Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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6 deaths in the state, all the local hospitals in the area starting to get confirmed cases. Only matter of time before I’m face to face with it. They asked healthcare workers to volunteer to work OT to be on the front lines to help treat/care for the people who will inevitably come in with it at my hospital , no one signed up lol.
They weren't kidding about the supplies. Just came back from Target, they were wiped out of a lot of the essentials they be telling folks to stock up on.
^^Can we boil water to drink? Is it safe to do that?

your high school science teachers failed you.

Watched contagion on my flight and watched the Netflix pandemic couple weeks back..

Some of my thoughts are :
Coronavirus is really infectious, but not that deadly (low morality rate compared with others), if something is really infectious and deadly (the Plague) then we're in trouble.

The virus probably has vaccine already, but needs 6 months or so to go through all the trials, testing, manufacturing, regulations

Virus can still mutate as it goes through other animals/different races. Contagion movie shows a bat poops and a pig eats it, then we eat the pig is how it all started.. Has evolution potential like cancer..

Has potential to devastate homeless communities and 3rd world countries if left unchecked

At the hospital I work we have always offered free surgical masks.. They're emptied cause people keep stocking up. We have shortage of n95s

As a doctor, would you advise wearing masks in public or while traveling?
your high school science teachers failed you.

hope it doesn’t come to that. we’re talking about chaos and anarchy.
Wait, have there been reports or suspicions of local water supplies being contaminated with the virus or do people just prefer drinking out of bottles? I get pretty decent tasting filtered water from my fridge, so stocking up on bottled water in case of quarantine wasn’t even a consideration.
So elderly/high risk we know.

What about newborns/infants/kids? Supposedly not much a threat to them?
That’s what I’ve seen so far. Hard to imagine since my kids seem to get sick so often, though they do seem to bounce back reasonably fast. When my daughter woke up with a fever last week I couldn’t help but wonder if it was c19.
As a doctor, would you advise wearing masks in public or while traveling?
:lol: I'm not a doctor, I'm an RN, but have some experience with it. I know we have a few MDs on here though. We wear n95 in the hospital. If someone coughs in your face and you got a mask.. it'll help but you're definitely not immune. I would wear a mask in public, won't hurt.

I would think babies/infants are at risk like the elderly

  • If you are healthy, you only need to wear a mask if you are taking care of a person with suspected 2019-nCoV infection.
  • Wear a mask if you are coughing or sneezing.
  • Masks are effective only when used in combination with frequent hand-cleaning with alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water.
  • If you wear a mask, then you must know how to use it and dispose of it properly.

  • Both CDC and WoW

Going to be taking extra precautions at work. Upstairs floor with no windows and a lot doors to go through. And folks love to come to work sick.
Wearing a mask 😷 doesn’t prevent anything you still leave your eyes exposed so I dunno how a mask helps Smfh wake up people !
JAPAN: 19 people were infected by Hokkaido, Kanagawa, Niigata, Osaka, Ehime, Kochi, and one cruise ship passenger by 11 pm on the 2nd. Has been newly confirmed.

New coronavirus 980 confirmed infections in Japan (including cruise ships)

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