let's open up the bars, the malls, everything" like......how dumb can you be? You think it's just going to go away cause you want it to?

DeSantis and Abbott are absolute morons.
I'm just baffled that these dummies thought "yes, let's wait three months, Covid will be gone, it will forget humans exist, let's open up the bars, the malls, everything" like......how dumb can you be? You think it's just going to go away cause you want it to?

DeSantis and Abbott are absolute morons.

I agree with you, but look how long was New Zealand locked down (March 26 - June 8 ). IMHO, the biggest difference is that citizens were likely more compliant in actually distancing, wearing masks, and staying home as much as possible. Technically, if you successfully keep the infected from infecting others, the virus will be eradicated, or at least significantly reduced as seen in NY/NJ and many other states that have been successful so far. Other areas simply "flattened the curve" then called it a win, which it obviously wasn't.
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I'm just baffled that these dummies thought "yes, let's wait three months, Covid will be gone, it will forget humans exist, let's open up the bars, the malls, everything" like......how dumb can you be? You think it's just going to go away cause you want it to?

DeSantis and Abbott are absolute morons.

This was a failure across the board. I don't even wanna say a failure in American government because other countries have had trash reactions to the virus too. This is what happens when people elect officials bc they're charming and not bc of their actual abilities to be leaders.

They really thought they'd shut things down for a few months then reopen and everything would be fine. This situation was like the real life version of "did you try turning your computer off for a few minutes then back on?"
25 sometimes 30 kids in a class, how the hell are you gonna social distance? how can you distance on the bus ride to school? NJ already made budget cuts to the education dept and laid off teachers, who's driving these kids? Do they think 7 year olds will wear a mask all day?
25 sometimes 30 kids in a class, how the hell are you gonna social distance? how can you distance on the bus ride to school? NJ already made budget cuts to the education dept and laid off teachers, who's driving these kids? Do they think 7 year olds will wear a mask all day?

Yeah, my kids' school was bragging how they were going to keep classes at 30 students MAX like it was some big accomplishment. They must have Pence as the head of their reopening committee.
I think some folks are just trying to save their summer
But to me summer is already done
Think about it
Once winter hits I don’t think people are gonna socialize and do most activities indoors
Once it gets cold folks are gonna settle inside
There is a higher chance of catching something in the winter
There has been no word on extension of unemployment bonus or second stimulus for struggling families. This uptick in cases is only going to get worse because the government is not going to help anyone any longer. They'd rather your grandma die than give you another $1200
There has been no word on extension of unemployment bonus or second stimulus for struggling families. This uptick in cases is only going to get worse because the government is not going to help anyone any longer. They'd rather your grandma die than give you another $1200
That's cause your grandma should pull herself up by her bootstraps bro. If she worked hard enough and believed in God she wouldn't die from COVID b.
Texas has spiking rates, Houston raised threat level to red, Texas closed bars and reduced dining capacity... but schools have been deemed “safe as ever” for children and educators to return?

Am I missing something?

Only that Abbott is a clown.
Appreciate both perspectives, but she living in a red-leaning state and if Memorial Day was any example, the beach will be slammed on the 4th. She can go and Ima quarantine my *** away from her for 2 weeks. Can't help people who won't help themselves, even if they're your loved ones. I still gotta buy my parents a crib - not sacrificing my health and dreams for a ****ing dumb day at the beach

Oh she wants to go on the 4th? She bugging. Tell her yall will go early in the morning on the 3rd or 5th. :lol:
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