Wait so now Charlotte isn't a good playoff team?

I'm pretty sure a lot of people said they were one of the tougher lower seeds out there.

Just saying, but you're right.. Cavs/Celtics isn't over.
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

Lebron takes the endorsement stuff too serious. Label torn off gatorade? You should have just signed with them.

uhh Lebron is sponsored by powerade....
Originally Posted by belle155

wowowow just got home from downtown a little bit ago

felt like a funeral in that arena. not to be a debbie downer but that arena cleared out EARLY and i was thinkin thats what all the games are gonna look like next year

no clue why bron was so passive but like jamison said, we go like lebron goes. ive been watching bron play for 8 or 9 years and that was one of the worst games ive ever seen especially considering the magnitude of the game. so bron didnt attack, the whole team played bad. shaq was the only one who had a decent game numbers wise. that being said i still think shaq being on the floor hurts more than helps. lebron is (we thought) the best scorer or has the ability to get to the rim like few in the league but we keep dumping it down to 17 year vet shaq and the offense slows to a stand still. what we're doing obviously isnt working so why doesnt our coach switch it up? why not just try JJ and jamario. its obvious hes been outcoached and Doc is exploiting mo all day long. mo isnt scoring, he cant guard anybody. what is he doing out there? at least get a bigger guy out there that can get a hand in rays face. throw moon out there. hes one of those long defenders we needed and got but now never use. start JJ like he started 70+ times in the regular season for us. get the athletic and fast guys out there and RUN. this team shouldnt be pounding the ball and shooting at the end of every shot clock we should run the ball on the break off every rebound.

series isnt looking good but its technically not over yet. whats coach cal doing next year? he was sitting on the sidelines today at the game. maybe if we fire mike brown and have dan gilbert give coach cal a contract lebron would stay here. while we have made strides under mike brown as our coach, he is better off as an assistant.

man i sure hope that wasnt lebrons last game here. i did take a few extra pics tho just in case...........

see ya thursday

PS wheres the rest of the cavs fans at!

like i said before they traded for jamison if it aint broke dont try to fix it smh
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Wait so now Charlotte isn't a good playoff team?
Charlotte was a good defensive team, but an absolute joke on offense. Gameplanning for their offense could have been done at 6:58  for a 7:05 tip. Sorry, but I just have trouble respecting them when we blew them out by 30 3 times in a regular season where we didn't care for 80% of the games. I think Atlanta's the only 1-4 seed that wouldn't have swept them.
This series is of epic proportions. Cavs lose and the most dominant player for the next 10 years is clearly gone. There's just no way he stays if he loses in the second round.

I honestly don't think he was trying to throw this game or anything, I think he just got straight bullied by the Celtics. Every time he tried to get to the basket they just grabbed him. Now there was clearly something up with his shot but he had ZERO help from his team and that blame should be on Mike Brown. Role players are going to have off games and it's up to the coach to make those adjustments. He failed to make any necessary adjustments and that's what killed them. Anthony Parker and Mo Williams should have BEEN replaced and he didn't do anything about it. Anthony Parker's soft +@$ is killing the Cavs right now. Move Jamison to SF and start Andy at the 4. Flops for days, he'll have KG pissed (that could be a good or bad thing)

But without a doubt, the Celtics clearly have their swagger back.
Originally Posted by OneTrust

Originally Posted by knightngale

when was the last time a kobe led team was blown out in the playoffs at home or during a crucial game while leading the BEST TEAM in the league and HOME COURT ADVANTAGE and was considered the best player and MVP of the league?  Also while looking like he didnt give a damn during the game?

And this is the EXACT reason why EVERYONE hates the majority of Lebron fans.  You guys are the SAME ones that talk out your !$% and then it ends up biting you back. 

Before you other lebron fans come in here and say "don't put us all in the same category, etc"...Let's be real.  There are FAR more lebron fans like this guy that do this, than there are that don't.  It's no coincidence that EVERY kobe hater i know is a lebron fan. 

Anyway, I only got to see the first half but that was a pathetic performance and kobe looked CRAZY disinterested.  I still feel that this is HIS year and he'll pull out the W, but a crazy loss like this makes me almost feel like maybe he isn't destined to win.
see what i did there?

dude give it a rest. your hate for the lakers and kobe in particular is not gonna magically make all those banners hanging in the rafters dissapear. stop wasting ur time

The few people with common sense/ rational thinking skills are refreshing. I am actually leaning towards the Cavs winning game 6 and setting up an epic game 7. If I had to pick, I'm going Cavs in 7. LeBron will not sleep tonight and I don't see him repeating this performance. Call me stupid. I don't care. I'm not a LeBron fan or anything. I can easily see this fueling him to an epic 2-game performance. Quote me and laugh if the Cavs lose. I just don't see it happening in these next two games. I'll take LeBron with a chip on his shoulder any day of the week.
Originally Posted by bijald0331

The few people with common sense/ rational thinking skills are refreshing. I am actually leaning towards the Cavs winning game 6 and setting up an epic game 7. If I had to pick, I'm going Cavs in 7. LeBron will not sleep tonight and I don't see him repeating this performance. Call me stupid. I don't care. I'm not a LeBron fan or anything. I can easily see this fueling him to an epic 2-game performance. Quote me and laugh if the Cavs lose. I just don't see it happening in these next two games. I'll take LeBron with a chip on his shoulder any day of the week.
EXACTLY. people celebrate too soon... never doubt the pride of a man...
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by bijald0331

The few people with common sense/ rational thinking skills are refreshing. I am actually leaning towards the Cavs winning game 6 and setting up an epic game 7. If I had to pick, I'm going Cavs in 7. LeBron will not sleep tonight and I don't see him repeating this performance. Call me stupid. I don't care. I'm not a LeBron fan or anything. I can easily see this fueling him to an epic 2-game performance. Quote me and laugh if the Cavs lose. I just don't see it happening in these next two games. I'll take LeBron with a chip on his shoulder any day of the week.
EXACTLY. people celebrate too soon... never doubt the pride of a man...
You've made post after post pro-Cleveland, in this series.

Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by bijald0331

The few people with common sense/ rational thinking skills are refreshing. I am actually leaning towards the Cavs winning game 6 and setting up an epic game 7. If I had to pick, I'm going Cavs in 7. LeBron will not sleep tonight and I don't see him repeating this performance. Call me stupid. I don't care. I'm not a LeBron fan or anything. I can easily see this fueling him to an epic 2-game performance. Quote me and laugh if the Cavs lose. I just don't see it happening in these next two games. I'll take LeBron with a chip on his shoulder any day of the week.
EXACTLY. people celebrate too soon... never doubt the pride of a man...

if i were the celtics if lebron starts playing well early, would give him a real hard foul,  nothing to serious but something that would make him reconsider driving to the basket, get him out of his game early.
Originally Posted by hellomarco

Originally Posted by purpleRElGN

pierce hates the cavs too much. poor little kid.

i woulda did the same thing. if i was pierce i woulda thought,  "screw that little bastid comming into my arena wearing a lebron jersey trying to tap me up, go hug lebrons leg or somethin"
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

So, let me get this str8. I'm a bad fan cause I expect great players to play great? Yall NT cats are some damn clowns I swear. Look, if Lebron is gonna look, talk, appear, and play disinterested in what amounts to a elimination game, you damn right I'm gonna say other teams can have him because obviously he aint bulit or have the heart to be a champion. Also, reading is fundamental, but then again this is NT and you cats only read parts of people posts so yall can make jokes and jump to conclusions. I did say I still believe it's possible, the +%%*$* just need to man the @@@% up. Lebron is a great player, he needs to play like it, and his teammates need to play like NBA players instead of some rec league cats. Shaq the only one who played wit some damn heart. I wish Bron had half of Kobe's cold bloodedness in him, but the %%!%! don't cause he's from Akron. I'll see yall on Thursday, quote away suckas

heart to be a champion ? YOU'RE FROM CLEVELAND you don't deserve Lebron
I dunno why some of yall are pointing the finger at Mike Brown for last night's loss. We all know he sucks as a coach, but who would have ever thought Lebron would have been so passive/disinterested in playing last night? The loss falls SOLELY on Bron's shoulders....Mike Brown can only do so much. Rondo was taken out of the game in the 1st half...but like MANY of us said...that leaves Paul Pierce alone to do his damn thing. There is no one (aside from Bron) who can check that dude 1-on-1, so it was easy to see that he would have a nice game.

Not for nothing...but the Q has been mostly silent for a lot of the playoffs...even when yall were winning. I dunno if the fans are spoiled or what, but I don't see how there is any homecourt advantage for the Cavs when they play there. Even when the Cavs were down by as little as 5 points last night, the crowd was out of it. That's pathetic.
Let's just take it one game at a time now, but if we keep putting forth this effort, our season will be over on Thursday
^LeBron didnt even guard Rondo on all but about 2 possessions all game tho. Paul Pierce was just due, period. It was LeBron guarding him for the most part, he just had his night & got off.

And LeBron didnt "give up". But this was the first time in his career where he let the pressure of the moment get the best of him. He looked tight/tense as HELL out there, and everybody in the arena (including his teammates) could feel it...and I dont want to hear the excuse of LeBron not having good teammates either, not this year. Maybe the individual pieces dont mesh well together in the playoffs, but you can't say he doesnt have talent. Not this year. One of the top 3 deepest teams in the league. The reason why he has that holier than thou attitude is because he seems to never be held accountable.

The biggest problem with this team is that they are frontrunners, plain and simple. They've shown that for the past couple years. When they are going against inferior teams, they celebrate like the scene in Office Space after they think they hit a lick. When the pressure is on in situations that matter, this seems to happen.

Kobe actually has about 3-4 games in his career where he has had similar efforts, but it was never because he was scared of the moment. It was more so of a "F*ck You" to his coach & teammates for saying he shoots too much or throwing his teammates under the bus for not being up to par with him. We all know Kobe aint the greatest teammate in the world. Not saying that's any better or worse than what happened to LeBron last night
, but those are two different vibes....LeBron is still the best individual player in the league, that can't be argued at this point. But he doesnt have the best championship makeup either.
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