Guardians of the Galaxy (Film) - 8/1/14 - Starring Chris Pratt, Dave Bautista, Zoe Saldana, Benic

:lol: You were just saying how obscure these characters are and now if you follow you should just know? Reading a few comics you knew there were humor but it looks like more comic book fans are complaining that it's too comedic.

I'll be honest, I hardly knew who Chris Pratt was and the only movie I recognized him from is Zero Dark Thirty. I do not watch Parks & Rec and only knew he was suppose to be a funny guy and that was pretty much it. It's not like this dude is Adam Sandler in recognition.
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Nah, it wasn't speculation. Those who follow this stuff knew that, or should've.


I LOVED the trailer def gave you a feel for what we should be expecting. Especially Peter Quill, would love to see him try to square up against cap, or ironman, like cap and ironman did in avengers. That dynamic would be great! Was hoping for some rocket dialogue or even groot but i guess they can't give everything away so early, i'm shocked we got a trailer this long to begin with.
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The trailer really didn't even "show off" any jokes. It just seemed like it was trying to prove that there will be jokes and a comedic tone. It was all typical Marvel trailer scenes with an extra awkward beat at the end. So it's hard to judge if it's gonna work.
Saw it live and it was cool. It's pretty clear the director wanted to conceal as much as possible. It was almost like he just showed one whole scene early in the movie.

We'll see though. I wonder how much doubt this put in to ppl looking forward.
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I think what happened is that some excited comic book fans started to go "eh" but plenty are still excited and those who aren't too familiar with the source material liked it more and got even more hyped so overall I think Marvel accomplished what they needed/wanted.
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Because a two and a half minute trailer determines the tone of the whole movie I guess

Eh, movie already feels like it has more comedy than Thor2s whole film and that's coming from a two and a half minute trailer. Even worse is that it feels forced.
It'd be something else if that was the gist of the comedy in the movie though.

Also I didn't find Thor 2 very funny or trying to be overly funny at all.
I don't know a thing about Guardians of the galaxy but the trailer looks dope and I'll definitely watch it. Was that Benicio Del Toro's character, from the after credits scene in thor 2, that popped up briefly in the trailer??


And the chick in the group is the daughter of thanos
Adopted daughter*
yea the music they chose for this trailer was too much as well (trying to be funny to hard)
That's what bugged me. Seemed off. Should've just went with an original score but they seem to be nailing down that Star Lord grew up in the 80s.
so this the newest version of GOTG not the one with charlie 57 and marvel this could be dope if the guest spot that got coming after credits delivers but u know he will
Yeah. The OG version was even too hard for me to crack through. All I know is that group was from the future trying to save the present to change their time like Bishop or Cable (most time travelers from the future :lol: ).
Also I didn't find Thor 2 very funny or trying to be overly funny at all.

I didn't mean Thor2 was trying to be funny but it has it's humors and for the most part, I liked it, especially with Loki and Portman and Hemsworth. It's all the mew-mew and Denning part in the end during the battle though, really felt out of place and forced. Dennings schtick was just too much and if she was gone, she wouldn't be missed at all.

And that was the capacity of humor I was expecting with this film, similar to other Marvel films like the little jokes in IM and Cap, but the trailer really makes me thinks it'll be much more than just that. :

Controls the Power Primordial to create virtually unlimited effects
Limited shape-shifting
Effective immortality
Armored suit

The Collector possesses the ability to manipulate cosmic energy for a variety of effects, including projecting concussive force beams, and the increasing of his size and mass (and hence physical strength) at will. He also possesses limited shape-changing abilities. His precognitive abilities give him brief visions of alternate future, although he must meditate for long periods to identify the individuals he sees in the vision and its apparent point in time. He has telepathic abilities that enable him to make limited contact with the minds of other Elders. Due to a vow by Death, Collector and all the Elders cannot die and are effectively immortal.

The Collector has a vast knowledge and comprehension of the advanced science and technology of numerous alien worlds, as well as a collection of devices and artifacts from those worlds. His armored battle-suit is made of the alien metal etherion, which amplifies the wearer's strength to superhuman levels, and it has jets that permit flight. He uses various weapons from many time periods and different worlds. Among his arsenal from Earth's past are catapults, Tibetan crystal balls that emit mystical rays, and magic beans that can conjure up warrior giants. He possesses a magic lamp that can summon a four-headed djinn with mystical powers. His "boxes" are rectangular "interdimensional traps" that can weaken a victim's strength or sanity. Other weapons include gigantic robot guards, a stun beam, and stasis beams. The Collector also has zoos of alien beasts which he can release to attack his adversaries. Among this is Snake-Eyes, an enormous alien serpent with hypnotic powers. Other items in his collection include the Obedience Potion, with which the Collector can compel a human victim to do his bidding; the Cosmic Viewer, with which he can monitor events on various worlds; a Kymellian translation/control device resembling a flute, with which he can communicate with other living beings; and a time probe enabling him to find and procure artifacts from other time periods. He uses starships holding museums of his collections, a Temporal Assimilator that allows time travel, Persian "flying carpets" and a "flying cape" that allowed flight. He formerly possessed the Infinity Gem that could control reality, but he did not understand its power.
May or may not be THAT powerful. Probably that smart though.

It's funny cuz I've read the entire run of comics of this version of the GOTG and they never took on The collector or any of the other elders of the universe.
Also I didn't find Thor 2 very funny or trying to be overly funny at all.

I didn't mean Thor2 was trying to be funny but it has it's humors and for the most part, I liked it, especially with Loki and Portman and Hemsworth. It's all the mew-mew and Denning part in the end during the battle though, really felt out of place and forced. Dennings schtick was just too much and if she was gone, she wouldn't be missed at all.

And that was the capacity of humor I was expecting with this film, similar to other Marvel films like the little jokes in IM and Cap, but the trailer really makes me thinks it'll be much more than just that.

I was probably too busy trying to see through her clothes to get a glimpse of those boobs.

From my recollection (only watching Thor 2 twice and haven't seen Thor in it's entirety in a while), it had the same amount of it that Thor had while the IM movies had much more as far as comparisons go.

Since you don't know much about him, before Zero Dark Thirty, Pratt could probably be looked like as a no name poor man's Seth Rogen but not with all the weed jokes. Dude seems the type that could've been part of the Workaholics cast. In a way when I heard he'd be Star Lord I first thought this could go bad and be Marvel's Green Hornet. I haven't seen him in much other than Parks & Rec so all I know him as is a fairly good actor that's funny. If you've watched The Office his character is like a cross between Kevin and Darryl with a dash of Andy. Was never sure if he was a great fit but in comics it's pretty open on how you want to play Peter Quill so I was never that worried. Not that this film is a solo but as a focal point you should constantly expect Star Lord to be sarcastic even in serious life and death situations. He'll crack jokes when he can but not in the Spidey way.
Mike b jordan RT'd the trailer, is he involved somehow?
Just a fan most likely. Can't think of anybody he could play in this.

Aint no black guys in space yet.

I remember John Lequizamo talking about how you always see Star Trek and all these shows based around humans in the future exploring space, and how the crew is always so diverse and multi cultural. Except no latinos.

I thought about that and had the straight Wee Bay face. Maybe Zoe Saldana counts, but she's really known as a "Black" actress more than a "latina" actress.

but she's Dominican so you never know you might get hit with that Ninjahood/Mero "I NO BLACK PAPI!!"
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^He's probably gonna be the first one to die in the film too 
Since you don't know much about him, before Zero Dark Thirty, Pratt could probably be looked like as a no name poor man's Seth Rogen but not with all the weed jokes. Dude seems the type that could've been part of the Workaholics cast. In a way when I heard he'd be Star Lord I first thought this could go bad and be Marvel's Green Hornet. I haven't seen him in much other than Parks & Rec so all I know him as is a fairly good actor that's funny. If you've watched The Office his character is like a cross between Kevin and Darryl with a dash of Andy. Was never sure if he was a great fit but in comics it's pretty open on how you want to play Peter Quill so I was never that worried. Not that this film is a solo but as a focal point you should constantly expect Star Lord to be sarcastic even in serious life and death situations. He'll crack jokes when he can but not in the Spidey way.

Thaks for the info, yeah sarcasm and just comedic jabs to Drax, Groot and sexual innuendos to Gamora are what I expected but the trailer does seem like Pratt will be cracking jokes the whole film or at least most of it but in a more off-the-wall way than RDJs more smooth delivery.

At least you didn't say his comedy is like Ryan Reynolds.
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