Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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What? Where did you get that from?

A mask stops you from spreading it, not the other way around.
What type of masks are you talking about? Regular ol dookie masks or respirators? You sound like you’re telling people it’s ok to to walk around where this virus is active without any protection to your face
What? Where did you get that from?

A mask stops you from spreading it, not the other way around.

There have been studies stating aerosolization and studies saying it hasn't.
The vids posted of Dr John Campbell go over that.
It is my opinion that the federal government should be picking up the tab for anything the insurance companies don't cover, at least when it comes to testing. Without knowing the details, I'd assume the $3k was more than just the (likely faulty) test kit, but also the entire ER visit. Did he receive any other care, such as IV fluids, meds, etc?

"How can they expect normal citizens to contribute to eliminating the potential risk of person-to-person spread if hospitals are waiting to charge us $3,270 for a simple blood test and a nasal swab?"

He was also in China for a work trip.

Mr Azcue discovered that not only does he owe $1,400 out of pocket, but he also needs to provide his insurer with three years of medical records to prove that the flu he got didn't relate to a pre-existing condition. If for some reason the flu related to a pre-existing condition, then the insurer would no longer pay a portion of the man's bill.

Jackson Memorial Hospital, where Mr Azcue received his tests, told the Miami Herald more bills are on its way to the man. It is not clear what else he will have to pay for after getting tested for the coronavirus.
We talking like surgical masks? They're not designed to protect the wearer.

I was talking n95, but even a surgical mask is better than nothing, IMO. Like taking a slingshot to war, but at least there’s a chance!
smh they need to quarantine everyone in Santa Clara county
Georgia state reports 2 confirmed cases of coronavirus


*I'm sure everyone on that plane was ok and were all given COVID 19 testing kits from CDC

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Watched contagion on my flight and watched the Netflix pandemic couple weeks back..

Some of my thoughts are :
Coronavirus is really infectious, but not that deadly (low morality rate compared with others), if something is really infectious and deadly (the Plague) then we're in trouble.

The virus probably has vaccine already, but needs 6 months or so to go through all the trials, testing, manufacturing, regulations

Virus can still mutate as it goes through other animals/different races. Contagion movie shows a bat poops and a pig eats it, then we eat the pig is how it all started.. Has evolution potential like cancer..

Has potential to devastate homeless communities and 3rd world countries if left unchecked

At the hospital I work we have always offered free surgical masks.. They're emptied cause people keep stocking up. We have shortage of n95s
Watched contagion a couple weeks back when this first started in China

That movie is like this but on steroids
Genetic analysis suggests coronavirus infections double every six days, spreading to hundreds

An evolutionary analysis based on the genome sequences of COVID-19 coronavirus samples taken from patients in the Seattle area suggests that the number of infections doubles roughly every six days, which translates into hundreds of infections over the course of the past six weeks.

So far, 18 cases have been confirmed in Western Washington, including 14 in King County and four in Snohomish County, north of Seattle. As of today, five patients have died — four in King County and one in Snohomish County.
I don’t get where this water Hoarding is coming from. What is making people think that there will be a water shortage if the there is a lockdown implemented?
Haven’t heard anything about water shortages in China or Italy.
I don’t get where this water Hoarding is coming from. What is making people think that there will be a water shortage if the there is a lockdown implemented?
Haven’t heard anything about water shortages in China or Italy.
Idk but my cousins told me water is very low in stores. I drink 4-5 bottles a day so it doesn’t last long for me so I might as well if people gonna be on the dumb ****
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