Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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I said this before, but I think it’s important to remind people to stop using Trump as a scapegoat. He and his followers are complete idiots, but plenty of people in so called educated, liberal areas have had the opportunity to follow guidelines for the past three months. There’s absolutely zero reason why these cities couldn’t have followed the example of other major cities throughout the world that have practically made the virus irrelevant by comparison.

Outside of the non transplant infested parts of the Bay Area, the lack of masks and hygiene I’ve seen has been shocking. I had to come out to Chicago for an emergency; in the past 2 weeks, I’ve seen maybe 10-20% of people wearing masks. Out of that 10-20%, most are minorities. There are guidelines posted everywhere, but Beer gardens and breakfast patios have been packed with people sitting a few feet away from each other, and servers are wearing masks below their faces. Hand sanitizer is non existent at facilities other than stores like Whole Foods.

Back home, I’ve been avoiding SF(I live in the more suburban part of the Bay) due to the number of unmasked people running all over the place as well as trying to cram into mimosa spots. My friends living in LA have mentioned that outside of specific areas, they’re seeing the same things that I am.

I really, really do not understand why it’s so damn difficult and offensive for these usual suspects to wear a mask. I’ve been doing almost everything I do normally while wearing one with barely any discomfort. The only time it’s a bit annoying is when it’s hot out, but the security and peace of mind from having it on outweighs that annoyance.

I know I engaged in risky behavior at a protest few weeks ago, but I felt safer there than just walking through normal city streets. At least at the protest,99.9% of people were wearing masks, and there were people riding around with makeshift hand sanitizer stations.

Point taken.

But you don't think the leader of the free world's flippant attitude to the pandemic from saying it was just a hoax, to not wearing masks, and downplaying the seriousness of the situation throughout at least played a part in a lot of Americans attitude toward this?
Point taken.

But you don't think the leader of the free world's flippant attitude to the pandemic from saying it was just a hoax, to not wearing masks, and downplaying the seriousness of the situation throughout at least played a part in a lot of Americans attitude toward this?

Definitely, especially in the South. It's not surprising at all to see pro-Trump states seeing massive spikes in cases. If he had urged more caution, we wouldn't have anywhere near this large of a body count due to his followers blindly listening to his every word. I was just specifically talking about people who generally dislike/ignore Trump; what's their excuse?

The virus existed before lockdowns started. I personally know anti-Trump nurses in California who were working in the same damn hall as COVID 19 patients, and they were bar hopping on St Patrick's day the night before their next shift. I got into arguments with former friends because they insisted on going out to eat at crowded restaurants just because there wasn't an official lockdown, even while cases were skyrocketing. That type of reckless behavior/mentality is what's preventing us from going back to anywhere near "normal"
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But you don't think the leader of the free world's flippant attitude to the pandemic from saying it was just a hoax, to not wearing masks, and downplaying the seriousness of the situation throughout at least played a part in a lot of Americans attitude toward this?
But I can't help to wonder, if Obama was still president, is there even a difference in the south's response?
I think it’s time for a new barber. The cut is fine, but this man was wildin today.

I text him yesterday to confirm, get his address (shop is still closed so he’s been cutting at his house), and ask what safety measures he’s taking like masking and cutting outside instead of inside. I got his address and some other info but completely ignored the safety part. Okay...

I pull up to his spot, he’s on the screen porch. I walk up as he’s walking someone out and he opens the door laughing and said no masks allowed. I thought he was joking but he was dead serious. Ends up telling me he laughed at my text and and asked “is this a joke?” And then goes on a “corona is a hoax” rant and talks to me about believing in God and I need his help and it’s a setup for the government to take our rights away and whatever happens to you is gonna happen. If you get sick you get sick. The hospitals are empty, no one he knows or has cut has gotten sick. Nurses he cuts say it’s not been a problem at their hospital. The flu kills more people, etc

Now, I can take the religion talk. I’ve put up with it before. But telling me I can’t wear a mask and then dismissing my concerns about protecting MY HEALTH as a joke is crazy disrespectful. I know I could have just left and it was his house, but considering the progress and state NJ is in and the likelihood he actually has it and would transmit it to me PLUS the fact that he wasn’t gonna wear a mask even if I could wear mine, I decided to just proceed.

The irony in all of it was when I asked him if he was gonna be back at the barbershop next week when they reopen and he said no cause it’s safer to continue at his house....what?
Definitely, especially in the South. It's not surprising at all to see pro-Trump states seeing massive spikes in cases. If he had urged more caution, we wouldn't have anywhere near this large of a body count. I was just specifically talking about people who generally dislike/ignore Trump; what's their excuse?
He could have been an actual leader and prepared the country back in December. Instead, he spewed insults and continued to further divide the country with his narcissistic BS claiming to overpower governor's rule.

Yes, both sides of the aisle played a role in being unprepared. But the person who holds the title as President of the USA should've been above all that BS and lead the country.
I would of been super uncomfortable having my hair cut inside someone’s house without any masks
I got a haircut a few days ago
I was wearing a mask
Everyone inside was wearing a mask

And THIS right here ^^, is why I don't want to go back to work. Being a transplant patient, I'm the one who's going to catch this thing as soon as I head back to the office (car dealership). With the showroom closed and the A/C running, blowing the germs around, yeah, I'm good staying home till August (as long as my request for extended short term disability is approved).

I hear people asking why am I staying home and not "living my life"? Yup, my wife & I will be staying home, staying safe, going out for curbside groceries , NO dining in (we do get curbside takeout) and the VERY rare time to go into an Aldi right before close (when there are only a handful of people in the store) to get some meats/fish (their Mediterranean salmon is amazing) we are all covered up and safe. I'm not going to be a statistic of this horrible virus! Not me!! This thing is real and scary and deadly!
He could have been an actual leader and prepared the country back in December. Instead, he spewed insults and continued to further divide the country with his narcissistic BS claiming to overpower governor's rule.

Yes, both sides of the aisle played a role in being unprepared. But the person who holds the title as President of the USA should've been above all that BS and lead the country.

If we were prepared back in February, we would have been ready with testing and lockdowns in March. We would have slowed this down much earlier so that by Memorial Day we would have been ready to open.

Governors would have been ok with 1-2 months of lockdown. The problem now is that we did a half-assed job of it and we started too late, but these red states ran out of patience. So, at least indirectly, Obama could have made a big difference.
Trump has done absolutely nothing to help. But here are the problems that led to this:

- Everything about covid has been politicized. Every official are making moves to protect their own political career
- The more political covid got, the more extreme idiots started acting
- Regardless of who's in power, we were never set up to handle this. SARS taught us nothing, ebola taught us nothing - because "we are America and we are the smartest and this won't happen to us"

Compare this to every country that have done well to contain this:
- minimal politicizing of covid
- people just trusted whatever the health officials said because government listened to and worked with health officials

The political nature of everything is destroying us, covid or other issues in the future. Media plays a huge role in this and they've done nothing to help. Incentives for these media companies can't be increased engagement. They should be rewarded for great journalism and investigative journalism.
I would of been super uncomfortable having my hair cut inside someone’s house without any masks
I got a haircut a few days ago
I was wearing a mask
Everyone inside was wearing a mask

100% I was not fully comfortable with the situation at all. Especially when you consider how much a barber will touch your face during a cut. You’d have to have a pair of gloves for every person even if you’re gonna wear a mask and honestly, even if he was wearing a mask, I would have never thought of the gloves thing and I would have walked out thinking none of it.

I just took the gamble. Given the circumstances I think I’ll be fine, but there’s always some underlying anxiety.

And that’s gonna be a part of our recovery from this. Mentally, we all have to start taking more risks at some point. I just trusted in my states numbers and government guidance that this was a risk I could take.

A year from now we might still be side-eyeing the person down the aisle that just sneezed or immediately pull out the hand sanitizer from our pocket after accidentally rubbing against someone in public. These are the deeper side effects a lot of people aren’t considering. The psychology of this country, and the world, is going to be affected for years.
- Regardless of who's in power, we were never set up to handle this. SARS taught us nothing, ebola taught us nothing - because "we are America and we are the smartest and this won't happen to us"

Actually Obama and his admin foresaw this possibility and left dumbass 45 a playbook as well as a stocked reserve but they ignored/didnt listen to any of it/slept through the transition meetings.

I'm planning to get my first haircut after 4 months. If I see anyone without a mask at the barbershop, I'm immediately leaving.

Have you spoken to your barber about the shop's policies and enforcement? I follow a lot of barbers on YouTube and they're all complaining that their customers (especially very young and very old) are the ones complaining the most about having to wear masks. Before they opened up they were saying, " masks required, zero tolerance, etc" but now it's become optional because they don't want to lose paying customers after being out of work for so long...
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