Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

Are You Getting The Covid Vaccine?

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Just me but America has become spoiled, entitled and way to dependent on our Amendment rights. Common sense, empathy and compassion are slowly become a thing of the past.

That’s a stretch. So which specific actual Amendment right you want to give up? Understand the point you are making with the three personality traits and conduct, and also wish people try to be better. But not the supportive argument to make.
"IT'S ALL GRAVY BABY" :rofl: :smh::rofl:

shibadekobe shibadekobe for shame.

I´m used to professionalism and accuracy in your reporting...getting the relevant facts, and getting them right.

you misquoted the subject of this report in your post: the young lady said ¨I´M ALL GRAVY BABY.¨

constructed entirely--head to toe, brains to buttocks--of gravy. this is much funnier, and something she said.

keep it sharp cousin, thanks in advance.
That’s a stretch. So which specific actual Amendment right you want to give up? Understand the point you are making with the three personality traits and conduct, and also wish people try to be better. But not the supportive argument to make.
The way I see it (and have seen it these past few years) is that the Constitution on its own is only half the story. A lot of our system working depends on the assumption of basic human decency. We have seen that, without that, our system erodes.

I contrast that with other countries that do have basic human decency but lack a strong constitution and often struggle because of that.

We really need both. Because we can't just depend on a police state to get us to be good citizens.

edit: to be fair, the bad actors are amplified by social media and the news. The vast majority of people have been fairly level-headed through all of this. I'd say it's about 20% of people who suck. The same 20% who voted for a certain candidate in 2016.
The way I see it (and have seen it these past few years) is that the Constitution on its own is only half the story. A lot of our system working depends on the assumption of basic human decency. We have seen that, without that, our system erodes.

I contrast that with other countries that do have basic human decency but lack a strong constitution and often struggle because of that.

We really need both. Because we can't just depend on a police state to get us to be good citizens.

edit: to be fair, the bad actors are amplified by social media and the news. The vast majority of people have been fairly level-headed through all of this. I'd say it's about 20% of people who suck. The same 20% who voted for a certain candidate in 2016.
While I would agree with your 20% suckage rate, I don’t think it is strictly political. There’s a certain demographic who don’t identify as conservatives that would rather not wear a mask if it doesn’t match their ‘fit or keeps them from enjoying their cocktail.

I mean I'm not going to fault people who see the risks of covid but genuinely need the economy to open up so they can make a living

But there are some crazy people out there that want the economy open

I've heard em say things like

'Sacrifice the weak, only the strong survive.'.

'Covid is not as bad as the flu.'

'The government can use the vaccine to inject you with a microchip.'

'The democrats are milking covid to prevent Trump from doing rallies and then when the election is over, then covid will magically be over too.'

Not to mention that you can want the economy to open up and also practice social distancing and wear masks in public. It's not one or the other, you can do both. Lots of open up the economy ppl are straight up being defiant about wearing masks and ignoring social distancing when they out in public.


If you really genuinely need to get back to work, that's one thing. But ppl who are downplaying the virus, coming up with conspiracy theories, and ignoring social distancing/masks while out in public - that's another thing - and it's not doing anyone any favors.

I mean look at this. How does packing yourself in a tiny store with no mask to prove you're not afraid of covid do anyone any favors. How does this get the economy back? Lol

But what do you think telling people to continue to lock themselves inside their home for another 1-2-3+ months is going to do? People forget there are costs to doing these lockdowns beyond just being a little bored. On top of the financial ramifications, there’s a mental health component that’s not being talked about much at all.

Nearly half of Americans report the coronavirus crisis is harming their mental health, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation poll. A federal emergency hotline for people in emotional distress registered a more than 1,000 percent increase in April compared with the same time last year. Last month, roughly 20,000 people texted that hotline, run by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.

Online therapy company Talkspace reported a 65 percent jump in clients since mid-February. Text messages and transcribed therapy sessions collected anonymously by the company show coronavirus-related anxietydominating patients’ concerns.

I was 100% in support of quarantine back in March. I understood how much we didn’t know about the virus - how lethal it was, how it spreads, do masks work?, what the virus actually does, does it affect everyone equally?, etc. This on top of the fact that there’s no effective treatment or vaccine and no built in immunity in anyone. It was a reasonable reaction in the sake of public health.

3 months later though, I’ve changed my mind. In part due to the financial and mental health stuff I’ve mentioned before, but also because we’re getting a better sense of what this is. We know that 86% of those that die from it are 65+. The average person that dies from COVID-19 has on average 2.5 comorbidities. Just 7% of of COVID-19 deaths were attributed to COVID-19 alone.

So what does that tell me? It tells me that younger, relatively healthy people are probably safe to go back to work. It tells me that if you’re a high risk individual that you need to take more precautions to protect yourself. People in nursing homes, who are being hit hard already, need the most help.

I think there has to be a way to allow low risk individuals to get back into the world and contribute to the economy and allow them to re establish some type of normalcy while also taking precautions to safeguard more vulnerable populations. The idea of forcing EVERYONE into their homes, regardless of their risk status, and dictating what they can and can’t do rather than allow them a choice is becoming ridiculous in my eyes and certainly unsustainable, practically speaking.
But what do you think telling people to continue to lock themselves inside their home for another 1-2-3+ months is going to do? People forget there are costs to doing these lockdowns beyond just being a little bored. On top of the financial ramifications, there’s a mental health component that’s not being talked about much at all.

I was 100% in support of quarantine back in March. I understood how much we didn’t know about the virus - how lethal it was, how it spreads, do masks work?, what the virus actually does, does it affect everyone equally?, etc. This on top of the fact that there’s no effective treatment or vaccine and no built in immunity in anyone. It was a reasonable reaction in the sake of public health.

3 months later though, I’ve changed my mind. In part due to the financial and mental health stuff I’ve mentioned before, but also because we’re getting a better sense of what this is. We know that 86% of those that die from it are 65+. The average person that dies from COVID-19 has on average 2.5 comorbidities. Just 7% of of COVID-19 deaths were attributed to COVID-19 alone.

So what does that tell me? It tells me that younger, relatively healthy people are probably safe to go back to work. It tells me that if you’re a high risk individual that you need to take more precautions to protect yourself. People in nursing homes, who are being hit hard already, need the most help.

I think there has to be a way to allow low risk individuals to get back into the world and contribute to the economy and allow them to re establish some type of normalcy while also taking precautions to safeguard more vulnerable populations. The idea of forcing EVERYONE into their homes, regardless of their risk status, and dictating what they can and can’t do rather than allow them a choice is becoming ridiculous in my eyes and certainly unsustainable, practically speaking.

There's alot of truth here. Bravo for taking an unpopular stance and doing it with reason, not leading with emotion or politics.
The way I see it (and have seen it these past few years) is that the Constitution on its own is only half the story. A lot of our system working depends on the assumption of basic human decency. We have seen that, without that, our system erodes.

I contrast that with other countries that do have basic human decency but lack a strong constitution and often struggle because of that.

We really need both. Because we can't just depend on a police state to get us to be good citizens.

edit: to be fair, the bad actors are amplified by social media and the news. The vast majority of people have been fairly level-headed through all of this. I'd say it's about 20% of people who suck. The same 20% who voted for a certain candidate in 2016.

Fair point. But I’d go back even more years. The rise of Political Correctness and Outrage Culture have just created overly sensitive and ill mannered people.
But manners and codes of conduct better learned within family and social structures that reinforce Right/Wrong and Decency. Not through more rules and regulations with no effectiveness in enforcement. And most certainly not dismantling and misunderstanding the fundamental basics of our way of Life.
I just know there are people who have been social distancing and have not changed their hygiene habits. So I feel it's almost a guarantee folks are going to get sick.
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