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if we can get Nate with a qualifying offer
I just don't understand what Nate's position on the team would be. We got Douglas to do what he Nate does, and I think he can fill that role. He'snot a point guard and we have enough guards who like to chuck already.

At this point, Lee>Nate
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

I just don't understand what Nate's position on the team would be. We got Douglas to do what he Nate does, and I think he can fill that role. He's not a point guard and we have enough guards who like to chuck already.

At this point, Lee>Nate
Nate MAY be the best bench player in the NBa and brings INSTANT energy, he is also our best athlete and one of our best shooters. If you dontthink we can use that, you must be on something. If Nate came back he would gonrght back to 6th man behind Sess (probably) which would be the same thin he didlast year to Duhon. There are very few if any better at the 6th man spot than Nate, and Douglas can ride the bench for a few years while Nate is here. Hes noteven closeto Nate's level of talent yet. Hes still a rookie. Remember Nate dropped over 17 a game off the bench last year. He would completely have a rollon this team and imo for a reasonable contract would be worth getting long term to fill that role because very few are better and a player like that is aCOLOSSAL help to a championship team. (Hense why teams like Orlando and the Lakers like him)
^again, you let your homerism take over.
if he signs for a 3year extension for 3mil each year, im all for it, but if hes just going to take the QO, as much as i would love him, ill take douglas.
he's shown potential to be a great backup/6th man role, just like nate in the summer league games. his shooting is streaky, but he has a MUCH better passfirst ability to backup sessions (if we sign him), and can play the 2 if we want to play both of them at the same time.
why not let him develop? that is how we get better right?
and by the way, i love nate. no *%+$.
Originally Posted by BangDak

^again, you let your homerism take over.
if he signs for a 3year extension for 3mil each year, im all for it, but if hes just going to take the QO, as much as i would love him, ill take douglas.
he's shown potential to be a great backup/6th man role, just like nate in the summer league games. his shooting is streaky, but he has a MUCH better pass first ability to backup sessions (if we sign him), and can play the 2 if we want to play both of them at the same time.
why not let him develop? that is how we get better right?
and by the way, i love nate. no *%+$.
if we want to win this year... which we should. We should gladly take Nate anyway we can. Dont go overboard. I like Douglas but he was the 29 thpick in a weak draft (although imo he was a big time steal) Its not that i dont think hes gonna be a player or anything, but he is not an NBA 6th man as arookie. Nate is one of the best in the business and if you replaced him with Douglass we would probably have one of the worst. This is NOT homerism, was Natenot 2nd place in 6th man of the year voting? Ill let the facts do the talking. He dropped 17+ a game and at times wqs doing WAY more than that. His energy isalso invaluable. If you think that we are not alot worse off with Douglas as 6th man over Nate i dont know what you are thinking. I like Douglas but he has notproven anything yet and right now he does not posses NEARLY the amount of skill that Nate has. Im not saying dont develop him, he should get time but in no wayshould he be the 6th man right off the bat. Dont foget there was alot of times this season where Nate WAS our best player. Douglas is good and i think he hasthe potential to be better than Nate, but for now there is no question who the better player is.
you said dude can ride the bench for a few years.
now i understand your point, but how can he develop if his PT is all going towards nate?
theres no doubt nate is the better player atm, but happens in 1 or 2 years, no one can tell.
Originally Posted by BangDak

you said dude can ride the bench for a few years.
now i understand your point, but how can he develop if his PT is all going towards nate?
theres no doubt nate is the better player atm, but happens in 1 or 2 years, no one can tell.
He can still develop with moderate playing time. He can take Nate's role, but he's not ready for it. He can learn from just watching Nateon the floor.
Originally Posted by MayhemMonkey000

Originally Posted by BangDak

you said dude can ride the bench for a few years.
now i understand your point, but how can he develop if his PT is all going towards nate?
theres no doubt nate is the better player atm, but happens in 1 or 2 years, no one can tell.
He can still develop with moderate playing time. He can take Nate's role, but he's not ready for it. He can learn from just watching Nate on the floor.
exactly dude isnt ready to step in and play that role right away

EDIT: from realgm...

The Knicks are currently the only serious bidder for Sessions.

[h1]Bosh laughs at idea of Knicks[/h1]
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Ismail Humet is a huge Knickshttp://shots.snap.com/explore/95876... Knicks&src=&cp=&asp=Knicks&dfs=10&tol=engageNew York Knicks� fan who attends Hofstra University andhad high hopes about his club making hay in 2010's free-agent class.

That is, until he had a taped phone conversation with Chris Bosh, who broke into a laughing fit at the notion of signing with the Knicks next summer.

The entire conversation can be seen on http://www.ustream.tv/ustream.com. Bosh's reps taped the contest giveaway. It is arecent trend of athletes promoting themselves on their own through ustream.

In the video below, Humet gets a 3 a.m. phone call from Bosh, letting him know his younger brother had won "The Most Dirtiest Sneakers'' contest.During the phone call, Bosh tells Humet he will receive a gift -- a Bosh autographed pair of sneakers in the mail.

Humet replied, "I appreciate that, but you know what's a better gift? Come to the New York Knicks next season."

Bosh and his manager, Hadi Teherany, laughed at the suggestion, laughed the rest of the call, and even laughed after he hung up.

"I've been a diehard Knicks fan following them through the tough times and everyone's talking about 2010,'' Humet told me on the phonetoday. "But it doesn't seem stars want to come. To hear Bosh laughing it off, I was surprised. I was expecting some kind of response. I didn't sayit like it was a joke. After (Grant) Hill and (Jason) Kidd not coming, you wonder.''

Most people in the NBA believe free-agents-to-be LeBron James and Dwyane Wade will end up staying where they are. Bosh and Amare Stoudemire are thelikeliest to bolt.

But if you watch Bosh's reaction, bolting to New York is strictly a laughing matter.
Never liked Bosh anyway.

It didn't even sound like he was laughing at the idea of playing for the Knicks...just the fact that dude came out of left field with his request.

Media always looking for the controversial story.
Ehh w.e who cares. Bosh will never win a ring anyway.

Btw, i dont like this "game" Donnie is playing. He is being too patient on the offer to sessions. Even if we are the only serious bidder, it'stoo risky to play this waiting game. You never know when some other team is gonna jump in. Just give him the 4 year offer already and lets move on. I'mgonna go crazy (in a bad way) if we somehow end up with andre miller for 1 year instead of sessions for 3-5 years.

he is incredibly overrated anyway

i can understand players not wanting to come to the knciks because of dolan though. I really think players know not to mess with that piece of crap.
The majority of Knicks fans will counter-laugh, run through the five stages of grief as quickly as possible, and try and convince their friends that "it's okay, we don't want Bosh! We have better options out there... James, Wade, Stoudemire."

Yet, a simple laugh at that question would be enough for them to give up on Bosh and take that as a sign that he doesn't want to play for their lowly franchise. But flash back to March 5th, 2008, in Madison Square Garden. LeBron James scores 50 points, leading the Cavaliers to victory over the Knicks as a grateful fan storms the court to congratulate him. In the post-game this question that just won't die comes up.

LeBron James on whether he has ever thought about playing for the New York Knicks: ''No, that might be worse than that fan running out on the court.''


Of course ESPN swept this quotable under the table as quickly as possible, but I know Knicks fans saw it. So, a laugh at that question is enough to deter them, yet LeBron James saying how bad playing for the Knicks is apparently isn't enough for them to toss out their King James onesies.

That laugh wasn't in response to the idea of playing for the Knicks, but as mentioned, how dude came out of left field with the question. And I'venever seen that quote from Lebron. If true, $!+@ that pansy.
Whatever... there is no sense in getting worked up at all in regards to all the rumors, all the little side comments, all the "inside sources", allof it.

I'd LOVE to see Lebron in a Knicks uniform. No doubt about that.

If he stays in Cleveland, I'll be disappointed, but I'll live.

Right now all I care about is getting our young players PT and experience. Gallinari staying healthy, Chandler adding to his game, Hill to adjust well to theNBA and for the love of God stay in shape... we already have one overweight big man. Plus try to move the bad contracts we have.

That's what interests me this season. After the season's over, THEN I worry about FA and the circus that will be Lebron's decision.
All the rumors and speculation about 2010, i could care less about what any player has to say about it. All i can say is money talks
Originally Posted by southzeztpdot

How can a team wait to just pick up some superstar wanting money. how about develop your own talent?
Develop talent?... What do you call Nate and Lee? How about us working on the Rooster? How about Hill who want to be our PF of the future andDouglas hoping he would be our 6th man of the future?

And this isn't the NFL or MLB. You have a 15 man roster, you can't waste that much space on developing talent...
Originally Posted by southzeztpdot

How can a team wait to just pick up some superstar wanting money. how about develop your own talent?
Every East team is getting better right now. If you really think about it we are 1 superstar away from being an eastern conference final team. Weprobably have the best young talent in the league (except for maybe the thunder).

nate? lee? hill? douglas? gallo? chandler?

Thats the definition of rebuiling. Develop your young talent (check), get rid of huge contracts (check), and pick up that one superstar who wants money(______).
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