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Chandler seemed to flourish (if I remember correctly) after getting sent back to the bench last season. Harrington is best suited starting since Nate is ourmain shot of offense off the bench. I'd like Chandler off the bench, and putting Darko or Curry at the starting 5.

[h2]Training Camp Notes: Day 1, Morning Session[/h2]
by Seth on Sep 29, 2009 1:23 PM EDT in 2009 Training Camp Coverage

After some stretching and a session of "watching film" (no idea what that was), the Knicks took the court and held their first practice of training camp this morning. Here's what I saw:

- The first thing I noticed? Everybody was up and running. Last year, Danilo Gallinari spent camp on a stationary bike, Jared Jeffries broke his leg, and Eddy Curry was off somewhere losing his lunch. This time it was 20 relatively healthy individuals going full strength. That's not to be taken for granted.

- Mike D'Antoni keeps things moving. It started with one-on-one full-court dribbling drills, then quickly progressed to three man sets with multiple balls in the air at once. There were no scrimmages (they play games in the evenings), but they did run full-court fast break drills that had everybody gasping for air. Everything finished up with some stretching, then individual attention from the coaches and staff while the reporters moved in.

A few early impressions from particular players:

- Danilo Gallinari did nothing to quell my rabid excitement over his development. His back looked like it wasn't a problem, as he was running the court with abandon and did fine moving laterally in a defensive stance. If there's one thing that surprised me about Danilo's demeanor, it's how fiery he gets. He probably hit around 50 of the 60-odd jumpers I saw him take on the day, but was visibly angry after each rim-out. He just doesn't expect to miss. In fact, the only shots that seemed to make Gallo uncomfortable were the ones that came after a lefty dribble. Anyway, the stroke is still very much there and the intensity is a bonus.

Did I mention that Danilo was doing this all with a bandaged right hand? He apparently cut himself in practice the other day. Nothing major. Still, a guy with tape on his hand shouldn't be burying fade-away threes at will.

Did I mention that I'm really excited about Danilo Gallinari?

- Seriously, though, it's worth noting that when the roster was divided in half between veterans and newbies, Gallo joined the vet squad.

- Eddy Curry's calf was wrapped pretty tight, but he managed to keep up in what may have been his first full-court workout in months. Eddy also looked much quicker off his feet, especially compared to the couple of games he played in last season, when I wasn't sure he could still dunk.

- Al Harrington and Jared Jeffries were unquestionably the vocal leaders throughout practice. Jared did his part explaining drills to the youngsters and newcomers, while Al was constantly barking orders and encouragement during drills.

- Jordan Hill and Toney Douglas were on the far court most of the time, so I didn't see much of them. It takes time to get familiar and comfortable in practice, but I'll say from my first impression that Pretty Toney looks more confident than Hill does. I'll have my eye on those two in scrimmages.

- David Lee and Darko Milicic both got extra reps in at the free throw line, and each looked generally solid stepping out to 15 feet or so. Watching both of them run the floor like champs is indicative of how flexible Mike D'Antoni's frontcourt options will be this season.

- Darko isn't the smiliest of fellows.

- Nate Robinson threw down a two-handed dunk between drills, then caught the ball between his ankles while still hanging on the rim. That's halfway to being dunk contest material right there.

- A packed roster doesn't bode well for the non-guaranteed signees, but I'd say from limited exposure that Warren Carter looked like the pick of the litter this morning.

- Sun Yue spent a while after practice shooting short jumpers with a medicine ball. This might do something to explain my irrational fear of Sun Yue.

That's all I've got for now. I'm headed back to watch more practices and some scrimmages this evening. Hopefully I'll be able to get some interviews in afterwards, though media availability is sometimes a little shorter at the late practice. We'll see. Keep sending in questions, and keep checking the Twitter for live updates.
- Danilo Gallinari did nothing to quell my rabid excitement over his development. His back looked like it wasn't a problem, as he was running the court with abandon and did fine moving laterally in a defensive stance. If there's one thing that surprised me about Danilo's demeanor, it's how fiery he gets. He probably hit around 50 of the 60-odd jumpers I saw him take on the day, but was visibly angry after each rim-out. He just doesn't expect to miss. In fact, the only shots that seemed to make Gallo uncomfortable were the ones that came after a lefty dribble. Anyway, the stroke is still very much there and the intensity is a bonus.

Did I mention that Danilo was doing this all with a bandaged right hand? He apparently cut himself in practice the other day. Nothing major. Still, a guy with tape on his hand shouldn't be burying fade-away threes at will.

Damn Curry really did lose some weight...
. Seeing is believing.

Haze you live in the City fam...can't mean to tell me this your first time seeing those.

Originally Posted by NYelectric

Bruised Never Broken, and Home Team.
What the $%!$ is that one supposed to be on his stomach? Was that some kind of accident?
Dude probably told the artist to freestyle something nice on there...that tat had to be off the dome, no way you can plan that.

Art work on Chandler's is dope but
Originally Posted by tommykairaa

I would never get something like that.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

Well, I think that's the best offensive balanced line up obviously.

My concerns would be;

Wilson's ballhandling. (hopefully improved)

Interior defense (cant be fixed with that group, they are what they are)

Rebounding ( no excuses for not having a collective effort and doing OK)
Well you know Lee will handle his in the rebounding department but I don't know about him being at the 5...although Harrington starting isfine IMO. Team will give up a lot of points in the paint tho'.


Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

With their first practice scheduled today, Gallinari is pain free, with coach Mike D'Antoni raving, "He's the best shooter I've ever seen."
Coming from D'Antoni...
Wesley, know as "World Wide Wes" is one of the movers and shakers in NBA circles. He has a close relationship with Donnie Walsh, who asked Wesley to oversee Curry's off-season workout program. More importantly, Wesley is also an advisor/confidant/friend of LeBron James.


Done deal.
Admitting that he did not properly emphasize defense last season, Mike D'Antoni told the media on Tuesday that he has set a goal for the Knicks to be in the top half of the league on defense.

Last season, the Knicks were last in shot-blocking and gave up the third-most points in the league on the third-highest field goal percentage allowed.
I'm sorry Ganillo has to start, the only thing that matters this season his his and Willson's Development...And Larry Hughes can be given the Marburytreatment, there is too much clutter in the rotation.
Every year they say the knicks gonna better, am getting tired of this team they need to make the playoffs to bring some hope back in nyc , I believe the onlyway to get the knicks fan back at the garden is to get the king Labron James...
Originally Posted by BangDak

i like that starting 5, although what proshares said does seem more reasonable.
my concerns: how much burn will our 2 new rookies get? sun yue included.
jefferies+hughes odd men out?
Agreed. Im feeling that 5. I know we take away a little height sticking Al Buckets out there and not having Darko start at the 5. But i saidbefore, Harrington is probably our best/most consistent scorer right now (Nate a close 2, im hoping Gallo will become that but i cant say it yet until theseason starts) and i think that we need Al out there as a starter, especially because he provides some veteran leadership as well. Other than that yall know isaid id like Nate > Duhon but i do know Nate is better as a 6th man so i guess i wont completely argu with throwing Chris at the point another season.

Admitting that he did not properly emphasize defense last season, Mike D'Antoni told the media on Tuesday that he has set a goal for the Knicks to be in the top half of the league on defense.

Last season, the Knicks were last in shot-blocking and gave up the third-most points in the league on the third-highest field goal percentage allowed.

my mannn mike D knows whats good

And Gallo is gonna go off this season. if he can play as we all expect and Wilson takes another step up, as well as Nate/Lee, im sorry i know im reaching butplayoffs shouldnt be COMPLETELY unrealistic with Nate + Leee back another year, Im getting kinda pumped, especially for Gallo... and yes Team Rooster sigs area MUST
A starting 5 of duhon, gallo, wilson, al, and dlee would fit dantoni's system perfectly and we are starting our best players because they are not becausewe need to showcase them. Dlee at C undersized but mobile big is what dantoni wants. Al at pf who can hit the 3 and is very versatile. 4 3pt shooterssurrounding dlee is what dantoni wants to spread the floor. I see hughes, hill, tdoug, sun yue, pruitt all gettin put in the dog house. Jeffries will be usedbecause of his versatility on defense.
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