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Originally Posted by The Game is a Foot

Why is everyone already jumping for joy? He hasn't even signed anything. It's really just media hearsay until there's an actual press conference with the man is holding up a Knick jersey.
THEGR8 might be happy with this news

Im telling you Knicks fanswe wont be dissapoinnted with this. Donnie knows his @!*+, this has been my man from ++%+%%* day 1. Sky is the limit for him forD'Antoni and i TRULY believe D'Antoni will blossom him into one of the premier up and coming floor generals in the east. He is not being brought uptto be a backup this is D'Antonis first big test with the Knicks, because in his offense as we know the guy running the floor is the X-factor and it lookslike it will be Sess, and i REALLY dont think we will be let down with Donni's eye and Mikes offensive system. I know its a 4 year deal but i believe thatin 2012, we will be like I cant beelieve he is only getting 6 mil a yr. If he can break out like i think he will next yr in our offense that will be a HUGEdrawing tool to FAs...


the clips are just odeyin the got baron davis and they interested in a.i and ramon lol
dont forget about Bassy...

The Clippers are what the Knicks used to be, i really just dont get them, they got no plan whatsoever. They are lucky as $*!% that Blake fell on their lapsbecause their managemnt dont know what he $*!% theyre doing...
Ehh Clips starting lineup is talented to say the least


Craig Smith

I don't think that team is bad at all.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Ehh Clips starting lineup is talented to say the least


Craig Smith

I don't think that team is bad at all.
thats a good video game line up, those players still need to mesh , which in sports is easier said then done
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Ehh Clips starting lineup is talented to say the least


Craig Smith

I don't think that team is bad at all.

It's talented, but no sense of direction. They just have a bunch of talent that just looks weird. Half of their team is injury prone and Thornton would bebetter suited off the bench. Luckily, they got Griffin. I still don't see him growing as a player in LAC though with that mixture of talent.
Originally Posted by Woodside718

Bucks have 7 days to match offer I think....
yeah but they reportedly wont, so while we didnt officially sign him yet, it looks like hes ours

Yea, it looks likes the door is closing for Nate. Sad.
i mean, i wouldnt say that just yet. Nate might still take the QO if he dont wanna go to Greece and if he has another great year at 6 man andpossibly takes 6th man of the yr this year which he very well could have this past season, and we still have signing room after whoever we get and we feel heis a necessary componentt for our future we may give him something long term for the right price... it could happen. We all know he wants to stay here, whichis why he may take the QO insstead of going overseas... but if he dont who can really blame him?

thats a good video game line up, those players still need to mesh , which in sports is easier said then done
exactly if it werent for obvious moves they make like Blake falling in their ap or evern EG at 7 that team is still garbage and management doesnot stop making head scatching moves. Thats why i compare them to what we used to be. I mean trading for Z Bo when you got Camby AND Kaman, signing B Diddy,etc etc... and now they STILL interested in Sess and AI apparently. If we somehow lose Sess to the Clips just to watch him go nowhere in the middle of that PGlogjam i will be heated cause he has WAY too much potential for that and NY is where that needs too be exploited...

Same goes for AI. He is one of my all-time favorite players and dude still has alot left in the tank, but if he goes to the Clips who already got Baron, Bassy,and EG he will no doubt fade into obscurity and i want nothing more than to see my dude AI go out strong and on a high note.

good pickup definitely but doesnt this put us in bad shape in 2010 for signing 2 max players?
this is *+#*!*@ nothing if we can package Curry or Jeffries in a sign and trade with a Lee or Nate who are more expendable with Sessions, inaddition to getting Douglas/Hill who are both similar to Nate/Lee except they are both younger and have more potential imo (although i love Lee and nate andwant them back bad and are def better players at the moment than the rookies)
Originally Posted by you go boy

good pickup definitely but doesnt this put us in bad shape in 2010 for signing 2 max players?
we already had problems getting 2 max contracts cause of the diminishing salary cap and curry. We will just have to wait and see, but I doubtit's possible.

but if we don't sign lee or we sign and trade him then signing sessions is less money spent

i would like to see nate on the lakes. Give him a shot on a real team. Win a chip if he can.
Originally Posted by xblker47

if we can trade Curry and Jeffries do we have a shot at two big FA??
it depends how much the salary drops... BUT if we trade BOTH of them i think at worst we can offer a max contract and another one with a highprice (not max) and at best 2 max deals.

But with the decrease in salary i doubt anyone can offer two ma deals next summer... if anyone could it will be us, but if the salary is only like $50 mil... 2max contracts almost completely takes that up already.

My prediction is that Walsh can get rid of Jeffries and provbably Curry as well with the leagues scarcity of centers, and i havve no doubt that he will makesure we can offer a max deal next summer. I also hihly doubt we will be able to throw out 2 max deals though unless the salary cap doesnt decrease as much astheyre saying... because we would have to have literally almost 0 salary to offer 2 max deals and we still have to pay Gallo, Chandler, or 2 picks this season,whoever we draft next year (if anyone), along with Sessions (from what it looks like, and whoever else we choose to retain from our current roster. And even ifwe clear as much cap space as we can i doubt that if the salary cap is $50 mil or nder we can give 2 max deals, maybe one and another hefty one like 10-15 mil,but idk about the likelihoods of any team giving 2 max deals.

and in other news...
Danilo Gallinari has told the New York Post that he is ready to become one of the faces of the Knicks.

"I'm up for that," Gallinari told The Post. "I think it's an honor for me and Will [Chandler] to have this responsibility, so we will work together to be as [good] as we can.

"I know [it's pressure], but it's what I like, because champions come out under pressure. If you are not responding under pressure, you're just a mediocre player, and I don't want to be a mediocre player, I want to be a champion. I want the pressure. Great players need that pressure."

Gallinari and Chandler will be the cornerstones of the Knicks next season if David Lee and Nate Robinson are both allowed to leave as free agents.

"We're just ready for the future, ready to be a contender in the NBA, ready to win," added Chandler. "If we do better next year, I think [stars like James or Wade] will definitely want to come to New York. We live in a great city, the best city supposedly. If we're winning, I think they'll come."



and just to reminice on old times since Nate/Lee may be out... i came across this pic


ima miss these dudes if they leave... I really consider Lee and Nate true Knicks because they here during the struggle and they still go to work night in andnight out and represent the city. They really know what being a Knick is all about and how to respect the Garden and understand the kind of honor it is to puton the orange and blue every night and what theyre playing for and being paid to do
Originally Posted by THE GR8

Yea, it looks likes the door is closing for Nate. Sad.
i mean, i wouldnt say that just yet. Nate might still take the QO if he dont wanna go to Greece and if he has another great year at 6 man and possibly takes 6th man of the yr this year which he very well could have this past season, and we still have signing room after whoever we get and we feel he is a necessary componentt for our future we may give him something long term for the right price... it could happen. We all know he wants to stay here, which is why he may take the QO insstead of going overseas... but if he dont who can really blame him?
lots of ifs, but I feel you. However, if Nate is feeling disrespected as report(s) say, wouldn't this signing strengthen the feeling? Theseare professionals, but they are human too. Nate must be feeling some sort of way, but hopefully what you say comes to fruition because I think Nate and Leeshould both be here when things turn around. I felt this way with Jamal, and last season would have been better, but business is business I suppose.
i dont get how nate "feels" disrespected. does he really think he earns that much?
i mean, almost every single fan loves him, in no way is he "disrespected", but i agree with your last statement.
smh at us declining a deal to get garnett for frye back in 2007

"I know [it's pressure], but it's what I like, because champions come out under pressure. If you are notresponding under pressure, you're just a mediocre player, and I don't want to be a mediocre player, I want to be a champion. I want the pressure. Greatplayers need that pressure."

There was an article a few pages back about Nate and Lee feeling disrespected. I didn't read it because it sounded like rubbish, at the time. However,actions as of late would point to those sentiments being true.
yeah i know, but it seemed to me everything was just media produced.
make them say a few words, and turn their meanings around.
guess marbury bad talking the team/managment wasnt all wrong

curry cant sniff the line up
lee/nate feel disrespected by managment
z-bo-crawford-q richardson, have all been traded at least one other time after getting dealt from the knicks

maybe he was right all along
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