I shouldn't have even @'ed your name pmpdaddyrobford pmpdaddyrobford because you're back to this "why you taking up for dude ish".

You clearly don't know what "sticking up for someone" is. What I see is what I see and I see the exact shoe, don't care who the source is man.
I don't care if he was Donald Sterling racist *** doing the video(someone I strongly dislike) I would still say his shoe looks identical to my shoe, and I'm not going to say anything different based on yours or someone else's perspective of the dude. The end.

Has nothing to do with him personally, mine or your feelings towards him, it is what it is period.
disregard what I said about sticking up to him. Those sport blues were fake man
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mrdeeds mrdeeds What you just said, all that really doesn't even matter. Until today, NOBODY you included didn't know what the retail pair was going to look like dude.
So you are sitting here telling me that you personally, grabbed a pair today, and have spent time TODAY looking and comparing the two, is that what you are telling me?
If so, let's hear it. Let's examine his video, and let's hear what YOU are looking for.

And why are you assuming that I don't know what I am looking for? Again, Until almost 24 hours ago, Nobody knew what to look for (on this release) so it's weird that you think that today, you became some kind of expert on the SportBlue 6 while I, who actually did spent quite a bit of time TODAY comparing the two, know nothing. Why?

Just tell me what's wrong with his pair vs my pair.
mrdeeds mrdeeds What you just said, all that really doesn't even matter. Until today, NOBODY you included didn't know what the retail pair was going to look like dude.
So you are sitting here telling me that you personally, grabbed a pair today, and have spent time TODAY looking and comparing the two, is that what you are telling me?

Authentic pairs have been at retailers for almost 2 weeks and I've seen them, there are retailers that will let you see a shoe before release date. Most do it when people are picking up raffle tickets so once again you show that your pretty naive about how things work.

Regardless, you win. The shoes that you haven't purchased and seen in person are perfect. We should sell our authentic pairs and cop fakes when real pairs are available to purchase in store.

I have zero interest in going back and forth with, you won't spend the money to see these fakes in real life but you continue to defend their quality based on pictures and YouTube videos.
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Deeds wow. So you've "seen the shoe"
I own the shoe, but I'm the naive one here. Am I missing something?
Again, tell me what is different on my pair, compared to his, and then try to tell me how a shoe I own and am comparing to a shoe I can't see, makes me less qualified than you to compare a shoe you don't own to a shoe you can't see.
You actually won't get a response from me again ever, in this thread,you just proved worthless to me in this regard my dude.

And since you can't tell me the difference, now you try to say I won't spend the money, and I am defending their quality. Yea, real good, you could've just EXPLAINED TO ME THE DIFFERENCE in these 2 shoes but you can't, so stop fronting man. Bye
You actually won't get a response from me again ever, in this thread,you just proved worthless to me in this regard my dude.

And since you can't tell me the difference, now you try to say I won't spend the money, and I am defending their quality. Yea, real good, you could've just EXPLAINED TO ME THE DIFFERENCE in these 2 shoes but you can't, so stop fronting man. Bye
Even though I said I wouldn't go back and forth you seem like you actually want to see these differences that you can't see now.

The first thing you need to understand is the misdirection and games that are played by these early sellers.  The pair he reviewed was cherry picked out of what I'm sure was multiple size runs, so that is why I keep stressing that you have to spend some money to really see what these guys send their customers.

He posted on an foot review which he couldn't fake because the quality of pair that came in his size was flawed just like most early pairs are.  I'll post another video of a review of an authentic pair in HD so you can see these differences.  Asneakerlife's video isn't the greatest quality but you'll get the idea.  I'll also attach screens from the video so you can see what to look for.

Asneakerlife video and screens below.

Jstar video and screens below

As you can see the stitching is clearly off and definitely not uniform or "the same".

This is just an example of flaws that will be more glaring in person as opposed to a video.

I apologize for coming across like a jerk initially but this topic gets old and frustrating to me.

Its like trying to debunk bigfoot, people that believe early pairs are legit just seem hell bent on the subject without knowing as much as they think they do.

You may need to view the videos in full screen to get a better look at the shoes.
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1. That's not the video Or the shoe
2. I'm well aware of the heel bump stitching etc
3. I posted the real vs fake video (shot today) about 12 hours ago, before this convo even started, to assume I know NOTHING is silly
4. I actually watched the video I posted
5. I went back and then looked at dudes video after someone posted it today(completely unrelated)and referenced IG slander etc.
6. I mentioned the shoe in the video, appears to be the same shoe as mine, heel bump, stitching, hole count, tongue tag etc.

Now somewhere between 6-10, you got involved, took everything I said and was talking with another NTer about who understood the context of my post, and you applied your own understanding to it, and began putting words in my mouth.
7. Once you told me that you saw the shoe 2 weeks ago but didn't own it, and assumed I don't know anything or haven't done any of my own research, I decided to stop listening to anything you had to say.

But yea, that video and shoe isn't even the shoe I'm talking about so again, when you argue A when I'm talking about B, this kind of thing happens.
1. That's not the video Or the shoe
2. I'm well aware of the heel bump stitching etc
3. I posted the real vs fake video (shot today) about 12 hours ago, before this convo even started, to assume I know NOTHING is silly
4. I actually watched the video I posted
5. I went back and then looked at dudes video after someone posted it today(completely unrelated)and referenced IG slander etc.
6. I mentioned the shoe in the video, appears to be the same shoe as mine, heel bump, stitching, hole count, tongue tag etc.

Now somewhere between 6-10, you got involved, took everything I said and was talking with another NTer about who understood the context of my post, and you applied your own understanding to it, and began putting words in my mouth.
7. Once you told me that you saw the shoe 2 weeks ago but didn't own it, and assumed I don't know anything or haven't done any of my own research, I decided to stop listening to anything you had to say.

But yea, that video and shoe isn't even the shoe I'm talking about so again, when you argue A when I'm talking about B, this kind of thing happens.
This is the video that you posted, where he bounced the shoe from hand to hand for about 3 minutes and 47 seconds.  I chose to use a video where you could actually see the details of the shoe he was holding rather than one where you couldn't see the actual details of the shoe but you just choose to ignore that and call it the same shoe as a retail pair.  You asked for evidence and it was given to you but yet you choose to look past it.

I've included the video your referencing and also attaching a still of the shoe reviewed and including a picture the kid posted on his instagram from 4 months ago when the video went up to show you its the same shoe as the review.  I've obviously offended you with the way I commented on your previous posts but if you were to objectively look at this info theres no way you could ever say the pair the kid reviews and sells are retail pairs.

Like I said to you before, just because you can't see they are fake doesn't mean others can't.

Again, I didn't post this video, or any video today with Dude in it. I only posted the real vs fake ratchet review. Stop assuming okay.
Now I did ask about a sneakerlife video (not the one you just posted) and ASKED more than once, what the difference was because I didn't see it.
All this explaining you're doing right now( on the wrong video mind you) is what I was asking for earlier, more than once.
More than once!
Now, why you felt the need to ignore the question then and rather go in about how I "should buy fakes from him if I want" or "you defending fakes", you should have just explained the difference you saw, when I asked.

That's what blows my mind, now, you're doing all this explaining.
It would have been read by me 2 hours ago, now I could care less man.

The whole point is completely arbitrary now. Completely arbitrary.
I'm off it

Edit: It's all good though man, no hard feelings here. I take it for what it is.
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Again, I didn't post this video, or any video today with Dude in it. I only posted the real vs fake ratchet review. Stop assuming okay.
Now I did ask about a sneakerlife video (not the one you just posted) and ASKED more than once, what the difference was because I didn't see it.
All this explaining you're doing right now( on the wrong video mind you) is what I was asking for earlier, more than once.
More than once!
Now, why you felt the need to ignore the question then and rather go in about how I "should buy fakes from him if I want" or "you defending fakes", you should have just explained the difference you saw, when I asked.

That's what blows my mind, now, you're doing all this explaining.
It would have been read by me 2 hours ago, now I could care less man.

The whole point is completely arbitrary now. Completely arbitrary.
I'm off it
You ask for proof in multiple posts when you think your right but your conveniently off it when you've been proven wrong.

I saw the other video you posted(real vs fake), which was a very misleading video because it showed a very visibly flawed and dirty fake pair in comparison to a clean authentic pair.  Seeing the differences between real and fake pairs isn't always that easy or cut and dry.

I kept telling you to spend some money on these shoes before you start championing their legitimacy because I knew that once you saw them in person you'd no longer be fooled.  I could care less if you read the posts, they'll be here to educate other members about how easily anybody can be fooled into purchasing fakes because they look "straight legit" in a youtube video, IG, or ebay.  You'll also be a cautionary tale on how not to conduct yourself when you clearly don't know what your talking about.
Yea yea. I haven't read more than the first line in any of your last posts though.
The fact that you think this is about me being right or wrong, is your misunderstanding YET AGAIN.
If I wanted to be right, why would I ask a question in the first place, I'd just simply say, "the shoes are real, you know nothing, I know it all".
It's too late for all your explanations, I'm over it man, especially from you. You started all this why, because you started flapping your gums about everything else instead of answering The question that was asked.
Yea yea. I haven't read more than the first line in any of your last posts though.
The fact that you think this is about me being right or wrong, is your misunderstanding YET AGAIN.
If I wanted to be right, why would I ask a question in the first place, I'd just simply say, "the shoes are real, you know nothing, I know it all".
It's too late for all your explanations, I'm over it man, especially from you. You started all this why, because you started flapping your gums about everything else instead of answering The question that was asked.
so, you do realize now that from his video months ago they were fake now, right?
Yea yea. I haven't read more than the first line in any of your last posts though.
The fact that you think this is about me being right or wrong, is your misunderstanding YET AGAIN.
If I wanted to be right, why would I ask a question in the first place, I'd just simply say, "the shoes are real, you know nothing, I know it all".
It's too late for all your explanations, I'm over it man, especially from you. You started all this why, because you started flapping your gums about everything else instead of answering The question that was asked.
so, you do realize now that from his video months ago they were fake now, right?
Nah, he's just going to keep flapping his gums about how his feelings were hurt by how the info was given to him rather than the accuracy of the info.
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pmpdaddyrobford pmpdaddyrobford I actually didn't read anything Deeds said. He lost credibility with me several posts ago.
I did notice the videos he was explaining were the wrong ones though, another thing that had me skipping the posts entirely.

I will find the video, the correct one, and he or you or whoever can explain the difference on that one, like I asked before all this "feelings hurt" business.
How'd he lose credibility when what he said was right? What exactly are you wanting to hear? Yes he used a different video but you wanted to know the difference between fakes and real 6's and he explained it
But I do realize that dude probably does sale fakes, I've always acknowledged that.
This was never my question in regard to him, because I wasn't looking to buy anything from him, I used(still do) his videos for reference and on foot pics.
My question has always been the same, and what nobody has ever answered, what the difference was between his shoe in the video and my shoe that I now have in hand.

Here is the correct video:
If you want to join the conversation read through the conversation BlasterCombo, and you'd answer your own question, the video being discussed matters, because the shoes are different.

The ankle bump isn't the same as the on foot video, different shoe entirely.

I wasn't asking how to tell a fake 6 from a real 6. This is all information I already had.

It was the one video I couldn't see the difference, and he shows a video that I'm not talking about telling me things I already know, just like I figured.
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The proof is in the details, the video doesn't show the details. How could anyone answer that question? You're asking for a legit check without providing detailed pics.

Lol at "join the conversation". The whole thread is the conversation. The only one losing credibility on this topic is you.
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But I do realize that dude probably does sale fakes, I've always acknowledged that.
This was never my question in regard to him, because I wasn't looking to buy anything from him, I used(still do) his videos for reference and on foot pics.
My question has always been the same, and what nobody has ever answered, what the difference was between his shoe in the video and my shoe that I now have in hand.

Here is the correct video:

its not that he PROBABLY sells fakes, its that he DOES

i chose 11s because theyre easier for everyone to see. some of the gammas might be hard to tell, but look at the plastic cover, the XI should have a tint. one of them has a smushed 23 tho plastic seems better than the others
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I don't see a stitching issue.
If so then my FNL pair is worse than his. They definitely aren't fake. The stitch though? Look at mine

View media item 1159154
View media item 1159155

Am I tripping or is my sticking worse than his in the video(not the on foot one).

I'm thinking that he is probably selling fakes if he had more than one or two shoes for sale way back in May, don't know never checked.

But that shoe in the video looks like mine Deeds, I'm just saying it does. And this is not me saying his GM is the exact same as a retail pair, this is me saying he videoed a legit retail and or sample shoe in this video. If he's selling full sz runs etc it'd be easy to assume he's selling GM but again I've never checked dudes inventory.

Again I'm not trying to be a jerk either mrdeeds mrdeeds but I was just like damn man, I'm legit asking what te difference is because I can't see it, and automatically it was like you were saying I was defending him and wanting to buy fakes and fakes were the same, when man, I really just wanted to know the difference on that shoe vs mine because RIGHT now, still don't see it because my stitching is worse
pmpdaddyrobford pmpdaddyrobford I've acknowledged the guy sells fakes. Please man, don't cloud this one discussion proving information I've acknowledged.

We are talking about the SPORTBLUE 6 ONLY my dude. Stop doing that,

I a-friend a-friend am acknowledging to all of NT that the guy has sold fakes!

Ok, there. No understand that's not my concern ok please, SportBlue info right now or bugger off dude
You can have a retail pair that has an inconsistency thats similar to a fake, but the defect is usually more glaring in the fake and shows up in every single fake pair produced.

You may feel like the stitching on your pair is similar to the shoe in the video, I don't see them as being close at all.

The stitching on all fake pairs is never the same uniform shape and sometimes almost comes to a point rather than having a rounded edge.

I feel your pair is closer to this

than it is to this

The second pair is the one in the video, he just used the other shoe in the video.

Like @BLASTERCOMBO  said, that video isn't good enough to determine the quality of the shoe because at no time was the the shoe held still for zoomed in detail shots.

I also want to add that I'm not saying that bad stitching should be used as the identifier for all fake pairs, I'm just saying that based on the video posted thats what jumped out at me, I only ever referenced the on foot video because the shoe actually stayed still in that video.

I've seen some of these fakes in person, not the sport blue 6 as of yet but its a lot easier to discern between real and fake in hand than it is through photos and videos over then internet.  I can't stress this enough.

I also used to actually respect the fact that the kid used to use real pics of his pairs not stock photos, so you actually saw what you were getting from him but recently since he's been under fire he has stripped his site of all those pics.
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Well I'm definitely more accepting of you saying the video isn't still long enough to tell anything, than I am saying it's GM.

Is it possible that the shoe is GM, yes, am I leaning closer to Real, 1000%

Point is, saying "anything out that early is fake" is a little OD.

Kenny G gets his joints months early and he's def not rocking fakes.

PS: And no way on my stitching being better than his. My joints are way worse than his, yes I know it's not a single identifier, but it's the only identifier anyone has pointed out to me from the video on that shoe.

I think we've beat that topic and agreed to disagree.
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