HEROES Season 3:Ep. 5 - "Angels and Monsters" [Oct. 13th, 2008]

omg i cant watch it on nbc for some reason i need help
The Vortex was mad wild. Could you imagine straight putting half of Mccains rally crowd in one of those.

I bet Hiro stopped time for a hot sec and told Ando to play something out. I doubt Ando would be like aight stab me so Hiro probably lied to him about thewarning.

Parkmans dad is too strong. Can you imagine having that? Even Auther Patrelli, who knows what he can do.

The writers be jacking Peter up, dude should be untouchable with the powers he has. They even limit Sylar at times but I guess it's the only way to have ashow. Them two could just run wild on all the decisions and all other characters would be pointless.

I'm not into breaking it down to a science like folks on other boards because it makes the show not interesting. People disecting it like it should beperfect, let it be.

Mohinder is crazy and I would like to see his story get on further. Hopefully next week. I honestly would like to see him get cured, who else is the mediatoron the show? He understood those with the powers more than anyone so he could rationalize the best out of anyone without powers.

Noah, it's time to get killed. I'm sick of his manipulation of his own family. He believes his own crap, though he is right about Sylar. Sylarscharacter development is great and I can't wait till he goes back evil. He's just waiting to see who has what powers, who is important to keep alive,and who is running what. Dude is mad calculating and believe me Claire is one he wants to run with him.
finally got it to work and yo hiro killing ando was sad made me wanna tear a lil Mr. petrilli behind this whole recruiting thing had me bugged out.i dontthink hiro really joins this posse cause in mrs petrilli dream he was dead but we all know hiro dont die!!cmon!!! im guessing he stabbed ando to make thembelieve that he is down....when he really isnt! AND YO how can yall think mr petrilli think he is no tough ...mats dad was sraced of him he was talking infear!! as for the mrs petrilli freezen parkman's man prolly tylaphically linked mr petrillis powers through his...maybe...as for peter im reallybaffled..im still stuck on future peter dying if he has claires power how some one explain this to me!!!!
I don't understand why everybody is all up Hiro's #$! for shiving ol boi... The man went to the future and saw himself get flamed up by him. Ando has ahabit of being a %++@ up always going off on tangents, he's better off without him. Plus, Hiro's hawk game has been up, y'all seem to forget whenhe put that katana in my guy Sylars gut.

+1 for the asian in my book
Originally Posted by jbone2308

Hiro better have a good reason for hurting Ando. He deserves his hadouken

Ando bout to get em still. When he realizes he can Hadouken, it's a wrap for Hiro.


yo jbone2308 i couldnt agree more
and im tired of this adam
Originally Posted by Seymore CAKE

This damn fool Mohinder got boys hemmed up in that %!@% from the Mario Brothers Movie

I know what Mohinder is turning into now


does anybody know bub's andmarlo's real name in heroes? Im not gonna lie, when I saw prom night for the first time all I could say is GET EM STRINGER!!

Originally Posted by CzdaDegrees

finally got it to work and yo hiro killing ando was sad made me wanna tear a lil Mr. petrilli behind this whole recruiting thing had me bugged out.i dont think hiro really joins this posse cause in mrs petrilli dream he was dead but we all know hiro dont die!!cmon!!! im guessing he stabbed ando to make them believe that he is down....when he really isnt! AND YO how can yall think mr petrilli think he is no tough ...mats dad was sraced of him he was talking in fear!! as for the mrs petrilli freezen parkman's man prolly tylaphically linked mr petrillis powers through his...maybe...as for peter im really baffled..im still stuck on future peter dying if he has claires power how some one explain this to me!!!!
C'mon fam...

Try that one again...
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

Originally Posted by CzdaDegrees

finally got it to work and yo hiro killing ando was sad made me wanna tear a lil Mr. petrilli behind this whole recruiting thing had me bugged out.i dont think hiro really joins this posse cause in mrs petrilli dream he was dead but we all know hiro dont die!!cmon!!! im guessing he stabbed ando to make them believe that he is down....when he really isnt! AND YO how can yall think mr petrilli think he is no tough ...mats dad was sraced of him he was talking in fear!! as for the mrs petrilli freezen parkman's man prolly tylaphically linked mr petrillis powers through his...maybe...as for peter im really baffled..im still stuck on future peter dying if he has claires power how some one explain this to me!!!!
C'mon fam...

Try that one again...

damn G you taking L's for that one

and you tellin me you didnt peep the haitian at the end of that ally got to open yo eyes G
Originally Posted by CzdaDegrees

funny how you spotted that and i missed it
whats it matter if you saw it or missed it? was you notgon spell it "tylaphically"?

and this show sucks, i don't know why i keep tuning in.
@ that Mohinder Pic. Dude is definitely some kind of spider. I'mtoo curious what he is injecting Nathan with. Since Nathan is pissed at finding out his Mother injected him with powers, I have a feeling that Suresh isSTEALING Nathan's flying ability while telling him he is trying to find a "cure", hence how everyone is flying in the future.
Originally Posted by Drunken Cow

Someone school me, Sylar still has his super hearing powers right?
supposedly he lost all his powers minus TK and his base power due to the virus last season
this show has completely fallen off...this dude peter can basically take over the world with his powers and hiro is beyond pathetic...
this show is moving way too slow for me with so many characters. i'm not interested in this season at all. hiro was cool before but i'm getting tiredof him.
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by Drunken Cow

Someone school me, Sylar still has his super hearing powers right?
supposedly he lost all his powers minus TK and his base power due to the virus last season

Wait then how did he use his Nuke powers in the Future?
When he got that in Season 1 before the virus...
I think Sylar still has all his powers. He used the super hearing to find out Bennet was trying to black hole him didn't he?
Originally Posted by LVJordan238

I think Sylar still has all his powers. He used the super hearing to find out Bennet was trying to black hole him didn't he?
he was reading claires mind ..i believe..
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

Originally Posted by Drunken Cow

Someone school me, Sylar still has his super hearing powers right?
supposedly he lost all his powers minus TK and his base power due to the virus last season

he started out season 3 with telekinesis and his base power and went on from there...

"In 'The Second Coming,' Sylar says to Claire, 'You see, I lost everything that made me special.' Does Sylar mean that he permanently lost all of his acquired powers except for telekinesis? Has his slate of powers been 'wiped clean' and does he have to start all over again? If so, then by the end of 'The Butterfly Effect,' it appears that he only has his telekinesis power, Claire's healing and regeneration power, and Bob's power to turn things to gold. Or am I reading into things?"
Nope that's right. Sylar's starting over. Getting a whole new slate of powers as he goes. You can count Jesse's voice powers into the mix as well.
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