Hide Ya Wives, Hide Ya Kids: Worldwide Coronavirus Pandemic!

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All the fans gonna be gassed for the Season to start til the league announces you gotta pay $100 for League Pass to watch any games. They're hesitant to restart for health reasons but there's also the financial factor. How you gonna pay all the player salaries with $0 in ticket sales, way reduced merch revenue, and nobody paying for food and beer at the arenas.
Yea that financial stuff I'm not sure how that's going to work out

I'm just saying if the players really want the nba to resume, holding all the games in one closed location would be best

Doing it any other way would result in a covid breakout
I can't see Adam Silver prioritizing tests for the NBA when essential workers can't get tested and 2000 people are dying a day.
Yea procuring tests for everyone who would be involved in the season is a huge roadblock. If Adam Silver can't accomplish that much then they shouldn't even try to resume
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I guess people being scumbags is a global issue

they should find that SOB and charge that person with murder

I dont know why people are so stupid. particles can get into the hole of that mask

we should all be proud of the sacrifice this man made but anyone who’s African American should be especially proud of this man
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I can't see Adam Silver prioritizing tests for the NBA when essential workers can't get tested and 2000 people are dying a day.
I get the sense that the testing situation isn’t as “difficult” as it used to be, at least here in California. We have the local health clinic offering to test ANYONE (symptoms or not) via drive through and they’ll even come to the workplace to test the whole staff PCR and/or antibody ($79 fee) right on site.
any 24 hour fitness members? they just sent out a newsletter/video on how they will operate
i think once i can get through to a rep, i'll just pay the cancellation fee. i know the members at my local gym are dirty af. no way they keeping that place clean
I got an email saying they were gonna start reopening in my area May 18. The problem is they're only opening 5 locations in the entire DFW metroplex and ain't none of them ****s is close to me :lol:

I been cancelled by membership, but even if I didn't, I'm not about to drive out 15-20+ miles just to catch rona from some roided up meathead lol.
All the fans gonna be gassed for the Season to start til the league announces you gotta pay $100 for League Pass to watch any games. They're hesitant to restart for health reasons but there's also the financial factor. How you gonna pay all the player salaries with $0 in ticket sales, way reduced merch revenue, and nobody paying for food and beer at the arenas.
true, but there's also a lot cost savings. don't have to fly the players every couple days, don't have to light up and heat and clean a 20,000-person arena, etc.

for sure, they will take a financial hit, but between the reduced operating costs and also the increased TV revenue (we have nothing else to watch. every game could be must-watch TV), I imagine they would still make a profit, although there would probably also need to be pay cuts.

i imagine espn/tnt will still televise games, but I'm sure a lot more people than normal would be willing to toss in $100 to get all the games, considering we normally pay that much to see the games in person.

of course, games without fans could be duds and we would eventually stop tuning in. but i'm sure the hype machine will find a way.
Just got email from my school saying that Fall Semester will be online

I was reading a piece about people starting to sue for their tuition back because online classes are not what they paid for...and honestly, I don´t see how you argue they aren´t absolutely right. that campus **** costs.

They wanted the campus experience, but their colleges sent them home to learn online during the coronavirus pandemic. Now, students at more than 25 U.S. universities are filing lawsuits against their schools demanding partial refunds on tuition and campus fees, saying they're not getting the caliber of education they were promised.

...also, if I spent all my life watching college movies and ended up on YouTube I would be pissed too.

All the fans gonna be gassed for the Season to start til the league announces you gotta pay $100 for League Pass to watch any games. They're hesitant to restart for health reasons but there's also the financial factor. How you gonna pay all the player salaries with $0 in ticket sales, way reduced merch revenue, and nobody paying for food and beer at the arenas.

I´m quite sure the NBA will, uh, find a way.


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at this point, im not talking to anybody i dont need to whenever im out at the grocery store. as much as i want to tell people to keep 6 ft away or wear a mask, ill just make my own effort and avoid people in case someone crazy pulls this stunt
That story is horrible. Some humans are truly vile creatures. During these times if a person spat in my face or someone I know, i’d try to exercise constraint and not murder them immediately. I’d def take my car keys and rip both their eyeballs out the sockets though.
That story is horrible. Some humans are truly vile creatures. During these times if a person spat in my face or someone I know, i’d try to exercise constraint and not murder them immediately. I’d def take my car keys and rip both their eyeballs out the sockets though.

might be best to avoid getting COVIDs all over yourself by NOT exposing the bodily fluids of randoms...

¨...but I understand.¨

--Prof. Christopher Rock
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