Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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Huntington Beach would be a major hotspot

F them
Add Newport, San Clemente, and Dana Point.

And to think I thought those places were chill and enjoyable (except HB). But the moment their 'precious freedoms' was threatened, I've disliked those places more and more.
Here's The OC in detail

Man, you can lump Aliso Viejo, Mission Viejo, Laguna Hills, Lake Forest into one general area. That's a good amount of cases. Smh.
Let’s close it back up and run a second round of dem stimmy checks. The silver lining is that the economy tanking may actually be what it takes to send this fool packing.


And he still thinks he'll have enough time to recover to JOIN THE RESTARTED SEASON IN THE NBA BUBBLE

Here's The OC in detail

Yikes. Did I read this right? 1400 tested to get 350 new daily cases? That’s a 23% infection rate. This wave is worse than the so called first.

Is Texas testing more to get their 5,000 daily cases? Infection % is very important but not talked about enough.
California is so ******.

And with Trump ending federal funding for COVID-19 testing... The whole country is super ******.

Yikes. Did I read this right? 1400 tested to get 350 new daily cases? That’s a 23% infection rate. This wave is worse than the so called first.

Is Texas testing more to get their 5,000 daily cases? Infection % is very important but not talked about enough.
Not everyone goes out to get tested though

So it’s a smaller sample size of people who wanted to get tested or went to a doctor and were recommended for test

This is getting crazy Now. My girl has been in FL With her fam since March when this thing took off here in NY. She was laid off her job while on the road so she stayed there.
We agreed that it’s better she stay down there until things got better here. Now that things did get better in NY she was supposed to fly back here next month and now this quarantine news! This is so stressful right now.

It's not quite that simple. Imagine being a small business owner whose entire livelihood has been put on hold with no end in sight. Would you really be willing to sit home comfortably and watch your life's work crumble or would you want to do everything in your power to mask up and roll the dice to try and keep a roof over your head and food on your table? I haven't missed a day of work and thankfully my company is considered essential, so we are doing what we can to minimize risk and keep it moving.
This is getting crazy Now. My girl has been in FL With her fam since March when this thing took off here in NY. She was laid off her job while on the road so she stayed there.
We agreed that it’s better she stay down there until things got better here. Now that things did get better in NY she was supposed to fly back here next month and now this quarantine news! This is so stressful right now.
It might be time for you to find a new girl.
My organization brought us back yesterday full-time. We were paid 100% during the quarantine so I can't really complain at all.

I just don't understand what was the determining factor on why now is the time to go back?
Yes. Stay home or wear a mask.

Healthy people can interact with others.

The mask isn’t gonna protect you from a virus anyways lmao. Unless you got a N95.

People walking around with scarfs, looking stupid lmao.

People wearing masks while driving looking stupid.

Lmao. If you have symptoms or think you might have something, wear the mask.

Don’t touch your face and disinfect everything and you should be fine.

Also when you wear the mask, you’re touching your Face more.

With up to half of infected people walking around asymptomatic, you gotta assume everyone is infected whether they have symptoms or not. Even the bare minimum face covering is better than nothing because it stops the momentum of air coming from your mouth and nose when you talk, breathe, etc. That makes it less likely for you to infect others by keeping your germs from spreading farther. If you disagree with that, you're lost.
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