Grey market discussion thread (Let's keep the discussion mature) Rules on pg 1 please read before yo

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not an expert with 4's but they do have high quality fakes that sell for like $50. they also have the Cavs

while they look good i assume they are much cheaper in feel and everything.
Its just me but every legit pair of xi ive ever seen, the tip of the sole was clear enough to see the contrast between the patent leather and the white mid sole at the very tip.
not an expert with 4's but they do have high quality fakes that sell for like $50. they also have the Cavs

while they look good i assume they are much cheaper in feel and everything.

don't trust taobao photos. often what is good enough/close enough to buying agents are nowhere near good/close enough to us. auction pics are interchangeable.
 the breds look good also the 4s 
i found black toes and shadows on the GM yesterday so they are out there but the prices arent worth it.
I'm probably late but just saw these already yellowed concords and they look just like my finishline pair from the last restock. Mind has been blown. 
If you're buying shoes and you don't know if they're legit or not then DON'T. The fact if the matter is JB shoes are already a joke to begin with quality wise. In 2000 fakes stuck out big time but nowadays the are just too similar. And for y'all justifying "grey market" shoes, have at them. I won't
I saw those yellowed soles Concords on Taobao back in like February.

They even had an option where you could buy a yellow soled pair for less money.

And just because those photos are used, doesn't mean that's the shoes you're getting. That's the first thing you should always assume when buying shoes online, even off eBay.

Plus there are legit shoes on Taobao also. And there are a thousand other sellers just like Rstore and Kinstor, sellers with a better rating and selection.

I've never boughten off Taobao and I knew about all this **** months ago, you would be surprised what you could learn off YouTube about GM shoes and people's experiences with agents/sellers/customs and the actual products.

If you guys wanna see first hand about GM shoes, search YouTube and watch the videos and product reviews directly from people that purchased shoes from Taobao.
If you're buying shoes and you don't know if they're legit or not then DON'T. The fact if the matter is JB shoes are already a joke to begin with quality wise. In 2000 fakes stuck out big time but nowadays the are just too similar. And for y'all justifying "grey market" shoes, have at them. I won't
Justifying what? There's no speculation anymore. We know they exist. We know they're made in the same factories, out of the same materials, by the same people. What exactly is anyone trying to justify. We established the risk when it comes to quality. We know agents will send you pictures before its even sent to you. If you're knowledgeable enough to notice any differences ask for another pair or a refund. If you're not knowledgable enough to know the difference then it's not going to bother you anyway because ignorance is bliss. No one is justifying anything.

I swear it seems that the people who don't own any GM shoes complain about them way more than people that actually have purchased them.
Justifying what? There's no speculation anymore. We know they exist. We know they're made in the same factories, out of the same materials, by the same people. What exactly is anyone trying to justify. We established the risk when it comes to quality. We know agents will send you pictures before its even sent to you. If you're knowledgeable enough to notice any differences ask for another pair or a refund. If you're not knowledgable enough to know the difference then it's not going to bother you anyway because ignorance is bliss. No one is justifying anything.

I swear it seems that the people who don't own any GM shoes complain about them way more than people that actually have purchased them.
So people know what's going on in the Chinese sweatshops? Naw, people THINK they know what's going on. Ignorance is bliss ....
So people know what's going on in the Chinese sweatshops? Naw, people THINK they know what's going on. Ignorance is bliss ....
Yeah? When you make a statement like that people are going to infer that you obviously know something that we're missing here. The only ignorance I see here is people ignoring all of the information provided in this thread. Willful ignorance.
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If you're buying shoes and you don't know if they're legit or not then DON'T. The fact if the matter is JB shoes are already a joke to begin with quality wise. In 2000 fakes stuck out big time but nowadays the are just too similar. And for y'all justifying "grey market" shoes, have at them. I won't
Are your abs real, fake or from the grey market?
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Can we stop with the same factory bs one has proof soo stop... shape different soles etc.'s been proven over and over that there not the same as rd pairs ... Grown men consigning copping bootleg shoes smfh

Dont forget their signature catchphrase...!!!

"Theyre IDENTICAL, except a few little (or minor) things!"
Dont forget their signature catchphrase...!!!

"Theyre IDENTICAL, except a few little (or minor) things!"
i would never use the word identical in describing retail pairs so I wouldnt use it in describing GM pairs. Theyre made under the same conditions, with the same materials. Thats where i believe theyre the same.

Although I've never been to any of these sweat shops. I do know manufacturing because thats what I work with everyday as an engineer. And i know how the manufacturing process works by training and experience. And as long as you have the proper machining (the factories that nike use), raw materials(all of these factories either make the raw materials in house or have contracts with other manufacturers that are dedicated to make the specific material in large amounts for various industries), anyone (factory owers) can make whatever they want. Usually what stops things like these unauthorized  products from being made is threat of legal action. But nike is inst doing anything about that. You can make all the stipulations you want although the product you get isnt "identical" to your pair or my pair (even though neither of our pairs would be identical to begin with) youre getting the SAME product that foot locker gets (barring differences from pair to pair and quality issues) as far as Nike/JB's intellectual property goes.

Choose what you want to believe but I'm going off of what I know from my education and my experience. Anyone who works with manufacturing of any sort is well aware of the chinese grey market and thats why any manufacturer focused on sustained success is always developing, changing, and improving manufacturing processes so that products arent so easy to reproduce.
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Can we stop with the same factory bs one has proof soo stop... shape different soles etc.'s been proven over and over that there not the same as rd pairs ... Grown men consigning copping bootleg shoes smfh

Me and deez been saying this since day one page it's taking all these complaints to realize this...sad.....very sad.....there's nothing but complaints throughout this thread and obvious fakes.......only pair I seen that could pass is a bred xi.......but that doesn't mean I didn't notice.....come on now......

People just need to stop passing off speculation and opinions that are not facts......

If you THINK your getting a real shoe by all means its your money spend it....but don't pass misinformation to the public to justify a purchase you made.....

It's people like the dude above with the blue sole Concords who have been told by people who believe in GMs and those of who don't that your shoes are out right fake but yet you still try and push the point they are GM ....let it go move on and post your expenicere with said vendor so the people coming behind you can make an educated buy.
Also id like to add that as far as blue tint goes i bought 2 pairs of concords from finishline on release day and from crooked tongues (i dont know if you guys remember them making a mistake and releasing them almost a full week early) but when i had all 3 pairs in hand the pair from crooked tongues was significantly bluer than those i go from finishline. Im not sure if i still have the picture of all 3 of them next to eachother, ill try to dig it up. But tint most def fades over time. My cool greys were practically blue when I received them from finishline but when I unds them about 5 month later they were significantly more clear.
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The sooner everyone figures out it's a matter of personal opinion and no amount of debate or argument will change the majority of other people's personal views, then the sooner this thread can actually be productive and informative.

And honestly...

If you don't buy/sell/wear/own or are interested in doing so, then why are you even posting, reading or following this thread?

It's either because you are intrigued and you wanna find out about GM shoes and see if it's something you would invest your money in, or you just wanna argue and push your opinion and beliefs on other people. I'm intrigued, that's why I'm here. I wanna find out about them. But if you have no plans on ever buying or wearing them I don't understand why you follow the thread or waste your energy posting. Some people have been posting in here for months, I see the same guys all the time saying how GM's are fake and they would never wear them and so on. Have you asked yourself what brought you in here, and what keeps you reading every page? Makes no sense.

I'm not saying you don't have the right to post here or you shouldn't be posting here, because that's what the forums are here for and everyone should he welcomed to post what they think or feel and I also think any good amount of debate is healthy, but at this point it's redundant if you've read any of the previous pages of the thread, this is a never ending debate that has no clear answer or definition. It's about as pointless as debating religion or politics.
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Can we stop with the same factory bs one has proof soo stop... shape different soles etc.'s been proven over and over that there not the same as rd pairs ... Grown men consigning copping bootleg shoes smfh

We're back to this again? :lol:

Looks like you need to actually read this thread

Instead of being misinformed...
The sooner everyone figures out it's a matter of personal opinion and no amount of debate or argument will change the majority of other people's personal views, then the sooner this thread can actually be productive and informative.

And honestly...

If you don't buy/sell/wear/own or are interested in doing so, then why are you even posting, reading or following this thread?

It's either because you are intrigued and you wanna find out about GM shoes and see if it's something you would invest your money in, or you just wanna argue and push your opinion and beliefs on other people. I'm intrigued, that's why I'm here. I wanna find out about them. But if you have no plans on ever buying or wearing them I don't understand why you follow the thread or waste your energy posting. Some people have been posting in here for months, I see the same guys all the time saying how GM's are fake and they would never wear them and so on. Have you asked yourself what brought you in here, and what keeps you reading every page? Makes no sense.

I'm not saying you don't have the right to post here or you shouldn't be posting here, because that's what the forums are here for and everyone should he welcomed to post what they think or feel and I also think any good amount of debate is healthy, but at this point it's redundant if you've read any of the previous pages of the thread, this is a never ending debate that has no clear answer or definition. It's about as pointless as debating religion or politics.
Exactly how i feel. Amen
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