Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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These stories of symptomatic people going out into public is the thing cautious Americans feared the most with the reopening.

All these idiots saying "we're gonna resume our lives. If you wanna be afraid or if you're sick/vulnerable to the virus stay home." Yeah that's gonna work. Let everyone go back to enjoying luxuries like bars and shopping, etc and expect older people and sick or susceptible people to sit home watching from their windows like the Squidward gif
Upper right wisdom tooth needs to get pulled. It’s slightly coming out from the gums and the root is exposed. No pain yet so I been pushing it off
These stories of symptomatic people going out into public is the thing cautious Americans feared the most with the reopening.

All these idiots saying "we're gonna resume our lives. If you wanna be afraid or if you're sick/vulnerable to the virus stay home." Yeah that's gonna work. Let everyone go back to enjoying luxuries like bars and shopping, etc and expect older people and sick or susceptible people to sit home watching from their windows like the Squidward gif

Lol I think we are know the reason why this isn't taken more seriously is because healthy, white (young) people aren't the ones getting hit hardest by this.
Yeah, the key is finding a dentist who cares about your comfort. I grew up going to a Dentist that had a scary office, it was dark, and quite frankly, i don't think he should have had kids as patients. he didnt give a damn about you feeling pain. "Oh, you're scared of this needle? F it, I'm gonna drill your teeth regardless!" Thats literally how he reacted. I have probably 6 feelings? 5 of them were done without any pain medication. Just straight went in and drilled. Excruciating pain of course. Its why i was terrified of the dentist. Palms be sweaty during the dentist scenes in Finding Nemo!

All of that changed when I found a great dentist for my kids and saw how excited they were to go to the dentist. Found myself a great dentist and now, I go happily.
I had the same dentist/hygienist for a decade. Friendly, professional, well lit lol.

Got a new dentist when I moved. Hygienist spent the entire half hour of cleaning yelling at me to open my mouth more. Only went once. Don't have a dentist now and won't be looking for one until next year. Just going to stay vigilant on flossing/brushing and hope I don't have any dental emergencies.
Lol I think we are know the reason why this isn't taken more seriously is because healthy, white (young) people aren't the ones getting hit hardest by this.
I'm trying to find better data but this is from May 4, for Illinois. Not sure what's going on with the "left blank" category but look at black, white, and latino. They all have roughly the same number of positive tests but whites have 2x to 3x the number of negative tests, indicating they are getting tested much more widely.

illinois data.png

source: https://abc7chicago.com/coronavirus-illinois-test-latino/6150864/
Schedule at my hospital released until August. Usually the schedule is released every 2 weeks. They added extra shifts from June to August and are going over policies now for a potential second wave. Many are fearful that the 2nd wave might come after, during flu season (September to March), that would literally be worst case scenario.

As for as a treatment update in general....

Hydroxychloroquine use heavily declined. Almost not worth it unless you're in a trial and under heavy monitoring like mentioned months ago.

Remdisivir seems to be working only on patients who were started on it very early. Almost as soon as any first symptom. Not that great in general though, patients whose oxygen levels kept declining were switched over to Tociluzamab anyway.

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Used to be able to walk from my place to the Loin to grab a drink have some food...but now they having shootouts at Noon. :smh:
*dunno why all the best bars are in the Loin

Ya'll see the shootout a few weeks ago on Pine and Taylor...8 PM at night. Another shootout mid afternoon last week. You right though, all the cool bars in the loin...and I can't imagine they will be there when this is over :[
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