Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Only if mandatory

  • Not if mandatory

  • Undecided

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My organization brought us back yesterday full-time. We were paid 100% during the quarantine so I can't really complain at all.

I just don't understand what was the determining factor on why now is the time to go back?

Were you working from home? Unfortunately for some companies, there comes a time where you have to try and operate as safely as possible or go belly up. As harsh as it sounds, would you prefer to take a calculated risk and go back to work or be laid off entirely. Obviously you had the choice not to go back, but that might have meant being out of a job and not being eligible for unemployment. I pray you stay safe at the workplace.
Not everyone goes out to get tested though

So it’s a smaller sample size of people who wanted to get tested or went to a doctor and were recommended for test
True. I just know many areas are testing everyone, symptoms or not. Some states are coming back 5% infected overall. So it looks better on paper but does it really matter? I guess we go back to icu, beds and hospitalizations.

What do you think the chances are that Trump won’t allow this vaccine into the US so a US company profits?

What do you think the chances are that Trump won’t allow this vaccine into the US so a US company profits?

The better question is whether you would want to take that vaccine if it's simply the first to market or wait for one that has been proven safe and effective. Seeing as the administration has already allocated billions toward the Oxford (UK) vaccine, I doubt your hypothesis. All that said, I have no clue how the US is planning to select which vaccine(s) are going to be allowed to be distributed here. Likely not going to be the case that consumers will simply be able to pick their favorite.

EDIT: read the article and found this quote interesting, "Many trials face an obstacle, as virus levels begin to decline. The point of Phase 3 is to vaccinate people and then see if they naturally become infected, but with lower rates of circulating virus, the study subjects are less likely to be exposed to the virus in the first place." Ehh... I don't think there's going to be a problem with exposure here.
The better question is whether you would want to take that vaccine if it's simply the first to market or wait for one that has been proven safe and effective. Seeing as the administration has already allocated billions toward the Oxford (UK) vaccine, I doubt your hypothesis. All that said, I have no clue how the US is planning to select which vaccine(s) are going to be allowed to be distributed here. Likely not going to be the case that consumers will simply be able to pick their favorite.
How did this play out with swine flu? I just remember my work eventually having the nasal vaccine for all of us
He stopped funding for testing? The **** is this guy...yo hes something else man. Seriously get this dude out of office.
hey kingkoopa kingkoopa any chance you would consider a title change to make it less humorous? half a million dead at this point.

sounds like you considered it for a millisecond and said eff no. all I could do was ask. thanks man.

Methodical Management Methodical Management should really change the thread title himself.

I think we can all be forgiven for holding a cavalier attitude towards the virus in January before it was a global pandemic, but 5 months later this is in effect the official NT thread for COVID-19 information. Thread title really should reflect that.
Factual info and guidelines from real scientists and doctors.

EDIT: read the article and found this quote interesting, "Many trials face an obstacle, as virus levels begin to decline. The point of Phase 3 is to vaccinate people and then see if they naturally become infected, but with lower rates of circulating virus, the study subjects are less likely to be exposed to the virus in the first place." Ehh... I don't think there's going to be a problem with exposure here.

Just send the study subjects to a nice vacation spot where they do not have to comply with any social distancing and mask guidelines..........they'll get their vaccine infection spread real quick for Phase 3
Methodical Management Methodical Management should really change the thread title himself.

I think we can all be forgiven for holding a cavalier attitude towards the virus in January before it was a global pandemic, but 5 months later this is in effect the official NT thread for COVID-19 information. Thread title really should reflect that.

i agree something in a less joking manner should be used as the title of this thread there is alot of good information and views being shared on here and it should reflect that

it would be a good idea for Methodical Management Methodical Management to change the title of it

I'm not sure how the title alone makes this any less serious or deadly so no.

You not about to 2020 me.

it would be a great idea if the title was changed to something a little more serious at this point it's far from a joke

besides didn't the thread have another title to start with ?

no hate bro just an idea
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So can someone in LA tell me why things are reopening as we are experiencing another potentially larger wave of infections?

Just 2-3 weeks ago the numbers were going down/leveling out. We went into Phase 2 reopening a few weeks back and it was "so far, so good" and then BAM this week has been a hot mess.
Just send the study subjects to a nice vacation spot where they do not have to comply with any social distancing and mask guidelines..........they'll get their vaccine infection spread real quick for Phase 3

You mean... Florida?
Factual info and guidelines from real scientists and doctors.

This Price person is a joke
In fact, one way to test if your mask is well made is to try to blow out a candle through the mask from about 1 foot away. If you can’t do so, your mask might be too tightly woven. Other people feel that wearing a mask encourages people to touch their face and to loosen their adherence to other safety precautions like social distancing and hand washing. We’ve found the opposite. Wearing a mask reminds people to continue to be cautious. With a mask on, you actually touch your face less.

Too tightly woven? That's the only truly effective ones. And I've seen co workers touch their masks 200 times over the course of a work shift vs. zero times without a mask.

People just hate misinformation.

First they say not to wear a mask. Then they say we shouldn't. Then one organization says only the sick and elderly should.

90% of these homemade highly breathable masks are worthless. Theres been studies. I don't trust these stanford folks
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