HEROES Season 3:Ep. 5 - "Angels and Monsters" [Oct. 13th, 2008]


Good episode but their taking a page of Naruto with that puppet master's Shikamaru-Style.
And can't be dead, somehow I think Hiro did something to prevent it from happening.
Hiro has become annoying this season though.
after recyling powers...it's nice to see some CRAZY ones
My thoughts on Ando

[color= rgb(0, 0, 0)]Hiro killed him, thinking that was his only choice. However, someone brings Ando back tolife and convinces him to work with them to fight Hiro and that gang. Ando of course agrees, knowing that Hiro would actually kill him and now he will fulfillHiros vision of Ando killing him.[/color]
Man this episode got me off guard plenty of tymes. Very dark and I like it.

Bubs will return, imo. I think he'll come back changed and join the villains.

I knew it was Pops Petrelli. He's getting Adam to heal him. What is his power? Everyone is scared of him.

Hiro better have a good reason for hurting Ando. He deserves his hadouken

I was surprised to Pops Parkman but knew what he was doing.

Peter snapping necks, trying to kill moms, and becoming a villain is

I'm liking the puppetman's powers but damn dude is creepy.

Team Villains will be too dope. Can't wait til next week.
^^ for some reason
Spoiler [+]
I think Hiro and daphane pulled a fast one on Knox
Great episode. Mr. Pitrelli's powers are probably like Professor X's, a high level telepath. He was able to go into Angela Pitrelli's head andimmobilize her as well. Probably has the power of total mind control.
Originally Posted by krazyg

Great episode. Mr. Pitrelli's powers are probably like Professor X's, a high level telepath. He was able to go into Angela Pitrelli's head and immobilize her as well. Probably has the power of total mind control.

That is too similar to Parkman's powers though or that chick that Parkman stopped driving the Lambo in season 1.
I think it is bigger than that.
Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by krazyg

Great episode. Mr. Pitrelli's powers are probably like Professor X's, a high level telepath. He was able to go into Angela Pitrelli's head and immobilize her as well. Probably has the power of total mind control.

That is too similar to Parkman's powers though or that chick that Parkman stopped driving the Lambo in season 1.
I think it is bigger than that.

Yeah I think it's bigger also. For some reason, I think it's Peter's ability but completely perfected and more powerful. It seems thateveryone's power is evolving slowly.
#1. So I guess I'm the only one who thought that Hiro did what he did with no hesitation due to the fact he KNOWS he can rewind time and make it all goodagain? I mean, that's the first thing I thought of when he stabbed Ando...I didn't take it that seriously since we all know Ando isn't really deadand Hiro has the power to mess around with time...

#2. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it Parkman's dad who was in Mrs. Petrelli's mind...NOT Mr. Petrelli? So as of now, we still don'tknow what Mr. Petrelli's power is...

I'll have more thoughts later on.
I thought Mrs. Petrelli really did just have a dream about the future and no one was controlling her. I mean that is her power isn't it?
yeah i too thought the same when hiro stabbed ando.... pretty sure hiro can just go back in time and plan the whole thing..... fake blood, fake sword, orwhatever he has to do to convice the people that he is a bad +**...

is it me or is there too many dam commercials.... *sigh*
Originally Posted by KneeNoh

I thought Mrs. Petrelli really did just have a dream about the future and no one was controlling her. I mean that is her power isn't it?
Mr. Petrelli went into her mind. He even said, "...when you can't even move?" She woke up and was unable to move at all, just hereyes. She had just opened up his file and I'm guessing Mr. Petrelli did not want anyone having the slightest thought of him being behind the redevelopmentof the formula, so he immobilized her somehow.
Originally Posted by OvATyME316

Originally Posted by RFX45

Originally Posted by krazyg

Great episode. Mr. Pitrelli's powers are probably like Professor X's, a high level telepath. He was able to go into Angela Pitrelli's head and immobilize her as well. Probably has the power of total mind control.

That is too similar to Parkman's powers though or that chick that Parkman stopped driving the Lambo in season 1.
I think it is bigger than that.

Yeah I think it's bigger also. For some reason, I think it's Peter's ability but completely perfected and more powerful. It seems that everyone's power is evolving slowly.
Iono, But whatever it is, He's a BEAST wit it...

Taking out Peter (who's godlike already), Tracy, and Nathan with ease...Omega level mutant status out here.
Originally Posted by iLLoQuent aka DSK

#1. So I guess I'm the only one who thought that Hiro did what he did with no hesitation due to the fact he KNOWS he can rewind time and make it all good again? I mean, that's the first thing I thought of when he stabbed Ando...I didn't take it that seriously since we all know Ando isn't really dead and Hiro has the power to mess around with time...

#2. Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it Parkman's dad who was in Mrs. Petrelli's mind...NOT Mr. Petrelli? So as of now, we still don't know what Mr. Petrelli's power is...

I'll have more thoughts later on.
#1. I'm agreeing with Uptempo Kid. Daphne was way too calm about things after Hiro "killed" Ando. I'm thinking they pulled afast one on Marlo and everybody.

#2. And yeah I'm pretty sure it was Parkman's dad in Mrs. Petrelli's head... I don't know how to explain her immobilization other than thefact that Parkman's dad seemed to be able to lock people up in their own minds. This also expalins his ability to communicate with Mr. Petrellitelepahically. I don't think we've gotten a chance to see his power yet. In fact for all we know, he's not that tough...
Episode was

I did see a few times where it seemed like they showed the episode for 5 minutes before another commercial

A few notes from today's episode:
- A lot of y'all are talking about Hiro doing what he did to Ando, and that Ando is in the future. Well, as they stated in a previous episode this season,the future isn't set in stone, and that it has already changed, so it makes sense it will just keep changing.
- I saw the first poster of this thread talk about him seeing Mr. Parkman
so that didn't surprise me at all, but it did still catch me off gaurd that he was doing the Linderman mind part.
- Mr. Patrelli's first appearance
. He was on the"wheelchair" in the picture, and now we see at least PART of his power to do mind control and even MORE with it. Wheelchair and what we see of hispower so far is definitely Professor X like

- Spider-man nesting Maya like that
. Mohinder has always been pissin meoff from the start
. I do miss when he was a "normal" nowbecause he's even more annoying now, but next week's episode when he injects Nathan will be VERY interesting
- Claire looks damn good all Villianed out... they just put on hella make-up on her face to make her look more evil too

- Bubs and his Vortex power
. Definitely dope, but a vortex is basicallya black hole, and as far as we know, there's no coming back from a black hole. Unless my definition of it being like a black hole is wrong (don't feellike googling at the moment), then it's probably just a "transportation" from the the vortex he creates to another somewhere. Hopefulle thelatter.
@ Sylar breaking down Claire's mind to her father. It seemsreally obvious she just lied to him saying she understands. She does understand in a way, but she I don't think she is buying his crap any longer.
- Puppet dude is creepy, but his powers is dope too. I hope Claire shoots her mom.

Too many other things. I'll definitely rewatch these past few episodes over fall break this weekend.
Originally Posted by Da XpLiCiT OnE

Episode was

I did see a few times where it seemed like they showed the episode for 5 minutes before another commercial

A few notes from today's episode:
- A lot of y'all are talking about Hiro doing what he did to Ando, and that Ando is in the future. Well, as they stated in a previous episode this season, the future isn't set in stone, and that it has already changed, so it makes sense it will just keep changing.
- I saw the first poster of this thread talk about him seeing Mr. Parkman
so that didn't surprise me at all, but it did still catch me off gaurd that he was doing the Linderman mind part.
- Mr. Patrelli's first appearance
. He was on the "wheelchair" in the picture, and now we see at least PART of his power to do mind control and even MORE with it. Wheelchair and what we see of his power so far is definitely Professor X like

- Spider-man nesting Maya like that
. Mohinder has always been pissin me off from the start
. I do miss when he was a "normal" now because he's even more annoying now, but next week's episode when he injects Nathan will be VERY interesting
- Claire looks damn good all Villianed out... they just put on hella make-up on her face to make her look more evil too

- Bubs and his Vortex power
. Definitely dope, but a vortex is basically a black hole, and as far as we know, there's no coming back from a black hole. Unless my definition of it being like a black hole is wrong (don't feel like googling at the moment), then it's probably just a "transportation" from the the vortex he creates to another somewhere. Hopefulle the latter.
@ Sylar breaking down Claire's mind to her father. It seems really obvious she just lied to him saying she understands. She does understand in a way, but she I don't think she is buying his crap any longer.
- Puppet dude is creepy, but his powers is dope too. I hope Claire shoots her mom.

Too many other things. I'll definitely rewatch these past few episodes over fall break this weekend.

That wasn't Arthur Petrelli. The one in the wheelchair is another Company founder. Arthur has his face turned to the side.

I just read something that will disappoint everybody that watches Heroes on NT. PM me if you want to know. Its a spoiler for the show
Oops my bad

I haven't looked at that picture for a while, and I guess that's what happens when you're in class from 930am to 3pm, then library all day untilmidnight
I forgot it was Isaac Mendez's gf's dad, whose name I can't remember. What were his powers? I remember a scene where Peter went back in time andthen Charles (Devoux?) knew future Peter (in reference to past time), was there.

Time for my 3 hour "nap" that I'm going to avg this week.
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

I just read something that will disappoint everybody that watches Heroes on NT. PM me if you want to know. Its a spoiler for the show
I don't want to find out, but disappointments are
. If I analyzed your statement correctly, disappointment for NTers.. I'm going to take a guess
*highlight the hidden text to the right: maya is going to die in the next ep.
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