Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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But what do you think telling people to continue to lock themselves inside their home for another 1-2-3+ months is going to do? People forget there are costs to doing these lockdowns beyond just being a little bored. On top of the financial ramifications, there’s a mental health component that’s not being talked about much at all.

I was 100% in support of quarantine back in March. I understood how much we didn’t know about the virus - how lethal it was, how it spreads, do masks work?, what the virus actually does, does it affect everyone equally?, etc. This on top of the fact that there’s no effective treatment or vaccine and no built in immunity in anyone. It was a reasonable reaction in the sake of public health.

3 months later though, I’ve changed my mind. In part due to the financial and mental health stuff I’ve mentioned before, but also because we’re getting a better sense of what this is. We know that 86% of those that die from it are 65+. The average person that dies from COVID-19 has on average 2.5 comorbidities. Just 7% of of COVID-19 deaths were attributed to COVID-19 alone.

So what does that tell me? It tells me that younger, relatively healthy people are probably safe to go back to work. It tells me that if you’re a high risk individual that you need to take more precautions to protect yourself. People in nursing homes, who are being hit hard already, need the most help.

I think there has to be a way to allow low risk individuals to get back into the world and contribute to the economy and allow them to re establish some type of normalcy while also taking precautions to safeguard more vulnerable populations. The idea of forcing EVERYONE into their homes, regardless of their risk status, and dictating what they can and can’t do rather than allow them a choice is becoming ridiculous in my eyes and certainly unsustainable, practically speaking.
If there was a nationwide contact trace and isolate program set in place it would be possible to open up the economy and keep infected ppl at home. Presently, there's no such thing right now.

And there's so much not known about the virus right now. It's not as easy as I'm young with no comorbities, I should be safe going out there. You never know.

I know a family of three who contracted covid. The 60 yr old parents lived but the 30 yr old son died.

Young children are coming down with a multi inflammatory syndrome related to covid and I don't think doctors have figured out how that's worked yet.

My sister works at an ER and she's seen 20-40 yr olds come in with strokes when the usual demographic for strokes are usually 50 and over, and that's because of covid

Don't be so quick to assume that you won't be that unlucky young person that goes to the icu because of covid.

Even if you don't go to the icu over covid, if you contract it then you can probably pass it to someone who would.

I don't blame you for wanting to go back to work though.


The nursing home part of the Virus response is going to go down as an effing National disgrace and failure. Some States and Home operators should be ashamed how they dropped the ball. People’s parents, grand parents and great grandparents sacrificed.

Read up and don’t forget.

-newly signed Tampa Bay Buccaneers quarterback Florida Man has already begun assimilating into state culture, introducing a new line of ¨immunity¨ supplements through his website with very convenient timing.

For athletes, Protect works fast to replenish essential antibodies that are often depleted after strenuous exercise (like HIIT workouts or long runs). For everyone, Protect helps regulate a healthy immune response and boost levels of circulating white blood cells that are impacted in times of high stress.

There's alot of truth here. Bravo for taking an unpopular stance and doing it with reason, not leading with emotion or politics.

Thanks man. I‘m trying not to lose my mind entirely over this. Haven’t been able to work since March and 7 weeks after filing I still have nothing from UI and no way of contacting anyway for help. It’s extremely frustrating and not being able to provide for myself it’s taking its toll on me mentally and financially. My situation is probably still preferable to most but it’s still hard.

If there was a nationwide contact trace and isolate program set in place it would be possible to open up the economy and keep infected ppl at home. Presently, there's no such thing right now.

And there's so much not known about the virus right now. It's not as easy as I'm young with no comorbities, I should be safe going out there. You never know.

I know a family of three who contracted covid. The 60 yr old parents lived but the 30 yr old son died.

Young children are coming down with a multi inflammatory syndrome related to covid and I don't think doctors have figured out how that's worked yet.

My sister works at an ER and she's seen 20-40 yr olds come in with strokes when the usual demographic for strokes are usually 50 and over, and that's because of covid

Don't be so quick to assume that you won't be that unlucky young person that goes to the icu because of covid.

Even if you don't go to the icu over covid, if you contract it then you can probably pass it to someone who would.

I don't blame you for wanting to go back to work though.

But the statistics, right now, tell me that I probably won’t end up in the ICU given my age and health status. I’m willing to take that risk to be able to work and make a living especially when I’m getting no help from the government. How is it fair to tell people who are getting no help from the government and can’t go to work that they need to stay home for the sake of other people? That’s ludicrous.

We do risk-benefit analysis all the time and always come up with some level of risk and death that we, as a society, are okay with. We get in our cars and drive everyday despite the 10s of thousands of fatalities from car accidents every year. We get on planes and fly across the world despite the possibility of it crashing. We have sex with strangers despite the chance of contracting an STD. The difference is WE get to choose for ourselves if we want to take these risks, not the government.

I also understand that a virus is different from the above scenarios. Again, I understand quarantine and why it was enacted to begin with and I’ve been in favor of it until recently when I began to look at raw numbers and facts instead of fear mongering MSM narratives and it changed my mind.

People are hurting by staying home but no one talks about that. It’s either you want to stay at home until there’s a vaccine (which isn’t even a guarantee) or you’re selfish and endangering other people because you want to make a living and save your business/family from going under. That narrative needs to stop. (Not saying you’re pushing that narrative, certainly seems you aren’t)
Thanks man. I‘m trying not to lose my mind entirely over this. Haven’t been able to work since March and 7 weeks after filing I still have nothing from UI and no way of contacting anyway for help. It’s extremely frustrating and not being able to provide for myself it’s taking its toll on me mentally and financially. My situation is probably still preferable to most but it’s still hard.

But the statistics, right now, tell me that I probably won’t end up in the ICU given my age and health status. I’m willing to take that risk to be able to work and make a living especially when I’m getting no help from the government. How is it fair to tell people who are getting no help from the government and can’t go to work that they need to stay home for the sake of other people? That’s ludicrous.

We do risk-benefit analysis all the time and always come up with some level of risk and death that we, as a society, are okay with. We get in our cars and drive everyday despite the 10s of thousands of fatalities from car accidents every year. We get on planes and fly across the world despite the possibility of it crashing. We have sex with strangers despite the chance of contracting an STD. The difference is WE get to choose for ourselves if we want to take these risks, not the government.

I also understand that a virus is different from the above scenarios. Again, I understand quarantine and why it was enacted to begin with and I’ve been in favor of it until recently when I began to look at raw numbers and facts instead of fear mongering MSM narratives and it changed my mind.

People are hurting by staying home but no one talks about that. It’s either you want to stay at home until there’s a vaccine (which isn’t even a guarantee) or you’re selfish and endangering other people because you want to make a living and save your business/family from going under. That narrative needs to stop. (Not saying you’re pushing that narrative, certainly seems you aren’t)

well put and said. I been saying this for a while now. People can and should be able to evaluate and assume risk.
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