Go to the official '09-'10 New York Knicks season thread, this thread will be locked soon

Gallo is going down with a season threatening back injury in the first game.
Because we have all our eggs in one fragile basket and the Knicks are the perfect team for New Yorkers. They always give us a lot of ifs and things to complainabout.

Why not joke like that?
Originally Posted by maxtempo96

can't wait to see the squad in action.anyone think sun yue is gonna stick?.
Sure why not? He's pretty athletic and while he got zero play with the Lakers because they were pretty stacked with talent, I thinkD'Antoni could exploit a bit of his quickness.
I'm sorry if that joke made you sad. I don't even really think it's going to happen, and I'm not at all superstitious. I am really excited tosee how he is uninjured, and how the whole team is going to play this season, but I can't help but think that its funny that we've all been talkingabout this kid like we weren't all mad he was even in the city last year. I like him, and I want to see what he can do, but we're seeing how boringthis offseason really has been with all this Gallo is the messiah talk. I would love for him to be good enough for us to keep him at the forward and not make arun for LeBron. I hope that happens. But there's also a chance that he's a kid that despite his talent is going to be injury prone and a big questionmark for his entire career. Let's not get wrapped up in the articles. Nobody knows what's going to happen. This season is going to get weird.
am i the only one who thinks that hughes and our two rookies will get little to no burn due to our big roster and logjams?
and let me get in on that team rooster sig
Bruised Never Broken, and Home Team.
What the $%!$ is that one supposed to be on his stomach? Was that some kind of accident?
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