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damn that was quick.
I don't have better insight into the draft than Donnie and Mike of course but BJ seemed like a perfect fit for us...Super athletic, quick as hell, goodcourt vision, good defensive instincts, good J, exciting NY type player and an Oak Hill alum�

From the summer league its clear that hes going to have a big impact in the league...
From the summer league its clear that hes going to have a big impact in the league...
Youre opinion became irrevelent after that statement

Let Hill at least play a game before we call him a bust. id rather have a super athletic 6'10 PF who is aggressive and fits our system than another selfishscore 1st PG. Those players dont work out in D'Antonis syste. Hense why he traded Marbury to us right when he got to Phoenix, and why he didnt play himhere, and why he passed on Jennings in the draft. It wasnt an accident
Word I am good with the Jhill pick. He is very active and can run the floor very good for a big. He just needs to get his feet wet so he can develop his game.
Originally Posted by THE GR8

From the summer league its clear that hes going to have a big impact in the league...
Youre opinion became irrevelent after that statement

Let Hill at least play a game before we call him a bust. id rather have a super athletic 6'10 PF who is aggressive and fits our system than another selfish score 1st PG. Those players dont work out in D'Antonis syste. Hense why he traded Marbury to us right when he got to Phoenix, and why he didnt play him here, and why he passed on Jennings in the draft. It wasnt an accident

Its all good.

Yours was always irrelevant to me. So we on the same page.

But I don't get how hes a selfish score 1st PG...dropping 14 dimes and racking up 7 steals? Throwing picture perfect alleys from halfcourt and setting upthe backdoor pass perfectly as a rookie?

Summer league is far from the regular season but its a good indicator of a players ability and with dudes pedigree, skill set and confidence...the sky islimit.

Arizona attracts and breeds bums and J. Hill is going to be no different. From what i've seen on him, I don't see how great he can possibly be. VariantChris Wilcox if improves a lot.

But I guess we'll see at the end of the season.

i like toney douglas though

Looking forward to seeing him get some burn.
I don't think he necessarily going to be a bust...its not like hes a top 5 pick with a lot of expectations.

I just think we will regret not picking up BJ because hes going to be a good PG and Hill will be average at best.

I hope he proves me wrong but we'll have to wait and see.
I hope our rookies get burn. I really wanna see toney doug play

in college he was real solid . . and aggressive on d . .

can't wait
You can plug a lot of PG's into dantoni's system and make em shine. We can find someone down the road. No need to lose sleep over jennings. i'mmuch more disappointed we passed on sessions.
I never doubted Jennings talent, it's just his attitude and maturity that concerned me. I won't be surprised if he ends up doing very well, and ofcourse I'll be disappointed that the Knicks didn't pick him, I just had my concerns.

I never see Hill becoming a superstar, but if he's a dependable starter who puts up good numbers, I'll be satisfied.

I do agree about Douglas though, I'm biased because I'm a FSU fan, but I'm really excited about watching him make an impact.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Originally Posted by THE GR8

From the summer league its clear that hes going to have a big impact in the league...
Youre opinion became irrevelent after that statement

Let Hill at least play a game before we call him a bust. id rather have a super athletic 6'10 PF who is aggressive and fits our system than another selfish score 1st PG. Those players dont work out in D'Antonis syste. Hense why he traded Marbury to us right when he got to Phoenix, and why he didnt play him here, and why he passed on Jennings in the draft. It wasnt an accident
Its all good.

Yours was always irrelevant to me. So we on the same page.

But I don't get how hes a selfish score 1st PG...dropping 14 dimes and racking up 7 steals? Throwing picture perfect alleys from halfcourt and setting up the backdoor pass perfectly as a rookie?

Summer league is far from the regular season but its a good indicator of a players ability and with dudes pedigree, skill set and confidence...the sky is limit.

Arizona attracts and breeds bums and J. Hill is going to be no different. From what i've seen on him, I don't see how great he can possibly be. Variant Chris Wilcox if improves a lot.

But I guess we'll see at the end of the season.

i like toney douglas though

Looking forward to seeing him get some burn.

Brandon Jennings was set to go there before he failed to qualify.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

I never doubted Jennings talent, it's just his attitude and maturity that concerned me. I won't be surprised if he ends up doing very well, and of course I'll be disappointed that the Knicks didn't pick him, I just had my concerns.

I never see Hill becoming a superstar, but if he's a dependable starter who puts up good numbers, I'll be satisfied.

I do agree about Douglas though, I'm biased because I'm a FSU fan, but I'm really excited about watching him make an impact.
I think most Knicks fans feel the exact same way^...Jennings has shown he can play (in an unstructured, no defense, summer league system), but hecomes across as a very unlikeable person...also, the fact that he (like Garnett) couldn't get an SAT score good enough to go to college would really worryme considering he's a PG.

I don't see Hill as a star either, and cannot understand the 'Amare Stoudemire' comparison at all. If anything, he's more like Channing Fryew/o the jumper and not as soft. The problem I see with Hill is, I don't really see the high level of athleticism that D'Antoni and Walsh talked about.He just seems like a player who can one day be a solid starter, but if he can play solid D at the 4 or 5, then I'll be happy with the pick.
Originally Posted by amishpimp27

Originally Posted by Big J 33

I never doubted Jennings talent, it's just his attitude and maturity that concerned me. I won't be surprised if he ends up doing very well, and of course I'll be disappointed that the Knicks didn't pick him, I just had my concerns.

I never see Hill becoming a superstar, but if he's a dependable starter who puts up good numbers, I'll be satisfied.

I do agree about Douglas though, I'm biased because I'm a FSU fan, but I'm really excited about watching him make an impact.
I think most Knicks fans feel the exact same way^...Jennings has shown he can play (in an unstructured, no defense, summer league system), but he comes across as a very unlikeable person...also, the fact that he (like Garnett) couldn't get an SAT score good enough to go to college would really worry me considering he's a PG.

I don't see Hill as a star either, and cannot understand the 'Amare Stoudemire' comparison at all. If anything, he's more like Channing Frye w/o the jumper and not as soft. The problem I see with Hill is, I don't really see the high level of athleticism that D'Antoni and Walsh talked about. He just seems like a player who can one day be a solid starter, but if he can play solid D at the 4 or 5, then I'll be happy with the pick.



I agree with the rest of your post though.
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Its all good.

Yours was always irrelevant to me. So we on the same page.

Arizona attracts and breeds bums and J. Hill is going to be no different. From what i've seen on him, I don't see how great he can possibly be. Variant Chris Wilcox if improves a lot.

Cause IM the one calling our #8 pick (who many experts predicted to be a top 5 prospect before the draft) abust before he has played his 1st game and crown Jennings as a future all-star based solely off the summer league... riiiight

Look man i was at the draft and i wasnt "through the roof" or anything with J hill either, but just like Gallo last year i respect Donnie Walshenough to trust his basketball knowledge and not bash his draft pick before he has even worn a Knicks uniform in even a preseason game

You can plug a lot of PG's into dantoni's system and make em shine. We can find someone down the road. No need to lose sleep over jennings. i'm much more disappointed we passed on sessions.

Agreed. Jennings aint that special and his atitude/maturity/selfishess brings up alot of questions. Alot of PGs without the attitude and with out thescore 1st mentality can shine over here as well. i dont think Toney Douglas is a HUGE downgrade for talent to Jennings anyway, id rather get him and the big inHill than BJ and some scrub. Douglas is a far better defender and averaged 22 in the ACC last year he also is a leader and showed great passing in the summerleague and under D'Antoni it can only improve.
Brandon Jennings was set to go there before he failed to qualify.
low blow
[h2]Nate Robinson a daddy again, aKnick for life?[/h2]
Friday September 18, 2009 9:59 AM By Alan Hahn

Nate Robinson and his longtime girlfriend, Sheena Felitz, celebrated on Thursday the birth of the couple's third child. After two boys, the couple had agirl. (I have two girls, myself, and I recommended to Nate a moat, tower and a fire-breathing dragon. It's never too soon to start planning your defense,Daddy).

Robinson has been in Seattle with Felitz and his family for the birth and will return to New York next week to prepare for training camp. Yes, you canexpect Robinson to be there on the court, Sept. 29, when camp opens in Saratoga. A one-year deal, likely for the $2.9M qualifying offer, is expected to besigned, sealed and delivered by then.

It's an important season for Robinson, who has been made aware that his over-the-top histrionics won't be tolerated. The energy, of course, is notsomething the Knicks -- or any team -- should try to contain. That's his greatest weapon. But if Robinson has anything more to prove at the NBA level --and I think the same goes for David Lee here, as well -- it's that he can be a key part of a winning situation. That he can conform to fit into a teamconcept.

Let's review: both Robinson and Lee had career-years, statistically, but the team won 32 games. I think it's fair to say what the next step is forboth is to put less emphasis on the numbers now and more on winning.

To quote Louie Anderson in Coming to America: "And that's when the big bucks start rolling in."

I'm neither suggesting that Lee or Robinson don't care about winning, nor am I saying the 50 losses are all on their shoulders. But this is Year 5of their careers in the NBA and with the Knicks. They are veterans now. If they want to be part of a winning program, they have to start taking responsibilityfor the atmopshere in the locker room. Set the standard and then maintain it.

These are two homegrown talents and while we focus so much on 2010 and the max contract situation and the LeBron thing, rebuilding a troubled franchisestarts with setting the foundation with homegrown players. The Yankees did it with Derek Jeter, Bernie Williams and Andy Pettitte and then built around themthrough free agency.

The Knicks can do the same, but it's up to the players to create and set that winning standard, which makes them far more valuable than anything a pointper game average or double-double total can do alone.
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