Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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2 important quotes to take from that..............1 in the article and 1 in the comment section

From article:

From comment section:

I hope they do a follow-up report on this AND see if social-distancing mask policies truly took place (and were effective) in preventing this "noncompliant COVID case" from spreading her illness to any of her customers
Meh, some people work really hard and need that trip in their life brother. I can't fault that part. I don't think it means their are unhappy.

BUT, of course now is not the time to want to take that trip.

I try and go to Hawaii every July or Aug, but passing this year. And I'm thrilled I'm not going under these circumstances. To be honest, I'm not sure how long until I'm ready and comfortable to travel.

Trips are needed in life. But come on....
you're right. i got a little carried away.

people need to find a way to enjoy their summers still. hopefully we can do it without crowding places too much. that's all i needed to say lol.
I chipped one of my bottom molars 2 weeks ago and working up the guts to go see the dentist. Thought about waiting until Stay at Home is done but the wife pointed out thats probably a terrible time to go since everyone will be making appointments to see the dentist. I'm sure my issue is deemed a essential needed service so i should probably go now
If possible, try and get a first appt of the day to try and minimize the amount of aerosol floating around
I chipped one of my bottom molars 2 weeks ago and working up the guts to go see the dentist. Thought about waiting until Stay at Home is done but the wife pointed out thats probably a terrible time to go since everyone will be making appointments to see the dentist. I'm sure my issue is deemed a essential needed service so i should probably go now

Damaged the nerve of a molar back in February. In March they told me I need a root canal. Don't know when I should even call to go back, been dreading them calling me back. I already hate going to the dentist. FML.
Damaged the nerve of a molar back in February. In March they told me I need a root canal. Don't know when I should even call to go back, been dreading them calling me back. I already hate going to the dentist. FML.
Yeah, the key is finding a dentist who cares about your comfort. I grew up going to a Dentist that had a scary office, it was dark, and quite frankly, i don't think he should have had kids as patients. he didnt give a damn about you feeling pain. "Oh, you're scared of this needle? F it, I'm gonna drill your teeth regardless!" Thats literally how he reacted. I have probably 6 feelings? 5 of them were done without any pain medication. Just straight went in and drilled. Excruciating pain of course. Its why i was terrified of the dentist. Palms be sweaty during the dentist scenes in Finding Nemo!

All of that changed when I found a great dentist for my kids and saw how excited they were to go to the dentist. Found myself a great dentist and now, I go happily.
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