Fragment Design x Retro 1 High OG - Dec 27, 2014

Estimated delivery of 1/6/2015 got me thinking what if they're taking these extra days to weed out bot/ATC users...

If so, son...
Out before the salty haters rejoice at this possibility 
resellers were waiting this release to solve their lives economic problems..lmao..this is a very nice colorway, worth some extra money maybe but it has nothing could easily be a GR.

I've never seen you in the AJ1 thread...

This possibly your first pair? Just wondering
Estimated delivery of 1/6/2015 got me thinking what if they're taking these extra days to weed out bot/ATC users...

If so, son...
Out before the salty haters rejoice at this possibility 
I doubt it.

I was thinking the same thing when I noticed the estimated shipping date
I ordered some from the other day and I git the same date but, when I got my tracking number a checked it, it said delivery for 29-12,-14.

I'm guessing they gave that estimate to give delivery teams some breathing room.

It would be a nice surprise is some just appeared on line though, that happened the other day with OJ 1 Gum Bottoms.
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o_O.... Handing over bank details is irrelevant . You would still have to go through the human authentication process eg video quiz, I don't  see folks with these ATC services doing that for every single customer; not to mention it would be plane stupid, as you would be doing the same thing yourself anyway, if something like what I proposed  was put in place.

The bottom line is this CAN be done no if's or's or but's about it. Companies are out there using this technology today, 'Nike' just has to do it.
If there is a 'video quiz' this would be the same as a captcha.  The problem is that the video quiz has a predetermined correct answer and that can be coded around.
Estimated delivery of 1/6/2015 got me thinking what if they're taking these extra days to weed out bot/ATC users...

If so, son...
Out before the salty haters rejoice at this possibility 
That would be nice. They should do that just like KithNYC. I say thumbs up to cancelled ATC/Bot orders.
That would be nice. They should do that just like KithNYC. I say thumbs up to cancelled ATC/Bot orders.
would be nice but its more of a holiday thing.  I ordered the Christmas KD's and shipping is set for Jan 5 - the Nike folks said it wouldn't ship out until tomorrow which is the delay
they are selling for much less on facebook.

seen a size 11 sell for a little over $500.

I'd def pull the trigger on that price Zyzz

Stop sleeping lol

Yea i missed it but then again, its on facebook. way too many scams on these groups. cant trust no one, srsly.

theres a dude with DS banned 1's for $900 but too rich for my blood. Sure i could sell one of my breds and get em but yea i dont wanna part with any of em (im weird :lol: )
they fell only because of two huge restocks.

The funny thing is that the NYC's should still be valued high because only one store sells them. Frag's were sold all around the world. Whereas the NYC's are only in New York(weren't even sold online). A person like me in California had access to getting the Frag's, but I was SOL on getting the NYC's(which I wanted more). Even if the NYC's dropped four times with 800 pairs each time, that's still only 3,200 pairs being released for the whole world. If prices keep falling that's great for those who want them, but the fact of the matter is it's still a very rare Air Jordan. The market is funny.
The funny thing is that the NYC's should still be valued high because only one store sells them. Frag's were sold all around the world. Whereas the NYC's are only in New York(weren't even sold online). A person like me in California had access to getting the Frag's, but I was SOL on getting the NYC's(which I wanted more). Even if the NYC's dropped four times with 800 pairs each time, that's still only 3,200 pairs being released for the whole world. If prices keep falling that's great for those who want them, but the fact of the matter is it's still a very rare Air Jordan. The market is funny.
yep...its dropping now but the true value will show once the restocks stop and there are few on ebay.
they fell only because of two huge restocks.

The funny thing is that the NYC's should still be valued high because only one store sells them. Frag's were sold all around the world. Whereas the NYC's are only in New York(weren't even sold online). A person like me in California had access to getting the Frag's, but I was SOL on getting the NYC's(which I wanted more). Even if the NYC's dropped four times with 800 pairs each time, that's still only 3,200 pairs being released for the whole world. If prices keep falling that's great for those who want them, but the fact of the matter is it's still a very rare Air Jordan. The market is funny.
I think its more perceived value to those who are buying because of limitedness. They're not looking at the actual amount of pairs released, they're looking at it as "this shoe as restocked x amount of times already" -- and will probably keep getting restocked throughout the year.
The funny thing is that the NYC's should still be valued high because only one store sells them. Frag's were sold all around the world. Whereas the NYC's are only in New York(weren't even sold online). A person like me in California had access to getting the Frag's, but I was SOL on getting the NYC's(which I wanted more). Even if the NYC's dropped four times with 800 pairs each time, that's still only 3,200 pairs being released for the whole world. If prices keep falling that's great for those who want them, but the fact of the matter is it's still a very rare Air Jordan. The market is funny.
yup the market makes no sense oftentimes. But once the dust settles those nycs will shoot right back up.
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