Gran Torino.......Go See It!

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Clint Eastwood is a good actor but he surrounds himself with turrible actors therefore, making him lookgreat.
i'll wait for it to hit tv. previews didnt look remotely interesting. just cant get with some old dude making finger guns and acting hard. clinteastwood seems to only have one character on lock and he looks too old to keep pulling it off.
Just got back from seeing it and it was great in my opinion. It was Eastwood at his best, the dude put in work for the movie directing, producing, acting, etc.How he does it at such an old age is pretty amazing in my opinion.

I thought the actor playing Thao was a bad actor, but they all kept it real which made the film more authentic. That one part with him in the basement knockingon the door could have done without, revealed one of the actor's huge flaw.

Eastwood's character was uncanny. The old war vet who's family is just looking to dumb him down(although he really was in pretty bad shape) and hefinds a friend in the family next door inadvertently. The dude still has it, but he is getting up there.

Overall, a great movie and deserving of all the nominations it's getting and will get in the future.
[table][tr][th=""]Rank*[/th] [th=""]Title
(Click to view chart)
[/th] [th=""]Friday

[/th] [th=""]Saturday
[/th] [th=""]Sunday
[/th] [th=""]Monday
[/th] [/tr][tr][td]1[/td] [td]GRAN TORINO
Warner Bros.

2,808[/td] [td]$9,625,000

+3401.7% / $3,428
$20,665,000 / 29
[/td] [td]
N/A[/td] [td]
N/A[/td] [td]
N/A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]2[/td] [td]THE UNBORN (2009)

2,357[/td] [td]$8,155,000

-- / $3,460
$8,155,000 / 1
[/td] [td]
N/A[/td] [td]
N/A[/td] [td]
N/A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]3[/td] [td]BRIDE WARS

3,226[/td] [td]$8,100,000

-- / $2,511
$8,100,000 / 1
[/td] [td]
N/A[/td] [td]
N/A[/td] [td]
N/A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]4[/td] [td]MARLEY AND ME

3,478[/td] [td]$3,225,000

+161.3% / $927
$115,585,000 / 16
[/td] [td]
N/A[/td] [td]
N/A[/td] [td]
N/A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]5[/td] [td]THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON

2,947[/td] [td]$2,925,000

+131.5% / $993
$87,805,000 / 16
[/td] [td]
N/A[/td] [td]
N/A[/td] [td]
N/A[/td] [/tr][/table]
Originally Posted by ONHOLLOWEDGROUND821

I know plenty of old Military Vets who talk just like that, true story

My dad is a full blooded italian fought in Nam as a helicopter gunner in the air force, talks just like that. But he calmed down a whole lot once I starteddating an asian girl for 4 years now
. Karma isn't it.

Movie was all around good though. I give it a B
A good flick, nothing special, but worth watching

Slumdog on the other hand .. piff
I can't believe what I'm reading right now...You guys actually liked this movie?

I was expecting this to be great, the previews made it look interesting at the least, Eastwood can be gold, etc. I'm sorry but this !#@+ was @%#%$*!embarrassing. Possibly the worst acting I've ever seen. With the exception of Eastwood and the Asian every single character was horrible. There's adifference between bad acting, and acting so horrible to the extent that it's unbelievable. Over and over again the dialogue was so bad i found myselftrying to think of a real scenario where and exchange between individuals would come off that forced, scripted, awkward, etc.

Again I can't believe people actually liked this movie. NT can be full of critics, i was expecting the opposite response.

Even if you get past the atrocious acting there's little be desired about this film. I'm supposed to be entertained by an extremely unlikable bitter,racist white due for 140 minutes?

The story aint that good...

The movie was horrible, so glad i peeped online.

Originally Posted by DoItAllPaul

real good movie, how does it compare to Slumdog to those that have seen both?

Like comparing gold to scrap metal, Gran Torino obviously being the latter
[table][tr][th=""]Rank*[/th] [th=""]Title
(Click to view chart)
[/th] [th=""]Friday

[/th] [th=""]Saturday

[/th] [th=""]Sunday

[/th] [th=""]Monday
[/th] [/tr][tr][td]1[/td] [td]GRAN TORINO
Warner Bros.

2,808[/td] [td]$9,650,000

+3410.8% / $3,437
$20,690,000 / 29
[/td] [td]$12,150,000

+25.9% / $4,327
$32,840,000 / 30[/td] [td]$7,225,000

-40.5% / $2,573
$40,065,000 / 31[/td] [td]
N/A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]2[/td] [td]THE UNBORN (2009)

2,357[/td] [td]$8,344,000

-- / $3,540
$8,344,000 / 1
[/td] [td]$7,743,000

-7.2% / $3,285
$16,087,000 / 2[/td] [td]$5,008,000

-35.3% / $2,125
$21,095,000 / 3[/td] [td]
N/A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]3[/td] [td]BRIDE WARS

3,226[/td] [td]$8,150,000

-- / $2,526
$8,150,000 / 1
[/td] [td]$8,400,000

+3.1% / $2,604
$16,550,000 / 2[/td] [td]$4,950,000

-41.1% / $1,534
$21,500,000 / 3[/td] [td]
N/A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]4[/td] [td]MARLEY AND ME

3,478[/td] [td]$3,225,000

+161.3% / $927
$115,585,000 / 16
[/td] [td]$5,125,000

+58.9% / $1,474
$120,710,000 / 17[/td] [td]$3,000,000

-41.5% / $863
$123,710,000 / 18[/td] [td]
N/A[/td] [/tr][tr][td]5[/td] [td]THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON

2,947[/td] [td]$2,910,000

+130.3% / $987
$87,790,000 / 16
[/td] [td]$3,993,000

+37.2% / $1,355
$91,783,000 / 17[/td] [td]$2,547,000

-36.2% / $864
$94,330,000 / 18[/td] [td]
N/A[/td] [/tr][/table]
the HU mong ppl did some pretty bad acting though, lol they had five cats rolling in that lil civic lol
Originally Posted by NYelectric

I was laughing the entire time. I thoroughly enjoyed it from the first growl to the last.
Word. After like 10 minutes of the racist stuff I just started laughing at all of it. All these words I've never heard for Asians. And thebarbershop scenes had the entire theater
My lady's dad had a really good copy of it over christmas so we watched it christmas eve. I actually liked it quite a bit, i thought old man Eastwoodnailed the role. When ever we see movies early i ask myself if its something i would pay to go see, most of the time the answer is No, but with Gran Torinoi'd have to say yes. Great movie overall.
great movie plot..terrible acting..i guess they wanted some hmong actors tho..
Great movie plot. As mentioned, the asian actors in this were TERRIBLE.

When Thao (toad) was locked in Walt's basement? "WALT! WALT! GET ME OUTTA HERE!"

I mean, was the director pressed for time that he couldnt do a few more takes of that one? sheesh
Originally Posted by Club29

Great movie plot. As mentioned, the asian actors in this were TERRIBLE.

When Thao (toad) was locked in Walt's basement? "WALT! WALT! GET ME OUTTA HERE!"

I mean, was the director pressed for time that he couldnt do a few more takes of that one? sheesh
Yeah, that scene was particularly poorly-acted. But overall, it was a very enjoyable movie. Great little story.

Not as good a movie as Million Dollar Baby, but just as enjoyable. Walt (Clint) was badass and there's a lot of funny moments; most intentional, and somenot (like the scene described above).

"Yum Yum"

I will say this, though: Gran Torino > Benjamin Button.
I liked it a lot more.
I liked Gran Torino too. I don't really know if it was really an award winning performance by Clint, but it was good. Also, whoever recommended SlumdogMillionaire... Thanks. That movie was absolutely
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