Guardians of the Galaxy (Film) - 8/1/14 - Starring Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista, Zoe Saldana, Benic

I get what you are saying but Thor, Cap and IM are at least known, you mention them to anyone before the film and people still know them. GotG is pretty obscure. You really can't put the two in the same level when it comes to popularity even before the films. If you read up on the rights and what Marvel has sold, GotG isn't even on that list. They are that obscure. When rumors of a GotG film started flying, peopel thought Marvel was crazy, this really is their biggest test after tackling the Avengers, a less known team of heroes and how the public will accept them. Look, I was deep into comics several years ago and still stay in touch here and there but I have very little knowledge about GotG, to be honest, I just know them as the team with the raccoon. :lol:

I agree, Marvel writing has been good (for the most part), though that is subjective because I am seeing more and more people who finds Capt America and Thor boring these days. Likely had to do with multiple viewings and might not affect the box office. IM2 & IM3 was also bad but the box office numbers tells you the power of the actor and hero, not as bad as Transformers but I see them being pretty much the same formula on why it makes billions (IM has the much bigger and better actor though for sure).

Marvel hasn't had a flop yet but it is bound to happen and I can see it with GotG. Pixar was on a roll too but eventually, Disney consumed them and their products have been crap lately and the box office is reflecting the crappy products they are putting out as well.

Don't get me wrong, I want this to succeed to give lesser known heroes a chance and I have more confident in Marvel pulling this off than DC but I really would not be surprised if this film makes the least money of all the Marvel films since the Incredible Hulk. It might not be considered a flop but at this point, with Marvels current strings of success, doubling the budget doesn't seem enough or might be less than their expectations.
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First of all, that is not what you were saying. :lol:

Also, it is not a preview for A2. You know damn well know A2 will have Ultron as the villain, not Thanos. And no, it is not being marketed as such. Look at the interviews from Comic Con, the higher ups are saying you'll get the feel of things in Thor but it isn't til Captain America that you get where A2 is going. GotG is light years away from Captain America and again, A2 is about Ultron, not Thanos.

And what does Thanos have to do with it being a cult status film? Is it Thanos in Avengers that made that film a billion dollar film? So if they kept Thanos out of it, it would have been a cult film?

Just because GotG is the last film before A2 doesn't mean it'l tie in together, there isn't even any confirmation that any GotG character will play a part in A2, from interviews at SDCC, it actually does seem like they won't be at all.

Your logic just makes no sense. Even if it is Marvel spending hundreds of millions doesn't mean it'll be a blockbuster hit. And seriously, a 10second Thanos won't make this a cult film? :lol: There is a chance this film will still make big bucks, odds are in their favor that it will but your reasons are way out there and nothing but Marvel fanboyism.

If GotG has nothing to do with A2 then why is is apart of phase 2? Why would marvel make a guardians film instead of something more safe like a new warriors film or a thunderbolts film? There is obviously way more to this film then we know right now and neither of us can say for certain what that is but the fact of the matter is marvel is not blindly making a film with a talking raccoon for no reason. There is a big plan for the guardians film and I don't think it's just the "thanos connection" which in fact I'm betting on him being in avengers 2 as well albeit a small after credit scene or him complaining about how his plans are being continuously thwarted. There is nothing about guardians right now that is saying "cult status" and correct me if I'm wrong but guardians comes out AFTER cap 2, right?
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With the amount of overnight comic fans I can't see a Marvel film being a complete disaster. Majority of the people catered to arent longtime fans. I'm sure lots of people who saw Avengers never even heard about em. People just want an excuse to see a movie these days.

But I see where RFX is going with this. The characters aren't of the norm, hell you have a tree and a raccoon. But if Watchmen could draw viewers I can't see why GotG can't.
First of all, that is not what you were saying. :lol:

Also, it is not a preview for A2. You know damn well know A2 will have Ultron as the villain, not Thanos. And no, it is not being marketed as such. Look at the interviews from Comic Con, the higher ups are saying you'll get the feel of things in Thor but it isn't til Captain America that you get where A2 is going. GotG is light years away from Captain America and again, A2 is about Ultron, not Thanos.

And what does Thanos have to do with it being a cult status film? Is it Thanos in Avengers that made that film a billion dollar film? So if they kept Thanos out of it, it would have been a cult film?

Just because GotG is the last film before A2 doesn't mean it'l tie in together, there isn't even any confirmation that any GotG character will play a part in A2, from interviews at SDCC, it actually does seem like they won't be at all.

Your logic just makes no sense. Even if it is Marvel spending hundreds of millions doesn't mean it'll be a blockbuster hit. And seriously, a 10second Thanos won't make this a cult film? :lol: There is a chance this film will still make big bucks, odds are in their favor that it will but your reasons are way out there and nothing but Marvel fanboyism.

If GotG has nothing to do with A2 then why is is apart of phase 2? Why would marvel make a guardians film instead of something more safe like a new warriors film or a thunderbolts film? There is obviously way more to this film then we know right now and neither of us can say for certain what that is but the fact of the matter is marvel is not blindly making a film with a talking raccoon for no reason. There is a big plan for the guardians film and I don't think it's just the "thanos connection" which in fact I'm betting on him being in avengers 2 as well albeit a small after credit scene or him complaining about how his plans are being continuously thwarted. There is nothing about guardians right now that is saying "cult status" and correct me if I'm wrong but guardians comes out AFTER cap 2, right?

To set it up for Phase 3.

I mean if Marvel just wants to keep it safe, make another Hulk film, everyone been asking for one after the Avengers. Or a Black Panther film. Or a Dr. Strange film. Those films are much safer, why go for the Thunderbolts? Obviously they want to open up the universe and introduce new heroes so they can bank on it.

I am not saying there isn't a Avenger connection, of course there is but from what I am hearing, that isn't the case with A2.

It's stupid to say "I bet Thanos will be in it for another 10 seconds" in A2. I mean, what does that prove? It certainly would not prove GotG has a big role in A2. GotG isn't a big factor when it comes to Ultron, they do with Thanos and GotG film might just be a way for Marvel to keep the interest on Thanos high, so that the audience does not feel it is neglected. That and introducing new more obscure heroes might just be their part in Phase 2. It could also be a way to show how much bigger Thanos is that it expand to the whole universe. GotG doesn't need to be connected to A2, it really doesn't with Ultron but once Thanos comes around in A3, then they are there and the team is set-up to join the Avengers.

I really could see the Avengers meeting the GotG at the end of A2 but that doesn't mean GotG is set up for A2 just for a 10 second screen time for Thanos or a cameo of both tams meeting after the credits.

At the end of it all, it was your ridiculous claims that was in question, saying "it is a $100m film so it won't be a cult film" is what sparked the discussion. That claim was simply insane. Budget does not guarantee a box office hit. Simple as that.
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But if Watchmen could draw viewers I can't see why GotG can't.

Watchmen has a giant following though and it is one adaptation that most have been looking forward to. Despite that, with a $130m budget and only making $180m worldwide, I don't think anyone would consider that a box office hit.
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I liked watchmen. It was a case of giving these grown complaining *** geeks what they wanted, an as true to original adaptation as you can get, only to realize maybe that won't work. Someone had to take the bullet. Still good though.
^ have to factor in watchmen being rated R.. Hard R.. with dr manhattan walking around swinging, multiple sex scenes and a rape scene
I liked Watchmen too, a lot actually. And I like most of Snyders work and style too. There are some hate on Snyder in the industry though for sure.
^ Bradley copper might be questionable as rocket but I'm not really concerned about his voice's not he's got a bad accent or he's Ben Affleck or something >D
Kevin Feige Reveals When GOTG Takes Place; Names Ronan The Accuser As Main Villain

"The general answer is yes," Kevin Feige said when asked whether Guardians of the Galaxy takes place at the same time as Marvel's other "Phase Two" movies, Iron Man 3, Thor: The Dark World and Captain America: The Winter Soldier. "It's not exactly revealed what year or month it is in relation to the other Phase Two films. But yes, it's the same time." So, while it may take place at the same time, just how connected will it be to the aforementioned films? "Certainly more than the others. We've already said that Thanos plays a part in it and is a character in it. That in and of itself should tell you it's connected to the other worlds." Talking of Thanos, many fans expected the Mad Titan to be the main villain in the sequel to The Avengers, but it was recently confirmed that it will be Ultron who fills that role. So, will he be the main foe in Guardians of the Galaxy? Not quite! "Ronan The Accuser is very much the main bad guy. And Thanos is lurking above it all. You will learn more about Thanos in Guardians, for sure. Certainly you'll get more than the one turn around and smirk. You'll get much more than that!"

Kevin Feige Reveals Tons Of GOTG Character Details; Says Gamora Starts Off As A Villain

"They are an unlikely band. It's pure circumstance that brings them all together throughout the course of the movie. Rocket has been genetically and mechanically altered, he's an experiment from one part of the galaxy. Groot is a species that happens to look like trees look, and is quite communicative if you can understand the different inflections in the way he says, "I am Groot." Peter Quill left Earth in the mid'80s, but when we meet back up with him he's very much a citizen of the universe. Drax has one goal and one goal only, which is to kill Ronan because of a past tragedy. When we meet Gamora, she's a bad guy working with Ronan and Nebula and Korath, and by extension for Thanos. Gamora doesn't necessarily like doing that anymore, and tries to find a new path for herself. But she has a reputation as the deadliest woman in the galaxy that people aren't greeting her with open arms."
Marvel is really running away with it...I hope the Bats VS Supes movie delivers so that we get the best if both worlds and DC doesn't fade into oblivion....I can't wait to see rocket Racoon, little man is gonna steal the show, bet on it.
IM2 & IM3 were still a big disappointment movie-wise.

It made serious $$$ though so it does seem like Marvel is bulletproof right now.
Movie bombed to us that know what mandarin really is to Stark in the comics, people that don't know jack about the comics I'm sure enjoyed the movie a lot...and still hit its numbers...
IM2 was a disappointment to the ones I know who are clueless about comics, even dudes who just loves big explosions.

IM3 was 50/50, my brother, who knows comics, wasn't bothered by Mandarin twist but he still found the movie dull.

$$$ are a given, anything Marvel x RDJ right now and he better be for $50m per film.
I personally wasn't a fan of either, complete waste of talent on the villains and anticlimactic endings....but the special effects and the iron man suit is probably one of the best CGI jobs to date...
Definitely underwhelming, especially the third one. Beside Mandarin, the main selling point of the third one was the army of suits and the marketing on it was on full force. Everyone was wondering why and where and how there came about but none of that were really shown in the film. Hell you barely saw any details on the suits, they appeared in the final action sequence at night and just detonated it all in the end. I just wish some were actually utilized and let it shine in the film instead of one crappy malfunctioning suit throughout the whole film.
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