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Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

this offseason IMO has been unsuccessful. How long does it really take to sign or trade lee (lee already said he'd accept a 1 year offer) and nate? I mean come on now that is just bad management. Walsh is old and is being WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY to patient. Especially with nate. It really takes this long to offer someone a 1 year 3 mill contract? Come on now. I think this will affect us negatively in 2010. Free agents will see how poorly we handled lee, nate, and sessions (almost a whole month just to sign 1 guy who has little to no interest from other teams smfh) and are gonna be hesitant signing with us. This organization constantly gets scrutinized by coaches, the media, and ever our own players. No one asked for a eventful offseason, but we cant even get the basics down and sign our own players.
I agree with everything you said. Theres a point where you gotta something done already. You guys saying that this off season isn't bad are gonna be just as pissed as the rest of us when we don't get sessions because of like half a million dollars. I can see players not wanting to deal with knicks management because of how they handled lee and nate and are trying to penny pinch for sessions. Plus with the bad reoutation the orginization has already, that's not a good look for us.
I think you guys are seriously missing the point. So what if the Knicks are pinching pennies?! They should to put themselves in the best position possible for next offseason. That is the plan and Walsh is sticking to it. We FINALLY get a rebuilding plan and you guys are complaining and worrying about the perception?! The Knicks perception and reputation can't get any worse than it got under Isiah Thomas. In fact the perception around the league for the Knicks is good EVERYONE knows they are looking to make a splash next summer and that is viewed as a good thing.

They are not handling Lee, Nate or Sessions poorly at all. This is a business and the Knicks have to make the right business decision that is best for the long term future of the team. We can't go for quick fixes and overpay players that will affect our plan.
I don't view getting sessions for 3 or 4 years as a quick fix, that's really what I'm getting at. Depending on the price, Lee might be be a good fit for the long term as well. We need to put together some semblance of a team that a star player is gonna wanna play with.
I agree Sessions for that span is a good move. Honestly I am not worried about getting Sessions. I feel very confident that he will play hereand at a good price for us. We are the best fit for him that can offer starters minutes as well as pay him reasonably. At the end of this summer I predict wewill sign Sessions and bring back Nate and Lee for one year deals and I think those will be the right moves for the next now as well as their future.
just read that:

-orlando is supposedly interested in duhon and is reportedly offering their trade exception they received in the hedo trade for him
-knicks have 2 offers on the table for lee...........4 year/38 mill and 1 year/7 mill
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

just read that:

-orlando is supposedly interested in duhon and is reportedly offering their trade exception they received in the hedo trade for him
-knicks have 2 offers on the table for lee...........4 year/38 mill and 1 year/7 mill

hm. so with an trade exception, you're basically allowed to give something, w/o taking anything back right?
for example, knicks can give magic duhon for basically a pack of cookies and a late first rounder or somethin right?
btw, any knicks fan feel comfy about giving sessions a 5 year instead of a 3?
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

just read that:

-orlando is supposedly interested in duhon and is reportedly offering their trade exception they received in the hedo trade for him
-knicks have 2 offers on the table for lee...........4 year/38 mill and 1 year/7 mill
what do we get in the trade exception?
where did you hear 4 years for 38 million?! That's alot of money for lee

thats damn near 10 mil each season isn't that what lee wanted
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

just read that:

-orlando is supposedly interested in duhon and is reportedly offering their trade exception they received in the hedo trade for him
-knicks have 2 offers on the table for lee...........4 year/38 mill and 1 year/7 mill

I'd do the orlando deal
Originally Posted by FlatbushFiyah23

Originally Posted by Al3xis

I believe the 1 year deal, NOT the 4 year 38 deal

I agree I don't believe the 4 year deal either.

And I would to the Orlando deal in a heartbeat as well.
Agreed. I cant buy for a second that Donnie is so hesitant that hes struggling to offer Sessions MLE $ and than would go out and give Lee thatdeal
[h1]Knicks keeping cap space open for LeBron[/h1]

August 7, 2009 By ALAN HAHN [email protected]

The NBA schedule brings LeBron James to his beloved MadisonSquare Garden just once this coming season. But the possibility that it could be his new home for 41 games a year remains very real after the NBA's MVPon Friday suggested that he will likely exercise his option to become a free agent next summer.

"I signed a contract in 2006 with an option," he told reporters Friday in Akron, Ohio. "It would make no sense for me to sign that contract if I didn't keep my options open."

He then added, "I'll let you fill in the blanks."

Donnie Walsh is still trying to create as many blank spaces as possible under the salary cap for2010, just so the Knicks can be in position to make a max contract offer to a franchise-changing free agent such as James or Dwyane Wade.

And it is exactly this reason David Lee remains an unsigned restricted free agent and why Walshrefuses to hand out the full midlevel exception (five years, $33.9 million) to restricted free agent Ramon Sessions, despite how much the Knicks could use him.

It has been a maddeningly unproductive summer for Knicks fans, who were teased early in the free-agency process by the aggressive pursuits of Jason Kidd and Grant Hill. But when the NBA released theNBA salary-cap figure July 7 with an added memorandum warning of a possible steep decline in it - as much as 5 percent or $8 million - in 2010-11, Walsh had tofeel some sense of relief that Kidd turned down that three-year, $18.9-million offer and returned to Dallas.Kidd would have tied up $6.3 million in cap space next summer, seriously compromising any chance the Knicks would have enough cap space to offer a maxcontract.

As the 2010-11 payroll stands today, the Knicks - who are owned by Cablevision, which also ownsNewsday - are committed to just $26.4 million in salaries for six players. If the NBA's cap falls by the 5 percent, it would be $50 million in 2010, whichwould leave just $23.6 million in cap space. That's still plenty for King James, right?

Yes, because the maximum starting salary is 30 percent of the cap, which means $15 million for a $50-million cap.

But wait. The $26.4-million figure doesn't include Lee, who is seeking around $10 million per season, or Nate Robinson, another unsigned restricted free agent. Even if Lee accepts what's on the table for him -about $7 million per - that would drop the cap space number to $16 million. And we haven't even gotten into talking about adding Sessions to the mix. Oranyone else.

Sessions' agent, Jim "Chubby" Wells, is seeking the full midlevel for his client and the Knicks are believed to be holding firm at about $4million per annum with an 8-percent decrease in the second season to save as much of that precious cap space in 2010.

As a result, Wells has pushed the Clippers as the new front-runner, though a person with knowledge of the situation says the Clippers also won't offerthe full midlevel exception. But it seems clear Walsh is ready to lose out on yet another free agent rather than compromise his cap space for 2010.

With James keeping the door open, you can understand why.
I can live with the patience.

Isiah was the complete opposite of what Donnie's doing now, and look where that got us.

What would we get in a deal for Orlando's trade exception? Exceptions always confuse me.
The maximum starting salary is 30 percent of the cap, which means $15 million for a $50-million cap. So getting 2 max contracts would only take 30 million? Ifwe get rid of curry and don't sign lee or sessions do we have a shot at 2 max contracts?
Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Sessions' agent, Jim "Chubby" Wells, is seeking the full midlevel for his client and the Knicks are believed to be holding firm at about $4 million per annum with an 8-percent decrease in the second season to save as much of that precious cap space in 2010.

As a result, Wells has pushed the Clippers as the new front-runner, though a person with knowledge of the situation says the Clippers also won't offer the full midlevel exception. But it seems clear Walsh is ready to lose out on yet another free agent rather than compromise his cap space for 2010.

With James keeping the door open, you can understand why.

We need a floor leader..in limited time, sessions has proved that he has the makings of a good maybe great pg..and he can damn sure run this team effectively

Here we are with a chance to get in at the ground floor w/ sessions, for a pretty decent price, and now walsh doesn't want to do it

i hate lebron so i could care less about the 2010 !$@@..sign the players that are going to help the team win

we're going to rue the day that another team signs him

this may contradict what i was saying earlier but walsh jus pissed me off

i honestly don't think sessions is going to go to any of these other teams because he's going to be in a backup role again

but how is walsh tryna stiff son w/ 4 mill..he was ready to give a man that only passes well and shoots open 3's 6 mill..dre miller got 7 mill fromportland..and kidd ended up getting 8

give the kid the 5/33..he's the pg of the future

^i agree with everything, and mainly the 5 y ear part, but if you think about it, walsh is only offering 4mil a year, while he wants the full MLE which isabout 6. that actually does make a huge difference in our cap space, and i understand, but why not just give him 5 and call it a night?
Originally Posted by MeloVP

Originally Posted by pr0phecy718

Sessions' agent, Jim "Chubby" Wells, is seeking the full midlevel for his client and the Knicks are believed to be holding firm at about $4 million per annum with an 8-percent decrease in the second season to save as much of that precious cap space in 2010.

As a result, Wells has pushed the Clippers as the new front-runner, though a person with knowledge of the situation says the Clippers also won't offer the full midlevel exception. But it seems clear Walsh is ready to lose out on yet another free agent rather than compromise his cap space for 2010.

With James keeping the door open, you can understand why.

We need a floor leader..in limited time, sessions has proved that he has the makings of a good maybe great pg..and he can damn sure run this team effectively

Here we are with a chance to get in at the ground floor w/ sessions, for a pretty decent price, and now walsh doesn't want to do it

i hate lebron so i could care less about the 2010 !$@@..sign the players that are going to help the team win

we're going to rue the day that another team signs him

this may contradict what i was saying earlier but walsh jus pissed me off

i honestly don't think sessions is going to go to any of these other teams because he's going to be in a backup role again

but how is walsh tryna stiff son w/ 4 mill..he was ready to give a man that only passes well and shoots open 3's 6 mill..dre miller got 7 mill from portland..and kidd ended up getting 8

give the kid the 5/33..he's the pg of the future

I agree with most of that. And i mean if the cap does decrease as much as it is expected to, according to the article the max contract for Bronwould be $15 mil (
at a max contract being $15 mil) so even with signingSessions we would still habe plenty of room and there is still an entire season to try and show off Curry and Jeffries and ttrade them. Sessions averaged 15and 7 as a starter in Milwukees slow %%% %+!+%$# system, he is 23, athletic, and plays D, asnd he has dropped 20+ assists numerous times the past 2 years. Wecant let a guy like this pass imo.

and once again a big L for the %+!+%$# media all week reporting that it is inevitable for Sess to be in NY next season and now coming out and saying theClippers are the new frontrunners
^honestly, i dont think anyone is going to want them.
everyone knows how the cap situation is going to be in the next few years, no one wants to take that load.
Originally Posted by BangDak

^honestly, i dont think anyone is going to want them.
everyone knows how the cap situation is going to be in the next few years, no one wants to take that load.
yeah but some teams arent looking to make a splash in next years FA. Maybe the FA in 2011. And some teams may believe that they can get the bestout of Curry, and if you are not looking to mke a splash next summer EC may be a good player to have. Best possibility you get him for nothing and he playswell (which i highly doubt cause hes garbage, but teams may take the risk because of the scarcity of centers) and worst case scenario is he is still a bum butyou get that $11 million in cap relief off of your contract in time for the 2011 offseason. If you are not looking at next summers FA class (like we are)Curry's contract is not bad at all t only goes on for 2 more years. That just doesnt work for us cause we need 1 years but not every team is in ourposition. Honetly if Curry shows any kind of life next season he is nowhere near untradeable imo. An expiring contract like his for 2011 could be very valuablefor some teams in the same way Al Harrington and Larry Hughes and Tim Thomas' contracts are for us.
^its not about that. like the article said, teams are trying to AVOID any sort of expensive contract, to avoid luxury tax.
right now, the contracts that have the most value are non-guarenteed, and insured contracts (mobley anyone?)
maybe if we can do a draft pick+mobley+jefferies, there would be some takers.
Originally Posted by BangDak

^its not about that. like the article said, teams are trying to AVOID any sort of expensive contract, to avoid luxury tax.
right now, the contracts that have the most value are non-guarenteed, and insured contracts (mobley anyone?)
maybe if we can do a draft pick+mobley+jefferies, there would be some takers.
Curry has an expiring contract with a player option (which he will 99% take) but after next season there is no way his contract runs on. He ispretty much the same deal as Harrington, Hughes, and Thomas were for us last season. The 2011 FA class is no slouch either as is 2012. For a team trying to puttogether $ for one of those years and looking for a center there is no reason to think Curry is completely untradeable. I mean we got rid of Jerome James causehe was expiring, if a team is looking for 2011 expiring deals, we may be able to trade them Curry. Its not like he has some ridiculous 6 year deal. He istechnically expiring but is essentially a 2 year deal. Which isnt bad. If you remember those were the players we were looking for last season. Not everyone islooking for the 2010 FA class for options.
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