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I think Chandler will be included in any deal for Rubio. And Lee or Nate would then be traded for another. Wilson Chandler would be a good fit for theT'Wolves. Now is that enough? Idk...
^good point. lee is def. better at this point, but love would be a better player eventually, therefore demanding more then lee.
to g8's defense, love and al do NOT work together. we saw that at the beg. of the season. everyone was calling the dude a bust.
he only put up numbers once al jeff went down, then did people start realizing his potential. therefore, he should get shipped IMO, with lee taking his spot.unless you want to sub al jeff/love at the same time, otherwise it just wouldnt work.
edit: that was to scott.
johnny, i wouldnt mind. i hope we can package lee+nate+curry for something, and hughes+jefferies to the wizards.
now, theoretical question, if lebron does come, where will gallo play. the 2? i like chandler better at the 2, but gallo's 3pt shooting is
he only put up numbers once al jeff went down, then did people start realizing his potential. therefore, he should get shipped IMO, with lee taking his spot. unless you want to sub al jeff/love at the same time, otherwise it just wouldnt work.
yeah I agree that the two dont necessarily fit together, but I thinks its one of those things that you would have to give time for them to getmutually adjusted. And who's to say that David Lee will magically fit in?

What im saying is Love is pretty much under contract with the Twolves for 4 more years, two years being guaranteed and the last two being a team option so forthe next for years he will be making a third of what Lee makes. And if 4 years down the line Love does demand more then Lee then you will be paying 3 playersover 10 mil a year, and one of them wont even start. Does that even make sense?
thats why you ship love.
lee imo, does the dirty work, cleaning up the boards, and doesn't demand the ball.
i mean, this argument is useless, because its all hypothetical.
Originally Posted by Scottsauce88

Not saying Nate would be the answer to solve the tweener problems but getting tweeners does not seem like an issue to them. And the ONLY reason there are trade talks is because Rubio is threatning to stay in Spain.

whoa, whoa, whoa...Kahn KNEW that Rubio was going to stay in spain, he addressed that after the draft so that's not the "reason" these trade talks are taking place. Dont you find it convenient that the man drafted 2 different pgs one after another knowing that one was going to stay in spain, then a day later start to talk to teams about a trade?

Maybe Kahn had some idea that Rubio would stay in Spain but he still drafted 2 oint guards back to back and if Rubio would stay he openly has saidhe wants them to play together in the backcourt

lee imo, does the dirty work, cleaning up the boards, and doesn't demand the ball.
Agreed. Lee compliments Jeff WAY better and i think he is a good amount better than Love and i dont really believe Love will ever be as good asLee. But i do agree that it may not be worth pulling the trigger because Lee will be getting more $. Im not arguing that this is a great trade for Minnybecause the players dont fit that well. Im just saying that this trade IS reasonable enough for their to be talks about this and for Kahn to maybe pull thetrigger depending on how high he is on Rubio's value and how high he is on guys like Lee.
Can't take Vescey seriously there. He's still salty about the way he was treated during the Larry Brown era. He thought that because he and Brown werelong time friends and both New York guys he would get privileged access to the team. The media is nobody's friend.
Originally Posted by viiheaven

That was a horrible article.
Word that has got to be the dumbest $*+@!@+ piece of %+%@ ive ever read. That article just summed up why some people think Knicks fans are stupid.

Dumping the salaries were dumb because we could have made the 8 spot last year? I dont know about yall but i would take 2 years of missing the playoffs andletting young guys get expperience (remember how bad Lee started the season coming off the bench to Z Bo?) and than clearing enough cap space to become anactual TITLE contender no matter if or if not we get Lebrobn cause we will have enough cap space to get SOMEONE.... someone better than anybody on our currentroster. Thank keep those guys and their contracts be a borderline playoff team for the next 2 years and than not be able to improve upon that

People are so $*+@!@+ stupid. THE BEST WAY TO REBUILD A FRANCHISE IS TO GET UNDER THE CAP!!!! Thats why Layden and Isiah failed so miserably, when our teamneeded a rebuild they just kept adding on more and more guys to try and reload. This is why Donnie is one of the most respected GMs of all time. The man knowswhat he is doing and is doing that, so if you are gonna $*+@!@+ critisize Layden and Isiah dont $*+@!@+ critisize Donnie for doing the exact $*+@!@+ opposite.

And +@*@ him dissing the D'Antoni move. That is the kind of team he wants to build and he knows D'Antoni is appealing to almost every major free agentbecause of his style of play. and it works. So who gives a +@*@ the amount of $ he had to throw at him. That was his man and when he had the oppurtunity hewent for him cause thats the kind of team he wants. Who cares how much he gives im, thats not cap money thats just Daddy Dolans pocket change.

at this dude dissing Walsh for Hill over Jennings. IMO picking Hill >>>>>> picking Jennings. Hill is way better and he fills a needand hes not a headcase. And if you are gonna say that %+%@ AT LEAST wait til they play in the NBA at least one game before you throw off that move... butclearly this writers friend has more credibility than one of the most respected execs in the NBA

And getting Milicic???? Is this dude $*+@!@+ serious? We gave up $*+@!@+ Q Rich. This is NOTthe best Donnie can do but rather a move that gives us a big whocan block some shots (a need) and gave away a chucker who cant even shoot (a problem). This is not the best he can do but rather a minor upgrade to get a needand if he doesnt work out his contract expires next season, and he has more upside than Q Rich to actaually be effective. This dude needs to shut the +@*@ up.

I give this article...

Looking at the Salaries, If we trade Eddy & Jeffies.....
, even if wepick up the team option of chandler and Dallinari (if they're still here)

[table][tr][td] [table][tr][td]
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Stephon Marbury
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Larry Hughes
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Eddy Curry
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Al Harrington
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Cuttino Mobley
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Darko Milicic
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[/td] [/tr][tr][td]
Chris Wilcox
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Jared Jeffries
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Chris Duhon
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Danilo Gallinari
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Nate Robinson
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David Lee
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Wilson Chandler
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Saer Sene
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Demetris Nichols
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Courtney Sims
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Cheikh Samb
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Joe Crawford
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Chris Hunter
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k love is definitly not better than david lee. dont forget lee was almost an all star last year. btw, the twolves are ******ed. they could have had flynn,derozan (8th pick), chandler, love, and jefferson yet they chose to just have rubio.
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Originally Posted by StylishStef89

I don't know how to embed, so here's the links to two articles.

Wolves turned down Knicks offer for 5th Pick: http://www.realgm.com/src_wiretap_a...wolves_turned_down_knicks_offer_for_5th_pick/

Rockets offer Brooks and Battier for Rubio: http://www.realgm.com/src_wiretap_a...9/rockets_offer_brooks_and_battier_for_rubio/

all you do is either "copy and paste" or post the links like you just did

I forgot I was copying text, midway through me posting I thought about all the grief NT gives you when you just post straight up links and not video onto thepage. Straight absentminded I swear
Originally Posted by THE GR8

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Sorry K. Love>>Lee. %$$# by next year he might be better than him
K Love is garbage. Lee would $@!% on him.

C'mon, my man, I know we agree on most $#%#, but you can't honestly say that. K Love is already as good a rebounder as Lee, his offensive game is waymore diverse and better than Lee and he is about 7 years younger than him. Lee's numbers were inflated this year due to D'antoni's sytem and thelack of any reliable offensive options on the Knicks this year. There is no way any GM would value David Lee over Kevin Love.
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