HBO'S "Insecure" [ Created by Issa Rae ► Season III: 2020 ]

my point is that she's "dumb" for acting on her feelings?

hell if going after a man out of a relationship is so toxic then why is side chick society so prevalent?

if lawrence didnt want the attention from tasha cuz he's still so hurt he had opportunity to cut it off

instead he smashed and therefore planted the seed in her head that he felt some way about her

a woman is not gonna give her body to a man in hopes of being told "im just not feeling you like that"

as far as exclusivity, if he didnt think it was some kind of betrayal he wouldnt have told her, so he knew there was some level of exclusivity expected

like if tasha were to get her back blown out by somebody else while theyre "talking" he'd be in his feels all over again

he can not want anything "serious", thats fine, but dont then act like thats what its all leading up to either

it seems almost like theres an expectation on tasha's behalf that she should put up with and settle for anything from lawrence simply because he was in a "long term relationship" and he's "hurt"

stupid is not the right word for it, she had every right to pursue a relationship regardless of issa
my point is that she's "dumb" for acting on her feelings?

If this is your point, yes. Yes she is.

Is it understandable? Yes, but it's still a stupid/dumb/risky move. Same as putting all your money on black in roulette. You lose all your money, you're an idiot. Win a some racks and you're a genius.

You act like putting any kind of blame or responsibility of what happened on her shoulders is wrong. She put all her faith in "fresh out of a relationship Lawrence". The same Lawrence that appeared to be pretty lethargic during regular convo but very engaged during sex. The same Lawrence that went to go pick up some mail and left a load in his ex. The same Lawrence that comes on the weekend and smashes.

Our point is that she took a risk, ignored multiple signs, admitted they shared a "freedom", all while thinking she could force him to change a grown man or make him ready to commit to her.
If this is your point, yes. Yes she is.

Is it understandable? Yes, but it's still a stupid/dumb/risky move. Same as putting all your money on black in roulette. You lose all your money, you're an idiot. Win a some racks and you're a genius.

You act like putting any kind of blame or responsibility of what happened on her shoulders is wrong. She put all her faith in "fresh out of a relationship Lawrence". The same Lawrence that appeared to be pretty lethargic during regular convo but very engaged during sex. The same Lawrence that went to go pick up some mail and left a load in his ex. The same Lawrence that comes on the weekend and smashes.

Our point is that she took a risk, ignored multiple signs, admitted they shared a "freedom", all while thinking she could force him to change a grown man or make him ready to commit to her.

Tried to explain this to my BM but her *** is so hard headed nothing she doesn't want to hear can penetrate her thick *** skull. That's why I'm not with her annoying *** now.
It's basically just the gamble angle of it all where she looks dumb/stupid.

I'm just waiting for somebody to explain that those red flags weren't reasons to stop foolin' with Lawrence.
If this is your point, yes. Yes she is.

Is it understandable? Yes, but it's still a stupid/dumb/risky move. Same as putting all your money on black in roulette. You lose all your money, you're an idiot. Win a some racks and you're a genius.

You act like putting any kind of blame or responsibility of what happened on her shoulders is wrong. She put all her faith in "fresh out of a relationship Lawrence". The same Lawrence that appeared to be pretty lethargic during regular convo but very engaged during sex. The same Lawrence that went to go pick up some mail and left a load in his ex. The same Lawrence that comes on the weekend and smashes.

Our point is that she took a risk, ignored multiple signs, admitted they shared a "freedom", all while thinking she could force him to change a grown man or make him ready to commit to her.

we not talkin about gambling where its a 50/50

lawrence intentionally/unintentionally created the situation in which she thought there could be a relationship

if he never had any intention of wifing her/being in a relationship then say it up front

but to lead her along and then when she decides she's ready/invites to a bbq you gon completely flake on her? nah

you say its dumb but understandable thats an oxymoron

she didnt "ignore" the signs, lawrence was the one acting as if they werent an issue

this aint two weeks after he and issa broke up this is months now

but let yall tell it she should just help him get over her and then be cool w getting kicked to the curb
If you think gamblin' is 50/50 stay away from the tables

you keep bringin' up leading her along but ignoring the fact that she states that she knew they weren't exclusive. Idk what kinda relationship she was settin' up but it damn sure wasn't gon be a solid one.

If you don't think she ignored signs you got on the same blinders she got on.

Let us tell it she should have dropped him when he told her about sleepin' with Issa.

We gon differ on how this is viewed, so it is what it is
if as you say they werent exclusive, then why would him sleeping with issa end their relationship?

again its not about her ignoring signs lawrence is the one who made it seem like signs werent an issue

hence the "faking like a good dude"
It wouldn't. There was no relationship to end, it was an arrangement at best.

It's fault on both sides. I believe I've acknowledged where Lawrence fell short, if not yea there's no denyin' he at the very lease enabled her to think everything was good. She could have ignored everything up till the sleeping with Issa. In a relationship would that not be a major sign to cut things off?
but everything prior to issa is not a bf/gf relationship

like you say he coming out the relationship and hes hurt

so she gives him space, time to work it out, no strings no serious commitments

but to what end in her mind? once damaged goods always damaged goods?

what more could she have done to cater to lawrence in any kind of way?

and all she wanted was the smallest acknowledgment by the bbq and he couldnt do it

for her part, things aint always how you would like them to be, but she tried to make the best of his bad situation

i cant see her being wrong in any sort of fashion, given what was her alternative?

cut him off, dump him and then what? run into him 5 years later when he got it all together?

she basically in a lose/lose for wanting him because if she pushes too hard then shes being a nag and if shes too passive then shes dumb
If things before he smashed Issa again wasn't like a bf/gf relationship why'd she ask him to go to the bbq?

Her alternative was to once she saw him fall short, she could have left him a lone for awhile.
You act like Lawrence the only good dude in the world. She found a good guy who messed up. Yea, she could have left him and moved on with her life.

Mo fish in the sea.
Hell she doin the same thing now lol He messed up again and now she gon stop messin' with him. Should she keep hangin' around with him hopin' for him to get better?
shut that pm **** up we talkin about the damn show Cashflow Cashflow

and as for weekend smashing being relationship status i disagree

she thought she could take it there FROM weekend smashing i.e. introducing him to family

and of course she has the option to leave him alone, but this is a tv show and she is a character

if she leaves him alone chances are we dont see her anymore

in terms of what has occurred on the show, she'd have every right to drop it now

but that wasnt the topic, calling her dumb was the topic and minimally addressing lawrence was the topic

if they brought in someone to show up i think thatd be great

but the show aint about tasha so i dont see any come up like that for her
as opposed to what? 5 pages of how stupid tasha is with no one disagreeing right?

i think your complaining is pointless see how that works?

if you wanna talk about something else who's stopping you?
if you defend your point with "this is a tv show and she is a character" there's nothing else to be said

She had plenty of outs before this bbq but she kept supporting him or whatever you want to call it until now with this being the straw that broke the camels back
no its the truth if she leaves lawrence alone are we really gonna see her with a new dude?

look at daniel have we seen him since he and issa called it quits?

its not "nothing else to be said" its the reality

this aint tasha's show

do i hope they show tasha with a good dude? YES

do i think they will? NO
aint the point of the thread to talk about the show?

if we talking that deep to the point you think the thread is ruined aint that a testament to how good the show is?

man just shut the **** up and enjoy the show/thread
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