Harassment/Sexual Harassment at work. FELLAS, LOOK OUT FOR THESE TRAPS.

At one of my older places of employment, I had a coworker who use to get inappropriate with me.

One day, casual Friday, I'm wearing some khakis, got the pipe print on deck. I'm standing by the water cooler, hydrating myself. She walks up to me, holding a binder, ruler and some pens (to hand out to the other workers). She looks down at the print and says "what do we have here" and brushes against it with her ruler and says "should we measure it?". I felt uncomfortable
game is wild man

women stay sexually harassing me at work

from hugging to kissing me on the cheek to grabbing/rubbing

i just smile it off or flat out tell em they're crazy as hell

people say it's common sense but in reality everyone is sleeping with everyone at just about every job

you see these people more than you see your family at most jobs

people tell me all my habits and just full blown watch me

so damn weird

and as another cat said I'm from houston and it is hard to get fired for sexual harassment here it seems lol

most women here are just straight with it here

but cats do get got tho
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Fat women
Old women

Do whatever they want. They don't understand personal space

Especially old women.
At my job they are thirsty for D and attention.

When they are young they probably get caped for and saved at every moment that when they are old and unattractive they yearn for that same attention that men paid them in the past. I blame this on thirsty *** NT'ers :smh:
I've had some married chicks throw it at me. I never flirted back with 'em. Ain't tryna get killed over no box. :lol:

This one chick at my old job used to sing songs and kinda dance on me. I could just tell from her energy she wanted me to smash

This other chick was real blatant with it. She used to call me boo and husband around other people and everybody knew was married. Her man used to drop her off. I'm surprised nobody told ol boy. :lol:

I feel u bruh!!! Started at this gig 6 months ago and my Latina colleague with a phat *** and d sz breastuses gave me 40 condoms out the blue to hand to my students. Gave yo boy the smash me 9 times look .. Man I wanted to beat

It's worse when they throw you lil hints. :smh:

This girl be like "Hiiiii Sean" then gives me a big *** hug. When she walks away I'm like

Co worker of mine got let go cause of this. He is the type of cat that isn't too good with :smh: the ladies. He see's a cute girl. She flirts with him once. He takes it to heart. Starts talking with her and she bqasically see's he is a sap. She takes advantage of this by getting him to do crap for her. One day he gets fed up with it cause he realizes she is using him. They get into an argument. She goes to HR and show them text messages from him indicating that he wants to smang her. Then they fire him. :smh: Me and him still keep in touch and he was able to land a higher paying job. So thats good.
This is why I would masturbate in the bathroom at work...

underrated post :lol:

At one of my older places of employment, I had a coworker who use to get inappropriate with me.

One day, casual Friday, I'm wearing some khakis, got the pipe print on deck. I'm standing by the water cooler, hydrating myself. She walks up to me, holding a binder, ruler and some pens (to hand out to the other workers). She looks down at the print and says "what do we have here" and brushes against it with her ruler and says "should we measure it?". I felt uncomfortable

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

thread is a good reminder to stay focused at work.
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Got a broad at work been on me since I started ...recently been giving her a lil play, trying not to mess with any coworkers but think I might smash mane I can only hold out for so long :smh:
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I once heard a woman say, it's only harassment if he's ugly, so I'm good to go :pimp:

But seriously, it's crazy how much power women have in situations like and how quickly the powers-that-be will jump to her side.

And women just don't know how much they can amp us up with their choice of clothing :lol:
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Some chick touch my abs today at work can I file for sexual harassment?

depending on how things happened, yes, you can. If it was unwanted/unwelcomed, then you definitely have a case. From my experience, it's VERY rare that men complaint about women, and even more rare that company's find that policy has been violated.
A little advice.

You can only get fired for what can be proven... so denial is one way out. If there are no witnesses, usually character witnesses are a good indicator as to whether someone did or did not do something. I know that sounds whack, but it's true. If a girl says, "yeah, Mike has been hugging me in the elevator. I dont like him touching me because he makes me feel like a sex object." That's very common.

There are no witnesses, there is no video, it's he said vs she said. The first thing I'd do is ask other coworkers if Mike hugs other employees.. what kind of relationship he has with victim.. etc. It's when OTHER people around you start to say.. "Yeah, I always see mike looking at the big booty thread on NT." Or, "i have seen mike hug every woman in the office at least 2 times.:" Or.. "Mike likes to talk sexually about women."

If ANYONE has a reason to get you back... if they don't like you.. if they just want you out, that's their chance to run your name through the mud. So, it's not just what other people can accuse you of, it's more of how well you're liked in the office.

As someone previously stated, just mind your own business. Keep your friends and coworkers separate. MOST people you work with are working because they need to pay bills. It's rare that people are working to avoid being a stay at home parent. So, what do people do to keep interest in work? They create drama. When someone is underperforming at work, they blame others and try to deflect attention. When someone is unhappy with another worker, they complain.
and I made a new post to emphasize something.

If you every feel like someone is trying to set you up, or someone is after you, TAKE NOTES. Document everything. If she smiles at you, document it. If she walks by you and brushes you, document it. If she asks you to walk her to her car, document it. DOCUMENT EVERYTHING.

IF/WHEN that person goes in the manager's office and complains about how you've been harassing her, pull out your notes and detail EVERYTHING. You will avoid a LOT of drama.
A little advice.

You can only get fired for what can be proven... so denial is one way out. If there are no witnesses, usually character witnesses are a good indicator as to whether someone did or did not do something. I know that sounds whack, but it's true. If a girl says, "yeah, Mike has been hugging me in the elevator. I dont like him touching me because he makes me feel like a sex object." That's very common.

There are no witnesses, there is no video, it's he said vs she said. The first thing I'd do is ask other coworkers if Mike hugs other employees.. what kind of relationship he has with victim.. etc. It's when OTHER people around you start to say.. "Yeah, I always see mike looking at the big booty thread on NT." Or, "i have seen mike hug every woman in the office at least 2 times.:" Or.. "Mike likes to talk sexually about women."

If ANYONE has a reason to get you back... if they don't like you.. if they just want you out, that's their chance to run your name through the mud. So, it's not just what other people can accuse you of, it's more of how well you're liked in the office.

As someone previously stated, just mind your own business. Keep your friends and coworkers separate. MOST people you work with are working because they need to pay bills. It's rare that people are working to avoid being a stay at home parent. So, what do people do to keep interest in work? They create drama. When someone is underperforming at work, they blame others and try to deflect attention. When someone is unhappy with another worker, they complain.

At the first sighy of such, I would document. I would also check with management and HR.

But if the working environment gets dirty like that, do you just find another job?
got a girls number at a call center that i worked at.........was texting her , liked her ....would walk her to her car and stuff after work......we set up a brunch date for a saturday , i was banging 2 other chicks there , both had bf's (thots) , i really liked this girl.........she saw me in the breakroom making out with one of the chicks while she was sitting on the hood of my infiniti , i still dont know what to believe but a few days later i get called into the conference room with HR ................luckily i had the text of her flirting back , wanting to hang out the next morning (brunch date) texts , she texted me first.........would text me all day , i had it all , dodged a bullet being able to prove that to HR , she told them i was texting her and she never gave me her number , but she texted me first lol .....then she gets home that same night and uses a text free app and texts me / calls me crying saying shes sorry that it wasnt her but her friend that was next to her instead.........tf b 
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got a girls number at a call center that i worked at.........was texting her , liked her ....would walk her to her car and stuff after work......we set up a brunch date for a saturday , i was banging 2 other chicks there , both had bf's (thots) , i really liked this girl.........she saw me in the breakroom making out with one of the chicks while she was sitting on the hood of my infiniti , i still dont know what to believe but a few days later i get called into the conference room with HR ................luckily i had the text of her flirting back , wanting to hang out the next morning (brunch date) texts , she texted me first.........would text me all day , i had it all , dodged a bullet being able to prove that to HR , she told them i was texting her and she never gave me her number , but she texted me first lol .....then she gets home that same night and uses a text free app and texts me / calls me crying saying shes sorry that it wasnt her but her friend that was next to her instead.........tf b 
Damn she was a cold piece
and I made a new post to emphasize something.

If you every feel like someone is trying to set you up, or someone is after you, TAKE NOTES. Document everything. If she smiles at you, document it. If she walks by you and brushes you, document it. If she asks you to walk her to her car, document it. DOCUMENT EVERYTHING.

IF/WHEN that person goes in the manager's office and complains about how you've been harassing her, pull out your notes and detail EVERYTHING. You will avoid a LOT of drama.
Great post going to start doing this.
Some of these chicks will throw it so hard though. My Jamaican homie showed me this video that this chick at his job sent him. This broad sent him a video of her playing with the cat in the bathroom at work. I couldn't believe that ****. And she know dude is married.

I didn't know what to tell him :lol: :smh:
At one of my older places of employment, I had a coworker who use to get inappropriate with me.

One day, casual Friday, I'm wearing some khakis, got the pipe print on deck. I'm standing by the water cooler, hydrating myself. She walks up to me, holding a binder, ruler and some pens (to hand out to the other workers). She looks down at the print and says "what do we have here" and brushes against it with her ruler and says "should we measure it?". I felt uncomfortable

If you're a brother I would highly recommend keeping it strictly business at all times especially with white women. I've seen too any brothers get axed.

I would say, in general, it's not ONE race that gets accused of anything. Not where I work at least.
Moral of the story is to never mess with chicks at work. There's so many other chicks it aint even worth it 

I sit next to my girlfriend at work. haha. been working with her for over 8 years. She does something a little different though. It's not a bad thing. Just gotta stay in your lane.
Those older women I work with have no shame b :lol:

Correct. Older women have no shame. But, it's the older women that have SOMETHING to lose, so they keep their mouths shut. It's the younger ones, the new ones that you gotta watch out for. Those are the ones with nothing to lose, so they start snitching the first chance they get.

Side advice... NEVER mess w/ a chick at work that you have more to lose than. If she's single.. no kids, fairly new... she has NOTHING to lose. She will ruin you immediately.
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